vitamin T

[化] 维生素T园醇母素[医] 维生素TT因子(获自串酵母,能刺激组织生长和再生)

  • Relationship between Serum Vitamin A and T-lymphocyte Subgroup in Cancer Patients

    肿瘤患者血清 维生素 AT 细胞亚群的相关性研究

  • Effects of vitamin E on T cell lipid peroxidation membrane fluidity and T cell functions in traumatized mice

    维生素E对创伤小鼠 T细胞功能以及脂质过氧化和膜流动性的影响

  • In vivo administration of vitamin E ( VE ) and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) reduced MDA contents of T cell post trauma obviously elevated T cell membrane fluidity and reversed suppressed T cell functions .

    维生素E(VE)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)体内应用可明显降低创伤小鼠 T细胞内MDA含量、提高T细胞膜的流动性,并可逆转T细胞功能的受抑状态。

  • The effect of dietary Vitamin A ( VA ) on antibody production and T lymphocytes proliferative response was determined in chickens from 20 to 35 d old .

    本研究测定了日粮中添加0~128μg/g 维生素 A(VA)时,雏鸡20~35d对β酪蛋白抗原刺激时特异抗体生成水平及 T淋巴细胞增殖活性。

  • Effects and Mechanism of Vitamin E on T Lymphocyte Differentiation in the Mice Thymus

    维生素E对胸腺 T细胞CD抗原分化及其作用机理的研究

  • The Influence of the Vitamin A Status in the Late Pregnant Women on Helper-T Cell in Cord Blood

    孕妇 妊娠末期 维生素A水平 脐血 辅助 T细胞 功能的影响

  • The new drier was applied in the vitamin C drying process with a capacity of 2 160 t / a and compared it with the conventional double cone rotating vacuum drier .

    将此干燥器应用于 2160t/a 维生素C干燥中,并与传统双锥回转真空干燥器进行了比较。

  • The changes of all the above parameters after treatment show that both thymosin and the larges doses of Vitamin C could improve the unbalance of the immune functions of RBC and T cells and also could decrease the lipid peroxide reaction .

    红细胞免疫粘附功能与OKT8和SOD呈正相关,与LPO呈负相关。经治疗后显示:胸腺肽和大剂量 维生素C可改善心肌炎患儿红细胞、 T细胞免疫功能失衡,降低脂质过氧化反应。

  • The effect of T_2 on the energy metabolism of rat myocardium and the protection of selenium and vitamin E

    T 2 毒素对大鼠心肌能量代谢的影响

  • The color stability of vitamin C tablets was studied using two-functional method ( temperature T relative humidity RH ) for screening and evaluating different vitamin C tablets formula .

    温度和湿度双因素试验法对 维生素C片处方进行筛选和评价。

  • The analysis of vitamin D receptor genotypes polymorphism and T lymphocyte subpopulations / natural killer cells in psoriatic patients

    银屑病患者 维生素D受体基因多态性与外周血NK细胞、 T淋巴细胞亚群分析