


  • The conidia may also transform into villous conidia .

    分生孢子还可以转化成长 柔毛分生孢子。

  • Results : MMP-9 and TIMP-1 mRNA were expressed in trophoblast or vassal wall of villous stroma or decidual tissue .

    结果MMP-9及TIMP-1mRNA主要表达于滋养细胞、 绒毛间质血管壁及蜕膜组织中;

  • Objective : To study the induction of apoptosis of villous cells by diagnostic ultrasound .

    目的:通过研究诊断级超声诱导 早孕 绒毛细胞凋亡的 可能性来评价 孕期超声诊断的安全性。

  • The LST cell strain derived from villous adenoma displayed various atypical hyperplasia .

    LST细胞株的 组织来源为 轻度不典型增生 腺瘤。

  • Film dispersion together with a probe supersonic method were used to prepare nano-liposomes containing volatile oil extracted from villous amomum fruits .

    采用薄膜分散与探头超声相结合的方法制备 砂仁挥发油纳米脂质体,并对其形貌、大小进行了分析。

  • These included rectal carcinoma 13 villous adenoma 12 and other benign lesions 5 cases .

    其中直肠癌13例,直肠 绒毛 腺瘤12例,其他良性疾病5例。

  • The edge of the carcinoma arising in the villous adenoma is seen here .

    图示 腺瘤 恶变的癌边缘。

  • Objective : To investigate the localization and quantity of ferritin in placental villous tissue and its implications .

    目的:通过了解铁蛋白在 胎盘组织中的定位及含量,探讨其在母胎铁转运中的作用。

  • RV mainly infects the mature villous epithelium cells .

    RV主要感染小肠成熟 绒毛上皮细胞。

  • Effects of diagnostic ultrasound on human villous and deciduas cells in early pregnancy

    诊断剂量的超声辐射对人类早孕 绒毛和蜕膜组织细胞的影响

  • Leptin expressed on the placenta villous syncytiotrophoblast .

    Leptin主要表达于胎盘合体 滋养层细胞的胞浆中。

  • There is a high canceration of polyps in the left colon villous adenomas and ≥ 2.0 cm polyps .

    左半结肠息肉、 直径≥2.0cm息肉、 绒毛 腺瘤容易癌变;

  • A villous formation surface or coating . Inner and outside of scaffolding outside of operation platform should hung up of protection mesh .

    绒毛 绒毛 的形态、表面或外层2内外脚手架外侧操作层满挂密目网。

  • Small intestinal villous height was measured by Tiger Cell Picture Analysis System ( TCM-100 ) .

    应用组织学技术和Tiger细胞图象分析系统,观测小肠 绒毛高度的变化。

  • Effects of Chicken Yolk Antibodies Additive and Aureomycin on Small Intestinal Villous Height in Meat Ducks

    卵黄抗体和金霉素对肉鸭小肠 绒毛高度的影响

  • This paper introduces the structure and the function of the hepatic portal system peribiliary portal system villous portal system islet-exocrine portal system salivary gland portal system in the digestive system .

    本文介绍了消化系统中的肝门脉系统、胆周门脉系统、小肠 绒毛门脉系统、胰岛&外分泌门脉系统和唾液腺门脉系统的结构和功能。

  • The effect of tamoxifen combined with mifepristone on the expression of LIF in early pregnant human villous tissue

    三苯氧胺联合米非司酮对早孕 绒毛LIF表达的影响

  • Expressions of Bcl 2 and caspase 3 in villous tissues were detected by immunohistochemical staining ( SABC method ) .

    采用免疫组化染色方法检测 早孕妇女的 绒毛组织中Bcl2和caspase3的表达。

  • Pathological results revealed 14 cases with rectal villous adenoma and 13 with rectal adenocarcinoma .

    病理示直肠 绒毛 腺瘤14例、直肠腺癌13例, 后者 包括pTis2例,pT16例和pT25例。

  • Objective To study radiologic features of villous tumors of the colon .

    目的研究结肠 绒毛 腺瘤X表现的特点。

  • The tumor cells could invade the villous stroma and capillary .

    瘤细胞可侵及 绒毛间质和毛细血管。

  • Determination of cholinesterase activity of villous cells in early pregnancy

    60 早孕 绒毛细胞胆碱酯酶活性测定

  • Research for physical and chemical properties of villous bamboo fiber in this paper .

    研究 竹原纤维的理化性能。

  • The neoplastic glands are long and frond-like similar to those seen in a villous adenoma .

    肿瘤腺体长并呈叶状,与 腺瘤所见相似。

  • Results Canceration was found in25of70patients with villous adenomas ( 35.7 % ) .

    结果25例(35.7%)直肠 绒毛 腺瘤已发生癌变。

  • Study on the Relationship between the Expressions of PAF-R and VEGF in Villous Tissues and Early Spontaneous Abortion


  • Petiole ( 2 - ) 4-11 cm white maculate densely villous .

    叶柄(2-)4-11厘米,白色具斑点,密被 柔毛