volume entry

[ˈvɑljum ˈɛntri][ˈvɔlju:m ˈentri]


  • It can be used to create a new virtual machine add a volume to the machine and define machine templates via a cloud entry point .

    它可以用于创建新的虚拟机,扩充机器的 容量,以及通过云 接入点定义机器模板。

  • Like the volume feed described in Listing 1 this feed contains a set of < entry > elements each representing a book in the user 's library .

    与清单1中展示的 提要一样,该提要包含一组 元素,每个元素表示用户图书馆中的一本书。

  • The circulation gas volume which was the base of in-furnace gas circulation made great sense to the Dry Coke Quenching Process and had a direct influence on the temperature of coke exhaust and the temperature of boiler entry .

    循环 风量作为干熄炉内气体循环的基准对干熄焦工艺有着重要意义,它直接影响干熄炉内的排焦温度和锅炉 入口温度。