volume unit

[ˈvɑljum ˈjunɪt][ˈvɔlju:m ˈju:nit]


  • Using a diamond drill instead of the test hole to examine volume unit weight and to inspect pressure water testing for impermeability and quality .

    应用金刚石钻机代替挖试坑法检测 砌体 容重及定期进行压水试验以检查、控制砌体透水率的质量控制方法。

  • With the FEM 3-D multiple-layer RVU ( representative volume unit ) model is established a set of essential boundary conditions for the RVU is specified and the homogenized stress and strain the porosity of material in every layer can be computed .

    利用有限元方法建立代表 单元 (RVU)的三维多层模型,并施加必要的边界条件,计算出各层的平均应力应变。

  • Some important formulas and parameters of resistance of grain to airflow path ratio velocity of air leaving ducts and opening in area air volume per unit and velocity of air leaving grain mass are worked out or selected .

    计算和选择出粮层阻力、途径比、管道表观风速与开孔率、 单位 风量与粮面表观风速等重要公式和参数。

  • At first the layered rock mass was regarded as a composite with representative element volume ( unit cell ) periodic repetition rank .

    即是,将层状岩体看作由代表性单元 单胞)周期性重复排列组成的复合岩体。

  • Traditional theory of chemical diffusion in solid states can not describe the relation of diffusion fluxes and diffusion-induced stresses because the research subject of the traditional theory is the diffusing atom or atomic flux not the volume unit in the interdiffusion field .

    传统固体化学扩散理论的研究对象是扩散的原子或原子流,并不关心互扩散区域内微观 体积 单元的变化,因此无法描述原子扩散流与应力之间的关系。

  • Conclusion : When DNA content on tumor tissue section were measured with cell image analyzer DNA content in volume unit of whole nuclei should be obtained and DI was calculated .

    结论:使用细胞图像分析仪对组织切片内细胞核DNA含量进行定量分析时,应以 单个完整细胞核 体积的DNA含量为 单位,计算DI值。

  • The expressions of lever coefficients are obtained according to four factors of the sales volume unit gross profit period fixed cost interest in the different conditions .

    根据 销售量单位毛利、期间固定成本、债务利息四个因素的不同状态,得到了相应的杠杆系数表达式。

  • The more density the more volume per unit area the less volume per tree .

    密度越大,单株材积越小,但 单位面积 蓄积越大;

  • Angle . ( 3 ) SNPA ( seed number per unit pod area ) and SVPA ( seed volume per unit pod area ) decreased exponentially as the increasing of single pod area .

    单位角果皮面积承担的籽粒数(SNPA)和 单位角果皮面积承担的籽粒 体积(SVPA)随角果增大而呈指数曲线下降。

  • The reactor volume of demonstration unit is 300 times as large as that of laboratory scale .

    从实验室到工业试验 装置放大约300倍, 运转稳定。

  • Firstly the computer simulating model of the limited volume unit is established . Then PET is chosen as sample . Generally under predetermined nucleation condition the course of PET isothermally crystallized at 170 C in limited volume unit is simulated .

    计算机模拟实验首先建立了有限 体积 模型,然后选定了PET为样品,一般模拟其在预先成核条件下、170℃时的等温结晶过程。

  • The effects of different shape width and height of ridges on increasing the land 's surface area and ridge volume per unit land are compared .

    比较了不同垄形、垄宽和垄高在增加 单位土地表面积和垄 体积方面的效果。

  • According to the ratio difference of volume unit weight ( volume / weight ) between the trucks and the goods an optimization algorithm is designed in the combinatorial theory on the basis of different benchmarks .

    根据货物与货车在 容重比(体积/重量)上的差异,结合组合理论设计了基于匹配和标杆思想的多车、多品种装载算法。

  • A volume is a standard unit of secondary storage .

    是辅助存储设备的一种标准 单位

  • In this article the author introduces the methods of calculating accurately the cost of construction item by the unit method the volume method the unit area method and stored project method for winning the contract and gaining profit .

    主要介绍了运用单位法、 体积法、 单位面积法及分部分项法对建筑工程项目的成本进行正确估算,并运用适当的策略和经验,使企业获得最大的中标可能和利润。

  • SU-8 micro reaction pools are made to contain detection solution to reduce reagent volume and unit cost .

    SU-8微反应池用来盛装反应溶液以降低反应液 用量单片成本。

  • Calculation of prostate PSA density : serum PSA / prostate volume . ( unit : ug / ml / cc ) .

    前列腺PSA体积密度的计算:血清PSA值/前列腺 体积 单位:ng/(ml·cm3)w_3032。

  • The volume of basic unit and the leakage line length as a function of turning angle are defined .

    确定了任意转角位置处的基 容积 大小及漏泄线长度;

  • To eliminate physical differences of the patients the liver volume in unit per body surface area was counted .

    为排除体格差异,再根据体表面积,求出每 单位体表面积的肝脏 体积

  • To remove a volume from a tape unit or a direct access device .

    从磁带 或直接存取设备上取下一个

  • The fractional change in length or area or volume per unit change in temperature at a given constant pressure .

    在恒定压力下长度或面积或 体积的微小变化和 单位温度变化的比值。

  • Then an optimization model of a single goal is set up with the application of the gray method of prediction to predict the sales volume of the unit book number .

    第二步建立一个单目标的优化模型,运用灰色预测的方法预测出 单位书号的 销售量

  • The analytical results show that when the scattering media is involved the radiant heat transfer between the volume unit and surface unit is degraded because of the scattering thermal resistance of the volume unit .

    分析表明,当考虑参与介质的散射特性时,由于容积单元散射热阻的存在,使得 容积 单元与其他换热单元之间总热阻增大,因此介质的散射削弱了辐射热交换。

  • The Design of The New Type Volume Quantitative Unit

    新型 容积定量 装置的设计

  • Thus you might have a drawing for constant volume air terminal unit with reheat control diagram .

    因此,您可能需要提取的“恒定 体积空气终端 设备与热控制图”。

  • In order to maintain electrical neutrality some trivalent B ions oxidized to form B4 + which resulted in a net decrease in the average radius of the B ions as a result the volume of the unit cell decreases .

    为保持电中性,一些三价的B离子氧化变成四价的B离子,这一变化导致B位离子平均半径的减小,从而导致 晶胞的整体减小。

  • Construct complex layer corridor vegetation landscape to increase green volume per unit area to give full play of the overall ecological function of vegetation . 3 .

    构建复层廊道植被景观,提高 单位面积绿 ,充分发挥植被整体生态效应。

  • For heat equilibrium system of inert gas we deduce the formula of the collision induced total radiation power per unit volume per unit wavelength at the given wavelength .

    对于热平衡的惰性气体系统,推导出由碰撞引起的总辐射能量的公式(单位 体积,在给定波长的每 单位波长)。

  • To increase smoke extraction volume per unit area will improve its ability to remove smoke .

    提高 单位面积排烟 可提高烟气的排出能力。