vitamin b6


  • Prohibit and use vitamin B6 hibernant spirit actor falls candy reserpine because these medicine can reduce Zun Xuan much cling to curative effect .

    禁止并用 维生素 b6、冬眠灵、优降糖、利血平,因为这些药可以降低左旋多巴的疗效。

  • The Food and Drug Administration 's ( FDA ) has ruled that the vitamin B6 compound pyridoxamine dihydrochloride cannot be used in dietary supplements .

    美国食品药品管理局条列规定,复合 维生素 B6,盐酸吡哆胺不能用在膳食补充剂中。

  • A simple and fast procedure is established for simultaneous determination of metronidazole and vitamin B6 in compound metronidazole tablets .

    建立了一种简单、快速、能同时测定复方甲硝唑片中甲硝唑与 维生素 B6的方法。

  • There are several vitamins that you can go overboard on : vitamin A vitamin B6 vitamin E iron magnesium phosphorus and zinc .

    有几种维生素你可以 较多摄入:维生素A, 维生素 B6,维生素E,铁,镁,磷,和锌。

  • Bananas also contain lots of vitamin B6 a very beneficial vitamin for humans .

    香蕉同时还含有大量的 维生素 B6,它是一种非常有益于人体的维生素。

  • The researchers also verify that at baseline the groups did not differ in their use of multivitamin supplements intakes of total folate vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 or cancer history .

    研究者还证实,两组在多种维生素的补充,摄入叶酸、 维生素 B6、B12的总量,或患癌史方面的基线水平相同。

  • And the vitamin B6 in pineapple plays a part in converting tryptophan into serotonin in the brain for a natural mood booster .

    菠萝中的 维他命 B6在将色氨酸转化为大脑中的血清素的过程中也发挥了作用,从而成为一种天然的情绪增进剂。

  • Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine .

    维他命 B6又叫吡哆辛。

  • Preparation of Compound Vitamin B6 Sustained-release Capsules and their Quality Control

    复方 维生素 B 6缓释微丸胶囊的制备及质量控制

  • While raw unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin riboflavin thiamine and vitamin B6 they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

    实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、核黄素、 维生素B1、 B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

  • Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs ' and horses ' coats .

    维生素 B6对于改善狗和马的皮毛有显著的 作用

  • Apoptosis Induced by Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 Injection in Human Osteosarcoma MG-63

    斑蝥酸钠 维生素 B6注射液诱导人骨肉瘤细胞MG-63凋亡及其机制的研究

  • The Effect of Sodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 on Signaling Transduction of MAPK and JAK-STAT in SMMC-7721 Cells

    斑蝥酸钠 维生素 B6对肝癌MAPK、JAK-STAT信号转导通路的调控作用

  • Food additive & Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine hydrochloride )

    GB14753-1993食品添加剂 维生素 B6(盐酸吡哆醇)

  • Taking lower than optimal amount of supplements such as folic acid vitamin B6 B12 is not enough to combat cardiovascular diseases neural tube defects colon and breast cancer .

    低于优化量的叶酸, VB6,VB12 摄入量不足以防治心血管病,神经管缺损,结肠癌和乳腺癌。

  • Different added yeast vitamin B6 changes slightly different .

    不同的酵母添加量, 维生素 B6的变化略有不同。

  • Vitamin B6 deficiency has also been associated with impairment of enzymes involved in the structural integrity of arterial walls which could affect implantation and early placental development .

    维生素 B6缺乏也同在动脉墙壁结构正直介入的酵素的损伤联系在一起,可能影响安放和早期的胎盘发展。

  • I find it useful to periodically measure blood levels of zinc copper selenium vitamin C thiamine vitamin B6 vitamin B12 and25-hydroxyvitamin D in some patients .

    我发现在一些患者中定期检测血的锌、铜、硒、维生素C、维生素B1、 维生素 B6、维生素B12和25-羟维生素D水平很有用。

  • The more protein you eat the more vitamin B6 is needed to help the body use protein .

    摄入越多的蛋白质,我们就将需要越多的 维他命 B6来帮助机体 分解利用蛋白质。

  • Conclusion : This method is founded to be simple and accurate for determination of vitamin B6 vitamin B12 and folic acid in compound folic acid tablets simultaneously .

    结论:本法可同时测定复方叶酸片中 维生素 B 6、B(12)和叶酸的含量,方法简便、准确。

  • Certain B vitamins-folic acid vitamin B6 and B12-control levels of a substance known as homocysteine in the blood .

    由叶酸、 维生素 B6和B12等形成的维生维B族调节血液中一种叫作巯基丁氨酸的物质的含量。

  • Addition of vitamin B6 is also involved in conversion of tryptophan to nicotinic acid and5-HT response .

    此外 维生素 B6还参与色氨酸将烟酸转化为5&羟色胺的反应。

  • Vitamin B6 and B12 as well as folic acid lower the level of amino acid called homocysteine that 's linked to brain cell damage .

    维生素 B6、B12以及叶酸能够减少体内一种名为高半胱氨酸的氨基酸含量,而这种物质含有破坏脑细胞的成分。

  • Avocado is considered the world 's healthiest fruit because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K dietary fiber potassium folic acid vitamin B6 vitamin C and copper .

    鳄梨是全世界公认的最健康的水果,它营养丰富,含有维他命K,食物纤维,钾,叶酸, 维他命 B6,维他命C和铜。

  • Vitamin B6 helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function among other things .

    维他命 B6可以帮助生成红细胞及维持大脑功能,及其他一些作用。

  • THE SOLUTION : Cut down on sugar as much as possible but if you suffer from premenstrual tension try taking vitamin B6 ( 200mg a day ) too .

    解决方案:尽可能减少对糖的依靠,但是如果你确实感到了经前焦虑,可以试着每天服用200毫克的 维生素 B6

  • Vitamin B6 helps improve body tissue .

    维他命 B6,帮助维护身体组织。