Determination of vitamin K by adsorptive voltammetry with a electrochemically activated glassy carbon electrode
电化学活化玻碳电极吸附伏安法测定 维生素 K
But vitamin K is essential for strong bones and vegetable oils such as canola and olive oil are the second-best dietary source of this key nutrient after green leafy vegetables .
而 维生素 K是增强骨骼的一种关键成分,菜籽油和橄榄油是摄取这种重要营养物质的第二主要来源,仅次于绿叶菜。
Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood .
维生素 K是血液健康的必备,它能在伤口流血时起到凝固血液的作用。
It is important to note that neither regimen studied in ACTIVE A is as effective as vitamin K – antagonist therapy in the prevention of ischemic stroke .
需要特别注意的是ACTIVEA中的任何研究均没有标明其在预防缺血性卒中的效果和 维生素 K拮抗剂一样好。
Late Vitamin K Deficiency with Intracranial Hemorrhage in 50 Cases
晚发性 维生素 K缺乏伴颅内出血30例分析
Vitamin K is not listed among the essential vitamins but without it blood would not stick together ( coagulate ) . Some studies suggest that it helps promote strong bones in the elderly .
维他命 K并不是必需维他命之一,但是如果没有它,血液将不能凝固。一些研究显示它还可以促进老年人骨骼强壮。
Oral vitamin K antagonists are currently the most effective form of stroke-prevention therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation .
口服 维生素 K拮抗剂是当前最有效的预防房颤病人卒中的治疗方法。
Avocado is considered the world 's healthiest fruit because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K dietary fiber potassium folic acid vitamin B6 vitamin C and copper .
鳄梨是全世界公认的最健康的水果,它营养丰富, 含有 维他命 K,食物纤维,钾,叶酸,维他命B6,维他命C和铜。
Beyond deficiency : Potential benefits of increased intakes of vitamin K for bone and vascular health
除了缺乏以外:增加 维生素 K摄入量对骨和血管健康的潜在益处
Late form of vitamin K deficiency ;
晚发 维生素 K缺乏;
The volume of conventional intramuscular injection of vitamin K two cases of adverse reactions did not happen .
肌注常规量的 维生素 K,两组病例均未发生不良反应。
Puncture and catheter drainage Hyperbaric oxygen Vitamin K Intracranial hematoma ;
钻孔置管引流;高压氧; 维生素 K;颅内血肿;
Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding .
出生后第一周通常要 服用 维生素 K,以防止出血。
Keep in mind though that the amounts of vitamin K in healthy oils are still tiny & one tablespoon of canola oil has20 micrograms .
但要知道,健康食用油中的 维生素 K 含量仍然很少&一汤匙菜籽油中的含量仅为20毫克。
Vitamin K : Any of several fat-soluble compounds essential for the clotting of Blood . A deficiency of vitamin K in the Body leads to an increase in clotting time .
维生素 K:对凝血必需的几种脂溶性化合物。缺乏维生素K时会引起凝血时间延长。
Some over-the-counter products may contain ingredients like licorice root vitamin c vitamin K soy and hydroquinone .
某些非处方产品可能包含甘草根、维生素C、 维生素 K、大豆和对苯二酸。
The process of hydrogenation which turns liquid vegetable oil into the solid oils used in commercial baking destroys the vitamin K naturally found in the oils .
氢化油是由液态植物油经加工制成的固态商业烘焙用油。在加工过程中,植物油中天然含有的 维生素 K会遭到破坏。
Objective To summarize the diagnosis and treatment of the intracranial hematoma caused by vitamin K deficiency in infants .
目的总结婴儿晚 发型 维生素 K缺乏所致颅内出血的诊治体验。
To understand the status and characteristic of late vitamin K deficiency bleeding in China .
全面了解我国晚 发型 维生素 K缺乏性出血的状况和发病特点。
It has lots of vitamin C carotenoids vitamin K and folic acid .
花椰菜中富含维生素C、类胡萝卜素、 叶酸。
Two groups of cases both adopt vitamin K agents .
两组病例均应用 维生素 K制剂。
Second efforts should focus on delivering high-quality vitamin K – antagonist therapy to patients at increased risk for ischemic stroke .
其次,需专注于为有高缺血性卒中风险的病人提供高质量的 维生素 K拮抗剂治疗。
Previous studies have found that both folate and beta-carotene are brain boosters but this study is the first to evaluate the benefits vitamin K has on the brain .
之前的研究发现叶酸和-葫萝卜素都是大脑助推器,但是这项研究是第一次评估出 维他命 K对大脑的益处。
In addition to getting adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D some studies suggest that vitamin K may have a bone-protective effect as well .
除了能获得适量的钙和维他命D之外,一些研究显示 维他命 K也同样有保护骨质的效果。
Objective To investigate the clinical value of using vitamin K to the gastrointestinal tract hypotonic double contrast radiography test .
目的探讨胃肠道低张双重对比造影检查法中应用 维生素 K的临床价值。
Thus without enough vitamin K bone formation can be impaired .
也就是说,没有足够的 维生素 K,骨骼结构就可能受到破坏。
Risk Factors for Intracranial Hemorrhage Caused by Late Vitamin K Deficiency
晚 发型 维生素 K缺乏性颅内出血发病的高危因素