volume security

[ˈvɑljum sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ][ˈvɔlju:m siˈkjuəriti]

[计] 卷安全性卷保密

  • Successful deployment of this technology will be greatly beneficial for relaxing the energy crisis meeting the demand of electricity in volume and quality protecting the environment and ensuring the national security .

    这一技术的成功应用对于缓解能源危机、满足对电力 数量和质量的需求、保护生态环境和国家 安全都具有重大的意义。

  • Mobile storage mediums have become popular for their small volume and convenience resulting that information threat is more and more serious which is another subject in the field of computer security .

    移动存储介质因 体积小、使用便捷等优点而得到普及,随之产生的信息 威胁也日趋严重。

  • RFID chips have advantages of high volume high security high interference resistance short recognition time as time as well as low cost so RFID chips have very good application foregrounds .

    RFID芯片具有 数据 保密性高,抗干扰能力强,识别时间短,费用较低等优点,具有很好的应用前景。

  • The volume and accumulation of such stocks shall correspond to predetermined targets related solely to food security .

    此类库存的 数量和积累应符合仅与粮食 安全有关的预定指标。

  • For database hierarchy the database server stores massive volume of data information and data logics and all the security and integrity control data consistence concurrent operations related to data are accomplished in the database hierarchy .

    数据库层,数据库服务器存储 大量的数据信息和数据逻辑,所有与数据有关的 安全、完整性控制、数据的一致性、并发操作等都在数据库层完成。

  • The watermarking scheme not only contains volume the copyright information but also has a double security .

    该水印方案不仅使得包含的版权信息 大,而且具有双重的 安全性。

  • Pipeline transportation in the modern industrial processes are gaining in status with a large volume low energy consumption reliable security and continuity and other characteristics For crude oil natural gas and other special resources transportation has a great advantage .

    管道运输在现代工业生产过程中的地位越来越高,具有 运量大、能耗少、可靠 安全和连续性强等特点,对于原油、天然气等常规资源的运输具有很大优势。

  • For years the miners were willing to settle benchmark annual contracts below spot prices because they felt that volume security compensated for lower income .

    多年来,矿业企业之所以愿意将基准年度合同价格设定在低于现货价格的水平,是因为他们觉得,如能 保证购买 ,就可以补偿较低的收入。

  • High-speed railway has the characters of high speed large volume high security convenient and comfortable .

    高速铁路具有速度快、 运量大、 安全性高、方便舒适等优点。

  • Also available to volume licensing customers It gives companies more control over security features and how updates are installed .

    它让公司对 安全性能和安装更新的方法有更多的掌控。有 批量许可的顾客也可使用此版本。

  • It has the disadvantages of large volume of cliff mullock wide working site and low security to adopt ordinary cliff filling method to exploit deep-slope mine of 0.3 m to 0.8 m thickness .

    采用普通削壁充填法开采厚度在0.3~0.8m的急倾斜矿体,存在着削壁废石 大、采幅宽、作业面 安全性差等缺点。

  • Design real-time correlator using pattern correlation vulnerability correlation and statistical correlation to reduce the volume of security information depress false-positive and evaluate real-time network risk .

    以模式关联、漏洞关联和统计关联为基础,实现了对网络 安全信息的实时关联。实时关联可以有效精简 安全信息的 数量、降低误报率,同时可以对网络进行实时风险评估。

  • Compared with road traffic it has many advantages such as large traffic volume less pollution no level crossing with the urban road prompt security and comfort .

    与道路交通相比,其具有 运量大、时间 、污染少和 安全舒适以及与城市道路无平面交叉等无可比拟的优势。

  • Compared with the mainstream market the water heater designed by this program has such advantages : small volume low cost low operational costs security advantages and so on . It also can ease the grid load and has great potential for development .

    该热水器与市场主流的电热水器相比具有 体积小、成本低、运行费用低、 安全性好等优点,还可以缓解电网负荷,具有很大的开发潜力。

  • The recorder proposed has much characteristics such as large storage high reliability small volume light weight and low cost high information security convenience data management and so on . which provide important evidence for finalizing the UAVs'design .

    在实际应用中表明采用该记录器具有存储容量大,可靠性高, 体积小,重量轻,成本低,数据 安全性高,数据管理方便等特点,为无人机定型提供了重要的技术支持。

  • More and more attentions are focused on it because of the advantages of anti-electromagnetic interference high accuracy small volume and corrosion resistance . They are especially applicable in large security protection systems ' nondestructive monitoring .

    光纤传感器由于具有抗电磁干扰、精度高、 体积小和耐腐蚀等突出优点,越来越受到人们的关注,特别适用于大型 安保系统的非破坏式入侵监控。

  • This method decreases the volume of the instrument improves electric security and illuminating uniformity .

    采用积分 照明几何条件,提高了光 均匀性。

  • In the recent years the import volume of crude oil of our country has increased rapidly and the problem of petroleum security has attracted extensive attention .

    近年来我国原油进口 数量急剧增加,石油 安全问题引起广泛关注,而我国煤炭与天然气资源相对比较丰富。

  • Finally the functional models of code integrity validation in Vista the trusted chain and Full Volume Encryption security storage are established . The thesis aim is achieved .

    最后建立了Vista的代码完整性验证功能模型、信任链功能模型以及全 加密 安全存储功能模型,实现了本文的研究目标。

  • Uncertainties of inflows and loads are regarded as fuzzy numbers in this paper and reservoir volume 's constraints and lines ' security constraints are taken into account by fuzzy chance constraints and a linear programming is used to calculate the model in this paper .

    本文利用三角模糊数计及自然来水量及负荷的不确定性,用模糊机会约束来描述水库蓄水 约束及线路的 安全约束,并通过线性规划求解本文模型。

  • Cereal is one of the traditional trade products of China which has a great volume and influences the food security significantly .

    谷物是中国传统贸易产品,贸易 规模大,且对国家粮食 安全有着重要影响。

  • Understanding how a UNIX system places its data in its directories should be helpful in planning a volume configuration for your system to optimize performance and security .

    充分了解UNIX系统在目录中放置数据的方式,有助于为系统制定 配置计划,从而优化性能和 安全性。

  • Large volume so that security and convenience of e-commerce into a new topic .

    庞大的 交易 ,使 安全与便捷变为了电子商务的新话题。

  • The shield tunneling method are widely used in the construction of tunnels because of its security high mechanical degree well operational environment less earth volume quick progress strong adaptability less influence and high security .

    盾构法施工以其安全可靠、机械化程度高、工作环境好、土方 少、进度快、不同地质条件适应性强、对城市 建筑物的影响小等优点得以在地铁施工中广泛采用。

  • According to mine the total resistance and a reasonable choice of the total air volume of fan and motor to meet the security economic reliable requirements .

    根据矿井总阻力和总 风量选择合理的风机和电机,使其满足 安全、经济、可靠的要求。