volume resistance

[ˈvɑljum rɪˈzɪstəns][ˈvɔlju:m riˈzistəns]


  • Furthermore the effects of the anti-static agents containing different content of stannic oxide on the volume resistance mechanical properties and processability of nylon 6 were studied experimentally .

    探讨了不同二氧化锡溶胶 用量的抗静电剂对尼龙6材料的 电阻、力学性能和加工性能的影响。

  • Objective : To study the influence of Guanmaining ( GMN ) on the brain-blood flowing volume cerebrovascular resistance blood pressure and electrocardiogram ( ECG ) in anaesthetic dogs .

    目的:了解冠脉宁(GMN)对麻醉犬脑血 流量、脑血管 阻力、血压、心电图及心率作用的影响。

  • It is found that the volume resistance increases the electron gain and dark current decreases for MCP with film .

    结果表明,微通道板带膜后电子增益下降、 电阻增加、暗电流降低。

  • The volume resistance and surface resistance measured by three electrodes and the resistance between two electrodes ( R ) of carbon fiber reinforced cement ( CFRC ) were studied .

    研究四电极法中电板位置、电流 大小、交直流等对碳纤维水泥基复合材料(CFRC)圆柱试样 电阻率测试的影响。

  • It is concluded that the change of the levels of ANP and RAAS in the patients undergoing hysterectomy with 0 75 % bupivacaine EA plays an important role in maintaining and regulating effective circulatory blood volume and peripheral vessels resistance .

    提示0.75%布比卡因硬膜外麻醉行子宫切除术ANP和RAAS的变化,在维持和调节有效循环 血量及外周血管 阻力中发挥着重要的作用。

  • On the basis of Brace 's method of investigating surface conduction we analysed the experimental results by introducing two special terms namely the volume resistance coefficient and the surface conduction coefficient for a given wet rock sample .

    以Brace等人研究表面电导的方法为基础,我们引入给定含水岩样的 电阻系数和面电导系数两个专用术语以分析实验结果。

  • Studies of the measurement of volume resistance and resistivity for antistatic rubbers by using the non-contact method

    无接触法测量抗静电橡胶 体积 电阻率的研究

  • The model uses three-dimensional quasi-static equations and k-s turbulence closure scheme also introduces the effective air volume ratio and form resistance to analyse the influence of urban buildings to the air flow . This model also takes into account the energy balance within the canopy .

    该模式采用三维准静力方程组及k&ε湍流闭合方案,引入有效空气 体积比和形式 阻力,描述城市内建筑群对气流的作用,同时还考虑了冠层内的能量平衡。

  • The effects of AlN content on the thermal conductivity volume resistance mechanical properties and rheological behavior of the AlN / FEP composites were investigated based on a thermal conducting model .

    结合材料导热计算模型,分析了AlN含量对材料热导率、 体积 电阻率、力学以及流变性能的影响。

  • The shielding property of PP conductive compound filled with brass fiber and the relation between the filling ratio of brass fiber with the change of volume resistance were studied .

    本文就聚丙烯(PP)充填黄铜纤维导电性复合材料的屏蔽性能及黄铜纤维充填率与 体积 电阻率变化的关系进行了研究,并对电磁波屏蔽效果进行了测定。

  • It is found that for a given ventilation system where the air resistance or pressure in the branch changes the sensitivity index curve of variation of ventilation volume to that of resistance or pressure in the branch is defi - nite ;

    研究发现,对于一个确定的通风网络,当分支风阻或阻力改变时,各分支 风量 变化对其它巷道 风阻阻力变化的敏感指数曲线是确定的曲线;

  • In this paper the law of strength development volume stability and water resistance of fly ash backfill with the coexistence of waste chemical gypsum mineral additives activator and high-efficiency water reducer are explored .

    本文探索了粉煤灰回填材料在化工废石膏、矿物外加剂、激发剂和高效减水剂存在同时的强度发展规律、 体积稳定性、 耐水 等。

  • Experimental study of large volume of chloride slag resistance of high performance concrete

    大掺 矿粉 氯盐高性能混凝土试验研究

  • Kaolinite can increase the insulated intensity volume resistance of plastic .

