


  • Therefore to vitalize county economy is the key of rejuvenating Chinese integrating power .

    所以, 大力 发展县域经济,是振兴我国综合国力的关键。

  • The 3rd economic readjustment in China experienced two stages : the strict control of investment and consumption demand ; regulate and control the force of demand and vitalize market .

    中国第三次经济调整经历了严厉控制投资与消费需求和调整控制需求力度、 启动市场两个阶段。

  • Regulate Yin-Yang smooth Qi and blood dredge the channel bring up vital Qi vitalize human life recover people from bad health and illness as well as revitalize ole people .

    练气功可以调整阴阳、 和畅气血、疏通经络、 真气,使人的生命 得以旺盛,能收到使弱者 、病者康、 老者复壮的效果。

  • First this concept to vitalize Taoism doctor defines .

    首先对 道医这一概念做了界定。

  • Through merging our country can fully make use of private capital to vitalize state assets stock accelerate paces of advancing of social economy and realize the bumper harvests of the economic benefits of the enterprise and social benefit .

    通过并购这种途径,可以充分利用民营资本来 盘活国有资产存量,加快社会经济的前进步伐,实现企业经济效益和社会效益的双丰收。

  • An introduction is made on the development and achievements of Guangxi water conservancy economy since reform and opening . It is pointed out that developing water conservancy economy will be able to boost up strength and vitalize water conservancy .

    介绍改革开放以来,广西发展水利经济的情况和取得的巨大成就,指出发展水利经济可以增强实力, 振兴水利事业。

  • With the challenge to transfer from industry economy to knowledge economy as the background this thesis explores the basic theories in the talent resources development taking account of the strategy to vitalize China through the development in science and education .

    本文以工业经济时代向知识经济时代的转变为背景, 按照 科教 兴国的发展战略和思想,运用人才开发的基本理论。

  • Shanghai Railway Bureau has gained rich experiences in Shanghai UMT Pearl line including how to renew railway management conception how to break the boundaries between different business circles how to display the professional preponderance how to vitalize inventory assets and practise assets management .

    摘要上海铁路局参与上海市轨道交通明珠线开发建设的实践,为铁路企业更新观念、突破行业界线,发挥自身专业技术优势、 盘活资产存量、实施资产经营等积累了经验。

  • The adjustment of industry structure is a dynamic optimum process to improve competitive capacity increase investment and vitalize current capital stake simultaneously .

    工业结构调整是一个动态的优化过程 目的是竞争能力的提高,增量投入和 存量调整 必须同时进行。

  • Is starting school : the examination hasten in that way : and really may vitalize to stir ?

    入学考试那么忙,真的可以 活动吗?

  • Serve the people rely on Business vitalize and develop the economy and cater to the whole country

    服务人民,依托商业, 开拓 搞活,面向全国

  • Meanwhile measures such as optimizing the librarian 's knowledge structure and enhancing the librarian 's information literacy should be taken so as to vitalize the traditional library .

    同时通过优化员工知识结构、提高馆员信息素养等措施为传统图书馆 注入 生命力

  • Serve the people rely on business vitalize and develop the economy and cater to the whole country is the watchword of this company .

    本公司的口号是:服务人民,依托商业, 开拓 搞活,面向全国。

  • Exploiting the Nanhai Sea is the hope to vitalize hainan 's economy

    开发南海是 振兴海南经济的希望所在

  • This is a particularly important root that is vital to the development of your vocabulary and will vitalize your spoken words as well as helping you to survive in any verbal situation .

    这是个特别重要的词根,它的作用极为关键。它能提高你的词汇量,使你的 言谈更为生动活泼,帮你度过任何语言难关。

  • Vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development

    科教 省和 可持续发展的 道路

  • Only when we put these excellent theories from ancient Chinese into the practice of current middle school classroom management can we vitalize this research .

    只有让古人的优秀思想在我们今天的中学班级管理实践中能有 用武之地,这种研究 更有 生命力

  • New Delhi says the trip the first since a civilian government took office is an opportunity to further vitalize the relationship .

    新德里说,本次行程是 缅甸 民选政府就任以来首次对该国访问,也是改善 两国关系的机会。

  • We will give more aid to ethnic groups with small populations and continue working to vitalize border areas and improve the lives of the people living there .

    我们将对人口较少的少数民族给予更多的帮助,继续 推动 富民工作。

  • Preliminary analysis is made of the present status and prospect of China 's tungsten industry To vitalize its development it is necessary to strengthen the management deepen the reform restructure the enterprises change the operation way and rely on the scientific and technical progress .

    浅析了我国钨业的发展现状与前景,并针对存在的问题及目前的 严峻 形势 指出 振兴我国钨业,必须加强管理、深化改革、转换机制和依靠科技进步。

  • The internationalization of the Chinese athletes will vitalize the current world sports development .

    我国运动员的 加入必定会为世界体育运动的国际化发展 注入 活力

  • This article draws experience and lesson from Russian marketed-finance process and proposes marketed-finance reform plan of northeast region in order to vitalize our economy .

    我们要借鉴俄罗斯在金融市场化进程中的经验及教训,加快东北地区金融市场化改革的进程,以实现经济的 振兴

  • Hundreds of poems contribute a lot to the success of the classic Hong Lou Meng and a great deal of Flower metaphors enrich and vitalize these poems .


  • Two-way transfer treatment system is treated as the key point to vitalize community health service .

    双向转诊制度被认为是 搞活社区卫生服务的关键。

  • The infrastructure occupies sizable proportion in the urban fixed capital Vitalize this part of capital will bring the enormous income to city .

    城市基础设施在城市固定资本中占有相当大的比重, 盘活这部分资本,将给城市带来巨大的收益;

  • Let us glorify the spirit of unity and hard work to vitalize our love and bring it to a new height and new stage .

    让我们弘扬团结拼搏的精神,共同 振兴我们的爱情,争取达到一个新高度,登上一个新台阶。

  • Teachers at New Oriental often tell some jokes to vitalize the class .

    新东方老师总是讲些笑话, 不会 使课堂 重要 对了,是 使课堂有 生机

  • Article 7 The State shall vitalize agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education .

    第七条国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育 振兴农业。