volume compressor

[ˈvɑljum kəmˈprɛsɚ][ˈvɔlju:m kəmˈpresə]


  • In the air drilling work the discharge volume of compressor working under variable operating conditions is an important well drilling standard parameter .

    空气钻井作业中 压缩机在变工况条件下运行时的排气 是一个重要的钻井规范参数。

  • The paper discusses the variability of the influence factors of volumetric coefficient-clearance volume pressure ratio coefficient of expansion which has a specific effect upon the ventilation of the piston compressor .

    论述了容积系数的影响因素余隙 容积、压力比、膨胀指数的大小变化对活塞式 压缩机排气量的具体影响情况。

  • This type of compressor has simple construction a small amount of spare parts small volume size and high efficiency . It is very efficient to be applied to air refrigerating and small air compressor rough vacuum pump and high pressure fan .

    这种压缩器结构简单、零件数量少、 体积尺寸小和效率高,可很好地应用于空气制冷空调器及用做小型气体 压缩机、粗真空泵、高压风机。

  • The relationship between the volume of working chambers and rotating angles is the basis to do the thermodynamic calculation for the internal-meshing rotary compressor .

    内啮合转子 压缩机工作腔 容积和转角变化的关系是进行 压缩机热力计算的基础,目前还缺乏相应的计算公式。

  • The primary design of refueling station is analyzed and the volume choice of gas storage and compressor is introduced to a standard refueling station which offers ten thousand cubic meet per day .

    分析了加气站的初步设计过程,并以日加气 1万m3的常规站为例介绍了其储气装置 容积压缩机 容量的选择;

  • Finally by use of the approximation approach by use the ratio of specific volume between inlet and outlet of compressor simulation convert helium compressor property with the testing of air is feasible .

    采用 压气机进出口 比容比相等的近似模化方法,用空气试验模拟换算氦气压气机特性是可行的。

  • Plenum volume has specific effects on compressor test results especially on surge margin of test compressor .

    压气机试验器中,试验件排气节流 腔的 大小压气机 特性试验结果,特别是对喘振边界有较显著的影响。

  • Design of Small - volume Plenum for Small Flow Rate Compressor Test Rig

    小型 压气机试验器 小容腔节流装置的设计

  • This paper presents the choice principle of the type exhaust pressure of air compressor range of main reservoir pressure calculation and choice of cylinder volume of air compressor and cubic capacity of main reservoir that affects the ability of air supply on locomotive .

    介绍了影响机车风源系统供风能力的空气压缩机型式、空气压缩机排气压力、总风缸压力范围的选取原则以及空气 压缩机 排气量与总风缸 容积的计算与选择方法。

  • Use Variable Volume Ratio Control in Screw Compressor for Ice Thermal Storage Application

    采用可变内容 比技术的螺杆 压缩机在冰蓄冷空调系统中的应用

  • The research of the suck pressure the suck temperature and the discharge pressure 's impact on the discharge volume of the compressor working under changing operating mode will play an extremely important instruction role to the application of compressor in air drilling .

    研究 压缩机变工况运行时吸气压力、吸气温度和排气压力对排气 的影响对于压缩机在空气钻井作业中的应用将起到十分重要的指导作用。

  • The discharged air volume and output of oxygen and nitrogen are increased obviously after some measures such as replacement of the rotor of the air compressor being taken so that the demand for production is satisfied .

    采取更换空 压机转子等措施后, 压机的排气 和氧、氮产品产量都有了明显增加,满足了生产需要。

  • INTERNAL VOLUME REFRIGERATING RATIO OF SCROLL COMPRESSOR Determination of Carbon Deposited on Catalysts by Gas Chromatography

    涡旋制冷 压缩机的结构内容 比气相色谱法测定催化剂中的积碳量

  • Volume viscosity is added in the equation to simulate the fluid viscosity to the effect on rotor flow field and numerical simulation is carried out on inner flow field in compressor rotor with curved blade .

    方程中增加了粘性 体积力项来模拟流体粘性对转子流场的影响,并对带弯曲叶片的 压缩机转子的内部流场进行了数值模拟。

  • The design of small volume plenum for small compressor test rig is very difficult from the small dimension of facility high speed and small flow rate of compressor .

    对于小型 压气机试验器,因设备尺寸小,试验件转速高、流量小等特点,使得 小容腔节流装置的设计难度加大。

  • The scale of CNG refueling station for vehicle determines the volume of the group gas storage cylinder and capacity of compressor .

    本文对储气瓶组的储气能力进行 计算,合理的选择 压缩机 容量,分析加气站的规模。

  • Small volume Compared to the reciprocating compressor the volume of scroll compressor is greatly reduced and save the assembly space .

    体积小涡旋 压缩机和往复式相比, 体积大大缩小,节约了装配空间。

  • The principle is the use of blade open and closed actions to achieve volume changes and then completed compressor suction and discharge process .

    它的工作原理是利用吸气叶片与排气叶片的开闭来实现密闭 容积的变化从而完成 压缩机的吸气和排气过程。

  • Due to large power of modern communication equipment and high heat output of unit volume even in the cold winter equipment room still need refrigeration through air compressor continuously in order to keep the room temperature in safe range .

    由于现代通信设备功率负荷大,单位 体积发热高,即使在寒冷的冬季,机房仍然需要通过空调 压缩机不断制冷,达到通信设备对环境温度的要求。

  • According to the volume compressor 's quasi-linear relationship between flow rate and rotational speed it was pointed out that the high speed compressor which provides large flow rate under small package can satisfy the basic demand of fuel cells on vehicles .

    根据 容积 压缩机的流量和转速成准线性关系的特性,指出高转速压缩机能够在小容积下提供相对较大的空气流量,符合车载燃料电池的基本要求。

  • The hydrogen storage volume has significant influence on the compressor performance when the size of reactor is fixed .

    在给定工况及反应床尺寸下,储氢罐 容积压缩机性能有较大的影响。

  • Gas composition volume flow rate axial power pressure and temperature of inlet and discharge gases of the compressor have been evaluated with the international general standard .

    采用国际通用标准对 压缩机气体组成、 容积流量、轴功率、进排气压力和进排气温度等指标进行了测定。

  • Many scholars and researchers of home and oversea have attached importance to PMSM because of its small volume high power density high efficiency and power factor More and more air conditioning manufacturers to the permanent magnet synchronous motor applied in variable frequency air conditioner compressor .

    永磁同步电机由于 体积小、功率密度高、效率和功率因素高等优点得到了国内外相关领域学者和研究人员的广泛重视,越来越多的空调厂商把永磁同步电动机应用在变频空调 压缩机中。

  • An elemental control volume model of compressor in turbojet engine

    涡喷发动机 压气机的单元控制 模型

  • The calculations are conducted and compared on the gas transmitting volume transmitting distance pipe diameter and compressor power for the gas pipelines with and without inner coating respectively .

    分别从输 、输送距离、管径和 压缩机功率这4个方面对有、无内涂层的天然气管道进行了比较计算。

  • If you would rather have this volume fader control output we suggest that you set up the compressor directly between the source and the mixer channel 's input .

    如果你宁愿使用 音量推子去控制输出,我们建议你直接在音源和调音台的输入通道中设置 压缩器