



  • Newmark also divided texts into three different kinds which are expressive text informative text and vocative text .

    纽马克还将文本分成了三种类型,即表达型、信息型和 呼唤

  • So communicative translation is very necessary in legal translation in order to convey the vocative function of the source text .

    因此,为 传达原文本的 呼吁性功能,交际翻译方法在法律翻译中是十分必要和可行的。

  • THE SURVEY OF INTERNAL VOCATIVE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS The Case of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology

    大学生内部 称谓 使用情况调查&以 南理工学院为例

  • This article will delve further into the composition development evolution and the disposition relationship in terms of vocative used between couples .

    文章对 现代 汉语中夫妻 称呼 的组成、发展演变和 彼此之间的配置关系做了一些新的探讨。

  • There are four functions for the titles of living areas a part of the place titles as follows : informative expressive aesthetic and vocative functions based on an investigation .

    居民住宅区名称 属于地名范畴,通过语言的 、义 要素 互动 传达了名称的信息、表情、美感和 祈使四项功能。

  • Skopos-theory is originated from Germany which has important significance to the translation of informative text and vocative text .

    起源于德国的目的论对信息型与 呼唤 文本的翻译具有重要的指导意义。

  • And Newmark suggests communicative translation for vocative texts .

    对于 这种 类型文本的翻译,纽马克建议使用交际翻译方法。

  • After comparing and analyzing both kinds of food brochures the present study has the following findings : firstly food brochures have informative and vocative functions of which the vocative function plays a predominant role thus they belong to vocative texts .

    通过对汉语和英语两种食品宣传册进行对比分析,本文主要有以下发现:1、食品宣传册具有传递信息和 呼唤 大众 交际功能,且呼唤功能占主导地位,属于呼唤型文本。

  • The value of Ads lies in the fulfillment of their vocative function which is closely related to the cultural background and national feelings of target people .

    广告的价值在于实现其 呼唤功能,这一实现过程与目标人群的文化背景,民族情感密切相关。

  • The translation is in nature a cross-cultural communication . Tourist publicity materials are of a special text combining informative function with vocative function which results in unique translation principles and strategies .

    由于旅游宣传资料是一种特殊的文本类型,兼备信息功能和 呼唤功能,因此具有特殊的翻译原则和翻译方法。

  • According to it the translator should aim at fulfilling the communication of the vocative and informative function of tourism materials .

    文本 服务于译文读者,翻译时应遵循 读者第一的 原则,实现旅游资料对 译文 读者 感召和信息功能的交流。

  • The second part is devoted to the analysis of movie title translation from four aspects which are informative aspect cultural aspect aesthetic aspect and vocative aspect .

    本章首先从电影片名的四个作用方面分析了电影片名翻译 应该注意的问题,这四个方面主要是文化方面,信息方面,美学方面以及 感召方面。

  • Of the six language functions classified by Peter Newmark informative and vocative functions are dominant in product introductions .

    因而,在纽马克归纳的六种语言功能中,信息功能和 呼唤功能是产品说明的主要功能。

  • Fourthly the main problem in the C-E food brochures at present is that the informative and vocative functions of source language texts cannot realize effectively in the target language texts which is caused by the above three translation errors .

    目前汉英食品宣传册存在的主要问题是不能有效地实现信息传递和 呼唤 大众的功能,而该问题又是由以上三类翻译错误造成。

  • Based on these differences this thesis points out that tourism translation should conform to the principle of Skopostheorie to fulfill the vocative function .

    基于以上对比,本文指出,旅游资料的翻译应遵循目的原则,以实现旅游 资料 诱导功能。

  • The major function of tourism texts is vocative function .

    旅游文本的主要功能是 诱导功能。

  • According to Peter Newmark tourist writing has vocative function and focuses on readers .

    根据彼得·纽马克的理论,旅游 资料 属于呼唤功能 为主的文章,其核心是读者。

  • The informative function is the premise while the vocative function serves as the ultimate goal .

    信息功能是前提, 祈使功能是最终要达到的目的。

  • So film translation is a communicative and transcultural activity . It may be carried out under the skopos theory to complete the informative aesthetic and vocative functions and ultimately achieve its commercial value .

    因此电影翻译作为一种具有交际性的跨文化活动,应该在目的论的指导下进行翻译,实现其信息功能、审美功能以及 祈使功能,并且最终实现 片名的商业价值。

  • Vocative Text : the Translation of Brand Names


  • The film title as an important part of the film is of informative expressive and vocative functions and its translation is a challenging job .

    电影片名,作为电影的重要一部分,具有信息性、表达性和 号召性的功能,所以电影片名的翻译具有很强的挑战性。

  • Fundamentally speaking advertising language falls into the vocative or persuasive language which results in that the advertisers and the manufacturers rack their brains to use different language skills to realize their commercial purposes .

    从根本上说,广告语言属于 劝导说服性的语言。因此,广告商和生产商尽可能地采用 一切语言及非语言的技巧来实现广告宣传的目的。

  • And thus the author holds that the subtitles are the integration of informative text vocative text and expressive text but the informative function and the vocative function are predominant in languages functions of subtitles .

    通过分析,作者认为字幕文本是信息型文本、 呼唤 文本和表达型文本的有机结合,但其中信息功能和呼唤功能占主导地位。

  • According to Newmark communicative translation is suitable for both informative text and vocative text .

    根据纽马克的观点,信息型和 呼唤 文本适合用交际翻译法进行翻译。

  • Thus different national people may have their own vocative expressions .

    不同的民族有其不同的 称呼 系统

  • Cross-cultural Comparison of Vocative in Chinese and English Criticism Speech Act

    中英批评言语行为中 称呼 的跨文化对比研究

  • From the text-functional perspective The Gettysburg Address is a combination of expressive and vocative texts .

    从文本功能角度看《葛底斯堡演说》,它应该属于表达型和 呼唤 并重的文本。

  • In accordance with Peter Newmark 's functional translation typology this paper puts forward that a translator is entitled to eliminate errors and language defects in informative and vocative source texts and discusses by examples the categories of the defects their correction and improved SL translation .

    根据纽马克的功能翻译类型学,本文提出译者有权修改信息类与 感染 原文语言上的缺陷,举例讨论了缺陷的类型,其改正方法及改正后原文的翻译。

  • Pragmatic translation features largely in its practicable and content-centered style most texts of which can be classified into the two text categories defined in Newmark 's Text Typology with the functions respectively of the informative text and the vocative text .

    应用翻译是一种实用性强而又注重以内容为中心的翻译文体,其体裁大多可归属于纽马克(Newmark)界定的信息型和 呼唤 文本,它具有该类型文本的所有功能特性。

  • Informative function and vocative function are the main functions of publicity materials .

    信息功能和 祈使功能是其两大主要功能。