


  • This man was visibly stupid .

    这人显然是个 痴子

  • Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away .

    因患癌症濒临死亡的人会日渐消瘦,而且 身体 明显 衰弱

  • By contrast you have to perform and perform visibly .

    对比之下,你必须有所表现,并且是 大家 看得见的表现。

  • The muscles in his arms tensed visibly .

    他手臂上的肌肉 明显 绷紧了。

  • Owen was visibly moved by the words that were said .

    欧文很 显然被这些言语打动了。

  • The man on the far wall had been stiff with attention now he too relaxed visibly .

    靠墙坐着的那个人,原来是全神贯注,一动不动,现在 显然也松懈下来了。

  • Noteworthy is that Kangana has been visibly absent from promotions of the movie .

    值得注意的是,Kangana已 明显从电影促销缺席。

  • The reply visibly hurt his feelings .

    这个回答 显然伤了他的感情。

  • She was visibly moved by some of the dresses such as a gold fitted number that Ms.


  • Municipal sanitation directly and visibly impacts Liuzhou 's neighborhoods and the daily lives of its citizens .

    柳州市的城市环境卫生状况直接和 明显 影响到邻近地区和本市居民的日常生活。

  • As they approached the outskirts of the city Ella 's mood visibly lightened

    他们快到市郊时,埃拉的情绪 明显好转。

  • I was told recently that Mr. Dillman twitched visibly when my name was mentioned at his funeral .

    最近我被告知,在 迪尔曼先生的葬礼上,当提及我的名字的时候,他 明显抽搐了。

  • The child seemed nervous and visibly shaken .

    这孩子看上去很紧张, 明显是受惊了。

  • Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed .

    每一个修指甲师应该有一个是当前值得 炫耀的国家发行的美容学许可证。

  • The sign was visibly displayed .

    迹象 明显 显示出来了。

  • The process has sped up visibly since Mr Obama assumed the presidency .

    从奥巴马当选总统开始,这个过程 明显加速了。

  • However Ive noticed that when I start to bring up areas for improvement you look visibly upset .

    不过,我注意到了,当我想在某些方面进行改善和 调整的时候,你 看起来有点挫折。

  • This is a toxin-free pain-free and worry-free approach to visibly improving your skin 's quality and appearance .

    这是一个无毒,无痛苦,无忧的方法,能 明显改善皮肤的质量和外观。

  • She seemed to have visibly aged over the last year .

    她看上去在过去的一年里 明显 老了。

  • The princess visibly moved kept her head bowed during the ceremony .

    公主 显然受感动了,在仪式上一直低着头。

  • Now the female MC is complimenting his smile he 's visibly squirming .

    现在女性的MC正在称赞他的微笑,他正在 看得见 蠕动。

  • Nobody had visibly opened it .

    没有人 开门,门 自动打开了。

  • He 's visibly aged and weakened since I saw him a year ago .

    一年不见,他 明显衰老了。

  • Good : Floor wall ceiling and equipment visibly clean .

    好:地面、墙面、天花板和设备 清洁的。

  • When he went into retirement he visibly withered

    他到退休年龄时已 老态毕现。

  • And Katherine was visibly breathing rapidly during the readings .

    在阅读的过程中凯瑟琳 明显呼吸急促。

  • The survivors were ashen-faced and visibly shaken .

    生还者们面色惨白, 看起来仍然 惊魂未定

  • However if any body fluid is visibly contaminated with blood the risk of transmission exists .

    然而,如果一种体液 明显的被血液所污染,传播的的风险是存在的。