visual memory

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈmɛməri][ˈviʒuəl ˈmeməri]


  • Based on these models we propose an attention selection model with visual memory and online learning a visual memory model with the amnesic function and a spatio-temporal saliency model that is fast enough to work in real time .

    论文在研究现有的模型基础上提出带有学习和 记忆的注意力选择模型、具有带有遗忘函数的 视觉 记忆和能实时运用的时空显著性模型。

  • Writing words on paper leaves a visual memory trail of the words .

    把单词写在纸上能加深这个词的 视觉 记忆

  • When picking readers for your child you may choose big and clear characters therefore it may enhance his visual memory .

    当您为孩子挑选读本时,在故事图书部份,您可选择字体大而清晰,如此可强化孩子的 视觉 记忆

  • Such is the visual memory that I retain but it has the river flowing the wrong way .

    这是我所保留的 视觉 记忆,但把河水流动的方向弄错了。

  • The influence of visual memory ability of hearing-impaired children on speach training

    听力障碍儿童 视觉 记忆能力在言语训练中的作用

  • Perhaps the most radical works of Andy Warhol 's last ten years these black and white photographs are a vital part of the artist 's visual legacy and serve as his visual memory .

    作为安迪·沃霍尔最后十年最为激进的作品,这些黑白照片是艺术家视觉遗产的重要组成,同样是他的 视觉 记忆

  • Disorders of visual perception and visual memory in brain damaged patients

    脑损害时的视知觉和 视觉 记忆障碍

  • Our short-term visual memory is more flexible than scientists had imagined UK researchers have discovered .

    英国研究人员发现,短期 视觉 记忆比科学家想象的更加灵活。

  • It will become part of your musicality instead of part of your learned visual memory .

    这会变成你音乐能力的一部份,而不只是你 视觉 强记而已。

  • The model does not refer to visual memory and other perceptive manners and has a not very good verisimilitude but it is with high efficiency . Finally based on the visual perception model the thesis focuses on path planning technology .

    该模型虽然没有涉及 视觉 记忆和其他的感知方式,逼真性差了些,但处理效率比较高。最后,在建立视觉感知模型基础上,着重研究虚拟人的路径规划技术。

  • The force choice recognition task was used to investigate the context effect and position specificity on visual memory for objects .

    本研究采用迫选的再认任务对物体 视觉 记忆的背景效应及其位置特效性进行考察。

  • The men also took three tests of their visual memory visual scanning and speed at processing visual information .

    同时,对他们的 视觉 记忆,视觉扫描以及处理视觉信息的速度进行测试。

  • Undoubtedly what is thus palpitating in the depths of my being must be the image the visual memory which being linked to that taste is trying to follow it into my conscious mind .

    不用说,在我的内心深处搏动着的,一定是形象,一定是 视觉 回忆,它同味觉联系在一起,试图随味觉而来到我的面前。

  • The Chinese revised Benton Visual Retention Test was applied to assess the visual memory retention visual construction and delay memory of both groups of children .

    应用国内修订版本顿 视觉保持 测验C式B法,D式C法和E式D法对两组儿童进行个别测试。

  • In2007 the University of Alberta Canada conducted a study on a feline 's short-term visual memory .

    2007年,加拿大Alberta大学做过一项短期 记忆 视觉 形象 记忆研究。

  • This simple game develops your visual memory and entertains you .

    这个简单的游戏开发您的 视觉 记忆和娱乐你。

  • There were differences between the roles of visual memory and spatial memory in the comparison of same base powers .

    视空间模板中的 视觉 记忆和空间记忆在同底数幂比较大小中的参与作用具有不一致性。

  • Visual search ( visual attention ) visual imagery motion imagery and visual memory of auditory impaired children were better than that of normal children .

    听觉障碍儿童的视觉搜索(视觉注意)、视觉表象、运动表象和 视觉 记忆比正常人好。

  • Through various historical periods the auspicious cloud gradually becomes a visual symbol which can represent Chinese traditional visual memory and aesthetic measure with its unique form and significance of whole evolution process . It has great influence on Chinese modern visual designs idea .

    经过各个历史时期的承传流变,云纹在整个演进过程中以其独特的形式与意义,逐渐沉淀成一种代表中国传统 视觉 记忆与审美尺度的视觉符号,极大地影响了中国现代视觉设计理念。

  • METHODS : The digit span test of Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale the logical memory and visual memory test of Wechsler Memory Scale and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used to assess the memory and executive functions of ADHD children .

    方法:采用儿童韦氏智力量表中的数字广度测验和韦氏记忆量表中的逻辑记忆和 视觉 记忆及威斯康星卡片分类测验分别对45例正常儿童和45例ADHD患儿进行检测。

  • You will get a visual image of the word so when you encounter it again it triggers that visual memory .

    头脑中会产生它的 图像,当再遇到它时,会唤醒 形象 记忆

  • Vision Comparative Study of Visual Memory of Reading Disabled and Normal Children

    阅读障碍儿童 视觉 记忆研究

  • Benton visual retention test showed that cardiac surgery with CPB significantly affected visual memory and visual space .

    Benton视觉保持测验提示手术对病人 视觉 记忆保持能力及视觉空间结构能力有较明显的损害。

  • From the point of cognition psychology Keyword Method is an explicit learning which involves cognitive activities such as perceptual selection visual memory and processing levels .

    由于诸多 认知心理活动要求有更多的认知参与,从而加强了 记忆效果。

  • Conclusions : The children 's visual functions of ADHD have defects in their visual consciousness visual memory visual space structure visual motion attention and visual scanning .

    结论ADHD儿童存在视知觉、 视觉 记忆、视空间结构、视觉运动注意以及视觉扫描等视觉机能方面缺陷。

  • A series of cognitive tests including Visual Memory Test WCST Trail Making Test Stroop Test Verbal Fluency Test and the Yale Global Tic severity scale were applied to the participants .

    对单纯GTS和共病组分别进行认知功能的测试和美国耶鲁大体抽动程度量表评定。认知功能测试内容包括 视觉 记忆测试、威斯康辛分类卡片测试、连线测试、字色干扰测试、言语流畅测试。

  • Conclusion MCI have impaired function on the material visual memory and visual memory of meaningless pictures have immediate and delayed memory dysfunction and delayed recall is poorer than immediate recall . The plasticity of short-term memory updating is poor in MCI .

    结论轻度认知障碍患者对具体 视觉 形象 记忆 能力及对无意义图形的视觉记忆能力受损,存在即刻记忆和延迟记忆障碍,且延迟回忆较即刻回忆损害明显,短时记忆更新的可塑性差;

  • Methods There were 43 patients with diabetes and 50 patients for normal controls . The cognitive functions vocabulary learning vocabulary memory vocabulary recognition visual memory thought judgment spatial skill verbal fluency construction speed and spatial executive function were tested .

    方法糖尿病患者43例,对照组50例,进行总体认知功能、词语学习、词语记忆、词语再认、 视觉 记忆、思维判断、空间技能、词语流畅、加工速度、空间执行功能等认知测试。

  • This visual memory model was applied to the supervised video compression using visual attention .
