
[ˌvɔ:lt][ˌvɒlt ˈfɑ:s]


  • She seems to have compromised her earlier views somewhat by going along with her party 's volte-face on defence .

    随着她 所在 对国防 政策 转变,她好像已经就她起初的观点 了妥协。

  • Some observers have blamed the volte-face on lobbying inside the senior echelons of the European Central Bank .

    一些观察员认为,欧洲央行( ecb)高层内部的游说,是这种 态度 转变 原因

  • Herlatest speech represents a complete volte-face in governmentthinking .

    她最近的 讲话表明政府观点完全改变了。

  • Optimal reentry volte-face trajectory and control for hypersonic spacecraft

    高超声速航天器最优 再入 回转轨迹与控制

  • You say I did a volte-face but we are going back many years now he said .

    “你会说我是 两面 ,但我们早已走上正轨,”他说。

  • Spacecraft control laws for volte-face reentry motion are explored .

    探讨了 高超 声速 回转 再入的控制 方法

  • The day 's events were a remarkable volte-face .

    当日发生的事件是一次惊人的 转折