volume distribution

[ˈvɑljum ˌdɪstrəˈbjuʃən][ˈvɔlju:m ˌdistriˈbju:ʃən]


  • Freight volume distribution and traffic assignment are two key problems in transportation planning . However the existing models have some defects .

    运量 分布与交通分配是交通规划中的两个关键问题,但现有模型在我国城市交通规划的实际应用中存在不少问题。

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume and Red Blood Cell Volume Distribution Width in the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy

    检测红细胞 体积和红细胞 分布宽度在妊娠合并缺铁性贫血诊断中的价值

  • Arguably this is the broadest range of stand-up paddle boards on the market with a unique balance of SUP-specific volume distribution and rocker .

    SUP可说是目前市场上板体最宽的立式划板,并于 容量 分布和弧形线条两方面取得独特的平衡。

  • Some kind of usual specific surface distribution curve and accumulative total porous volume distribution curve model of coal reservoirs in the basin are summarized in this paper .

    总结了鄂尔多斯盆地煤储层几种常见的比表面积分布曲线及累计孔 体积 分布曲线模型。

  • This paper mainly discusses the problems in large scale traffic volume distribution which includes the selection of distribution models the data preconditioning and the valuation of large sparse matrixes for certain kinds of goods etc.

    探讨了大规模铁路 运量 分布研究中的几个问题:分布模型的选择、数据的预处理及在对某些品类货物预测时稀疏矩阵的赋值等。

  • Neutrophil volume distribution width : a novel index of acute bacterial infection

    中性粒细胞 体积 分布宽度&一种新的急性细菌感染实用临床指标

  • Measurement and evaluation principle and methodology of quantum yield composition of photostationary state free volume distribution of the polymer bulk and so on were introduced in detail for cis-trans photoisomerizations in such solid matrix under π π or n excitations .

    对此种体系在π,π~和n,π~激发条件下光化学顺反异构化的量子产率、光稳态组成以及所在聚合物体系中的自由 体积 分布等的测定方法和原理进行了详细的介绍。

  • Clinic significance of red blood cell volume distribution width in anemic patients

    红细胞 体积 分布宽度在贫血诊断中的临床意义

  • After that according to the previous research results this paper established the warehouse layout optimization and freight volume distribution model which is based on the minimum cost principle .

    在此基础上,本文借鉴前人的研究成果,建立了基于总成本最小的仓库布局及物 流量 分配模型。

  • Clinical Value of RBC Volume Distribution Width for Diagnosis of Child Iron Deficiency Anemia

    红细胞 体积 分布宽度对小儿缺铁性贫血诊断的临床价值

  • Objective To investigate the red blood cell volume distribution width ( RDW1 CV ) in the differential diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) from thalassemia ( Thal ) .

    目的:探讨在血常规检测中红细胞 体积 分布宽度(RDW-CV)鉴别缺铁性贫血(IDA)和地中海贫血(Thal)的简易方法。

  • The revaluation of the effect of the erythro-cyte volume distribution curves on identify-ing

    尿红细胞 容积 分布曲线在血尿鉴别中的再评价

  • Analysis and computation show that the improved increasing coefficient model and physical analogue model are suitable to the prediction of large scale railway origin destination traffic volume distribution .

    分析及实际计算表明,改进后的增长系数模型和物理类比模型较适合于大规模铁路区域OD 分布预测;

  • Line packet traffic forecast the first line of packet traffic and the relationship between economic growth analysis the total volume of the macro-line package predictive value volume distribution as a reference and basis for prediction .

    在行包运量预测方面,首先对行包运量与经济增长之间的关系进行分析,得出行包总运量的宏观预测值,以此作为 运量 分布预测的参照和依据。

  • Recently there are some models to solve trip distribution . But the most of them can not be used for highway transportation planning . In this paper we introduce two kinds of models for application and calibration of traffic volume distribution in highway transportation planning .

    交通 分布在公路网络规划中是非常重要的环节之一,目前解决交通量分市模型很多,但真正用于公路运输系统网络规划不多,本论文主要介绍两种交通量分布模型的应用和标定。

  • It uniquely provides number and volume distribution in once measurement in the range of 1 ~ 120 μ m.

    该仪器是唯一能在一次测量中给出数量和 体积粒度 分布的粒度分析仪,其测量范围为1~120μm。

  • The volume flow amount is also calculated . The dimension variation law for rolling flange ring and the volume distribution law for its rolling blank are derived from the axial volume flow .

    根据轴向体积流动规律导出了法兰环件轧制尺寸变化规律和其各种轧制用毛坯的 体积 分配规律。

  • A Study on Large Scale Railway Origin Destination Traffic Volume Distribution

    大规模铁路 运量 分布研究

  • Wood CT Image Registration Based on Improved Partial Volume Distribution and Genetics Algorithm

    基于改进的 PV 插值和遗传算法的木材CT图像配准

  • Study of the Significance of Red Blood Cell Volume Distribution Width 's Chang in Chronic Heart Failure Patients

    慢性心力衰竭患者红细胞 体积 分布宽度变化意义的初步探讨

  • Considering the traffic volume distribution of the interchange the grade is determined .

    在综合考虑交通 分布 情况的基础上,确定了互通等级;

  • Combinatorial model involving mixed deterministic freight volume distribution and user 's equilibrium

    混合交通 运量 分布与均衡配流组合模型研究

  • Study on the volume distribution effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal of series oxidation ponds

    串联氧化塘中氮、磷去除的 容积 分配效应的研究

  • Experimental study of the red blood cell volume distribution width in iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia

    红细胞 体积 分布宽度在地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血中的实验研究

  • In this paper on the basis of these two theories I construct the formula of the interaction force that imposed on ' the Clients ' from the warehouse . Also I establish the warehouse layout optimization and freight volume distribution model based on the maximal interaction force .

    本文利用这两个理论,得出仓库对服务对象的作用力公式,并提出基于作用力最大的仓库布局及物 流量 分配模型。

  • Study on Traffic Volume Distribution in Traffic Transportation Network

    关于交通运输网络 运量 分配的研究

  • Primary Study on Relation between Hydrocarbon Pools ' Volume Distribution and Geological Models

    油气藏 规模 分布 模型和地质模型的关系初探

  • Water volume distribution with this method reflects the initial water right allocation priority of water source area and the waterfront . This program has simple and easy operation before any feasible water allocation scheme is brought out .

    采用此方法进行 水量 分配体现了初始水权分配的效益优先、水源地优先和近水区域优先的分配原则,在没有可行性水量分配方案之前,此方案简单易行,适于操作。

  • Relation between the Volume - weighted and Number - weighted Grain Volume Distribution Function

    体积权重与个数权重晶粒 体积 分布 特征的相互关系