voltage step


  • The quality of the output voltage in step level inverters could be improved both by the scheme of amplitude modulation and by the scheme of phase modulation .

    通过调节各阶梯电平的幅度或各 阶梯电平的相角都可以达到改善逆变电源输出 电压质量的目的。

  • The validity of the conclusion is proved by the analysis of transient response of stator current under a voltage step disturbance while the motor is situated in stable state .

    并通过对稳态时定子电流在 电压 干扰下的暂态响应分析,验证了结论的有效性。

  • Voltage step and hysteresis effects have been observed for the first time in magnetoresistance measurement in applied magnetic field at 77 K.

    在液氮温区首次观测到由外加静磁场引起的 电压 台阶与滞后效应,用颗粒和弱连接有效钉扎模型对其进行了分析。

  • The constant current . the constant voltage and step current controlling techniques are used in the system also with the functions for half of full wave welding .

    该控制系统还应用了恒流、 恒压、电流 阶梯 上升等质量监控技术及具有半波焊接、全波焊接等综合功能。

  • Effects of no load voltage step response index on disturbance quality of power system for self excited shunt excitation system

    自并励励磁系统发电机空载 电压 响应指标对电力系统扰动品质的影响

  • A type of voltage step - up / down converter

    一种升降 转换器

  • It does however provide a means of keeping the voltage change per step within per miscible limits .

    然而,这确实提供了保持 每步 电压变化在允许范围内的方法。

  • This paper introduces the resistance the voltage and the step by step testing method of three auto circuit faults .

    介绍3种常用的汽车电路故障的电阻、 电压分步试验检测法及其操作方法。

  • In Chapter 6 as examples the grounding nets of two substations in Zhumadian are designed and reconstructed . After improvement the grounding resistance the touch voltage and the step voltage arrive to the requirement .

    第六章结合驻马店市电业局两个变电站接地网设计及改造的具体实例,因地制宜地做出了设计及改造方案,实施后接地电阻、接触 电压 跨步电压均达到要求。

  • A new digital control scheme for DC DC converter with variable voltage step feedback was presented and it is based on the Buck converter of no ADC single comparator and constant voltage step feedback .

    本文在已有的单比较器恒定步长反馈数控Buck转换器的基础上,提出了一类变 步长反馈的方案。

  • Because it is difficult to determine the voltage step of the disturbance observation this thesis introduces an improved disturbance observation .

    针对扰动观察法 步长难确定的问题,提出了一种改进扰动观察法。

  • Analysis and Improvement of OP Amp Voltage Attenuator 's Step Response

    运放 电压衰减器 响应分析与改进

  • Previously subject to the limitations of science and technology early power system design workers more concerned with power plant or substation equipment or man-made causes of single-phase ground short of the roadblock when the voltage step and contact security .

    以往受科学技术的限制,早期的电力系统工作者设计时比较重视变电所或电厂内人为或设备原因造成单相接地短路障时的 跨步及接触 电压安全。

  • Based on the solution of 2-D Poisson equation an analytical model for optimization of SOI high voltage devices with step doping profile in drift region is proposed .

    基于分区求解二维泊松方程,提出了 阶梯掺杂漂移区SOI 高压器件的浓度分布优化模型。

  • A Adjusting Voltage Step Motor Driving Circuit by Dividing Frequency Used in NC Machine Tool

    用于数控机床的分频段调 电机驱动电路

  • The Study on the Control Method of the Thyristor Voltage Regulator on Step

    可控硅 分级 电压调节器控制方法的研究

  • The goal of substations grounding system design is to ensure the power system when it is at fault by cutting off power supply quickly or restricted the contact voltage and step voltage which maybe threat personal safety .

    发变电站的接地系统的设计目标是为了保证在电力系统发生故障时,快速切断电源或者限制产生接触 电压 跨步电压至人体可承受的范围来保证工作人员的人身安全。

  • A novel SOI high voltage device with step buried oxide fixed charges ( SBOC ) is proposed and the breakdown model based on the 2-D Poisson equation is developed .

    提出了具有 阶梯分布埋氧层固定电荷(SBOC)SOI新型 高压器件,并借助求解多区二维泊松方程建立其击穿电压模型,对阶梯数n从0到∞时的器件击穿特性进行了研究。

  • In Recent years multilevel inverter synthesizing the output voltage with a step pulse has been widely used in high capacity and high voltage applications .

    近些年来, 阶梯波调制方法在高电压、大容量多 电平逆变器中得到了广泛的应用。

  • An Analytical Model for Optimizing SOI High Voltage Device with Step Doping Profile in Drift Region

    阶梯掺杂漂移区SOI 高压器件浓度分布优化模型

  • For the measurement of impulse voltages it is valuable to reconstruct the input voltage wave on the high voltage side using the measured output voltage wave and the step response of the measuring system .

    在冲击电压测量中,利用测到的输出 电压波形和测量系统的方 响应来重建高压侧的输入电压波形是有价值的。

  • Determination of the generation lifetime and surface generation velocity by voltage step method


  • The number of test step test voltage step duration rate of rise can be adjusted at will .

    试验级数、 电压 等级耐压时间、电压上升率等均任意可调。

  • To equalize the potential and decrease touch voltage and step voltage on the earths surface an optimum design of grounding systems is proposed in this paper .

    本文详细分析了人体的安全电压、接地电流和对地电压、接触 电压 跨步电压,论述了电气设备的接地保护必要性。

  • Thewenin s equivalent circuit of capacitor with initial voltage is given through step function representation .

    利用阶 函数表示响应的时间段给出了具有初始 电压电容的戴维南等效电路。

  • An improved voltage regulating system was proposed which can increase its stability and acquire the stepless linear regulation in any voltage step .

    提出采用多级变压与分配控制和辅助调节器的改进电压调节系统,可提高其稳定性和在任一 电压 阶梯内获得无级线性调节。

  • The setting range of no load voltage step response index for self excited shunt excitation system is put forward .

    对自并励静止励磁系统 发电机空载 指标提出整定范围。

  • However Applying a voltage step to a ceramic capacitor causes a large current surge that stores energy in the inductances of the power leads .

    然而,实际应用中的 电压 在陶瓷电容上可能产生较大的浪涌电流,并在电源电感中贮藏能量。

  • To determine the leakage current at a particular voltage apply a step voltage of this magnitude to the circuit .

    为了确定特定 电压下的漏流,可以向该电路施加一个该幅值的 电压。