    高岭土可增大材料的 体积、提高塑料的绝缘强度、 电阻,增强对红外线阻隔效果等;

  • This paper discusses the characteristics of the frequency conversion and amplitude reduction for the POGO accumulator And points out that the primary factor that affects the characteristics is the accumulator 's volume and liquid resistance of the joining pipeline .

    论述纵向耦合振动(POGO)蓄压器的变频降幅特性,指出其主要影响因素是蓄压器 容积及连接管路的液

  • It has been shown that the distilled rosin free of residues is suitable for non-dripping electric cable . The dielectric loss angle and coefficient of volume insulation resistance are 5-6 times higher than those of the common rosin .

    认为蒸馏去渣松香适合作电缆松香,其介质损失角、 体积 电阻率都比用普通松香时大5~6倍,适用于不满流电缆。

  • The experimental results show that the new processing technique has no effect on the volume resistance dark current and operating life has little effect on the gain of MCP the barrier film prepares by new technology is low carbon content .

    测试结果表明,新工艺不影响MCP的 电阻、暗电流和工作寿命,对MCP的电子增益影响较小,新工艺制备的防离子反馈膜膜层含碳量低。

  • More and more attentions are focused on it because of the advantages of anti-electromagnetic interference high accuracy small volume and corrosion resistance . They are especially applicable in large security protection systems ' nondestructive monitoring .

    光纤传感器由于具有抗电磁干扰、精度高、 体积小和 腐蚀等突出优点,越来越受到人们的关注,特别适用于大型安保系统的非破坏式入侵监控。

  • The volume resistance increase the electron gain dark current and detection efficiency decreases for MCP with film .

    MCP带膜后电子增益下降, 电阻增加,暗电流降低,探测效率下降。

  • It was due to the formation of hydration products by microsilica reacting with water . The aggregation of hydration products leads to the increase of both molecule volume and resistance of laminar flow so the viscosity of slurry increased .

    这是因为硅微粉与水反应形成水化产物,水化产物发生聚合,分子的 体积增大,使浆体层流 阻力增大,导致泥浆粘度上升。

  • At the control group the brachial artery diameter blood flow volume and resistance of blood flow did not change in 12th month vs 6th month .

    而对照组血流速度、血 流量、血流 阻力、肱动脉管径等指标治疗12个月与治疗6个月差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

  • Application Air Entrained Volume and Frost Resistance Class in Mix Ratio of Frost Resistance Concrete

    砼引 气量抗冻 等级在抗冻砼配合比中的作用

  • High volume specific resistance ( VSR ) instability of crimp and low friction coefficient are the troubles in spinning processing of PSA fiber brought difficulties in its yarn forming and more yarn hairiness .

    芳砜纶纤维具有 体积电阻高、卷曲稳定性差、摩擦因数偏低等特点,这些特点造成加工困难、成纱毛羽较多等问题。

  • Optical fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor boasts virtues of good insulation and high voltage small volume electromagnetic interference resistance etc so that it provides good solution for the power system temperature detection .

    光纤光栅温度传感器具有绝缘性好、耐高压、 体积小、 电磁干扰等优点,为电力系统温度检测提供了良好的技术方法。

  • The volume resistance of the Nylon 6 was decreased by 3 orders of magnitude and the mechanical performance was only slightly influenced by employing the anti-static agent .

    该抗静电剂可使尼龙6 体积 电阻率减少3个数量级,对尼龙6的力学性能影响不大。

  • The effect of a single variable on the composite volume resistance by maintaining other effect factors constant is analyzed respectively in the thesis .

    本论文采用控制单一变量 测定 电阻率的方法对影响复合材料导电性的因素进行了研究。

  • With the same additive volume the abrasive resistance of the coating increased as the size of the dispersion strengthening phase decreases ;

    在相同的 体积百分含量下,随着涂层中弥散强化相尺寸的减小,涂层的 耐磨 提高;

  • Meantime absorption value of iodine benzene and formaldehyde on bamboo charcoal and its volume electric resistance rate was determined .

    测定竹炭对碘、苯、甲醛等的吸附性能及竹炭 体积 电阻率,发现所用竹炭性能较好。