voluntary control

[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri kənˈtrol][ˈvɔləntəri kənˈtrəul]


  • Lack of coordination especially a lack of normal voluntary and harmonious control of muscular movement .

    失调不协调,尤指缺少正常的 自制 和肌肉运动的不协调。

  • Conclusion No insular activation indicates that voluntary control of swallow in patients is decreased which may lead to delayed pharyngeal swallow .

    结论患者在 自主吞咽过程中没有岛叶激活提示 自主吞咽脑区功能异常,可能与吞咽延迟有关。

  • The university has shown strong subject consciousness and under the guidance of which it has become the voluntary act of an university to control more and make full use of limited economic resources and realize its development and prosperity while effectively serving society .

    在这种主体意识支配下,如何 控制更多的经济资源,并充分利用有限的经济资源,在高效服务社会的同时,实现自身发展和壮大,成为大学的 自觉行动。

  • During talks in New Delhi yesterday India China Brazil and South Africa agreed to formally submit their own voluntary carbon emission control plans to the UN by January 31 .

    在昨日的新德里商谈期间,印度、中国、巴西和南非同意在1月31日前向联合国正式递交各自的 自愿碳排放 控制计划。

  • Voluntary choice by the treatment of patients will be divided into 25 patients in the combination therapy group 13 cases Western medicine alone control group of 12 cases .

    将25例患者随机分为中西医结合治疗组13例,单纯 西医治疗 对照组12例。

  • Voluntary Import Control Program

    美国石油进口 自愿 控制计划

  • In a voluntary cervical motion the neuromotor control exercised by the central nervous system determines the time intensity and a nature of excitation of agonists and antagonist muscles .

    在颈椎 主动运动的过程中,由中枢神经所 支配的神经运动取决于主动肌和拮抗肌刺激反应的时间和紧张程度。

  • Objective : To study the HIV infection status of the consulters in the HIV Voluntary Counseling & testing ( VCT ) clinic of Shangqiu center for disease control and prevention in order to provide the reference for HIV / AIDS prevention and control in Shangqiu city .

    目的:了解2005年商丘市疾病预防 控制中心艾滋病 自愿咨询检测(HIVvoluntarycounseling&testing,VCT)门诊求询者HIV感染状况,为本市艾滋病的预防控制提供依据。

  • Methods : 60 patients who were voluntary to accept painless induced abortion were randomly divided into group R ( remifentanil group ) group RM ( midazolam and remifentanil group ) and control group .

    方法:选择 自愿作无痛人流术患者60例,随机分为3组,即瑞芬太尼组(R组)、咪唑安定复合瑞芬太尼组(RM组)及 对照组。

  • In the following part of this section three characteristics of freedom are discussed : the voluntary to enter the game non-practical interests of the game and the ease of physical control .

    第二节论述了竞技的第一个本质属性&自由性,分析了它所包含的三个方面的内容,即竞技主体进入游戏的 自愿性、游戏目的的非实利性以及对身体 控制的自如性。

  • Voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge . The man swore an accusation against her .

    自控对大小便的 自发 控制那人控告她并发誓说控告属实。

  • In current society actively respond to adults private voluntary control of sex at the same time to strengthen the protection of human rights to minors .

    在积极回应社会现状,放宽对成年人 自愿、私人的性行为的 管制的同时,要大力加强对未成年人性权利的保护。

  • The Relationship between Voluntary Disclosure of Internal Control Audit Report and Ownership Structure

    自愿性内部 控制审核披露与所有权结构的关系&基于深市上市公司2008年报数据

  • Electrode readings of activity in brain regions linked to voluntary behavior in a control group ( red ) and people who read a passage discrediting free will ( blue ) .

    一项 测试证明,当人们读到怀疑自由的文章时,他们脑中与 自愿行为相关的区域活动会立即降低。

  • Status of HIV infection among voluntary blood donation population and relevant control measures

    无偿献血人群艾滋病病毒感染状况调查及 控制措施

  • District Convention the basis of the operation of community and the key components for fork low has the features of regional voluntary internal control and economy and so on .

    小区公约是小区自治的基础,是民间法的重要组成部分,具有地域性、 自发性内控性与经济性等特点。

  • Driving is a voluntary risk that people feel ( correctly or not ) that they can control .

    开车是一个 自愿的风险,人们认为(无论是否正确)他们可以 控制

  • When the swallowing reflex is started the propulsion of food is no longer within the scope of voluntary control .

    吞咽反射开始时,食物的推进已不再受 意志 控制

  • This thesis studies agency conflicts between big shareholders and small shareholders influence of voluntary disclosure internal control attestation reports .

    因而本文研究大股东和中小股东之间的代理冲突对公司内部 控制鉴证报告 自愿性披露的影响。

  • The blowhole is a flap of skin that is thought to open and close under the voluntary control of the animal .

    呼吸孔是一个被认为能在动物 自动 控制下开启和关闭的皮肤风口片。

  • The results show that : ( 1 ) Voluntary saccade is much more influenced by motion perception because it is more cohesive to the central cognitive control .

    结果表明:(1) 自主性眼跳与中枢认知 控制联系更紧密,受到似动运动知觉的影响更大。

  • The treatment of verruca plana verruca vulgaris and three kinds of patients with plantar warts according to the order and voluntary principles are divided into A group ( treatment group ) and B ( control group ) .

    将就诊的扁平疣,寻常疣,及跖疣三种患者按先后顺序和 自愿原则分别分为A组(治疗组)和B组( 对照组)。

  • It focuses on the classification of voluntary fair algorithm randomly selected RBAC access control methods and the system part of the implementation code and the sample of the running results .

    着重阐述了分级 志愿随机筛选的公平算法与RBAC权限 控制方法,并给出了系统的部分实现代码与运行结果示例。

  • Twenty voluntary physical examinees or relatives of the patients at the same period were taken as controls ( control group ) .

    选择本院同期体检 自愿者或患者家属20例作为 对照组。

  • Methods : 135 voluntary primiparas with head presentation were observed . At the same time 190 women were control group by random in the same conditions then observe their delivery process and results .

    方法:选择临床 自愿吸入氧化亚氮混合气体无痛分娩的第1胎头位的初产妇135例为观察组,随机抽取同期分娩的产妇190例为 对照组,观察其分娩过程及结局。

  • TBAC model is a voluntary kind of access control model providing dynamic authorization .

    TBAC模型是一种 主动的能够提供动态授权方式的访问 控制模型。