



  • The results also indicated that differences of average egg weight egg specific gravity egg shell index half unit percentage of albumen and vitelline between treatment groups and the CK were not significant ;

    试验各组的平均蛋重、蛋比重、蛋形指数、哈 单位及蛋白、 蛋黄百分率与对照组相比组间差异均不显著( p>005)。

  • Mechanism of two hatching enzyme molecules on vitelline envelope during the hatching process of Xenopus laevis

    非洲爪蟾两种孵化酶分子对 卵黄膜作用机制的探讨

  • Ultrastructural study on the vitelline cells of Pagumogonimus skrjabini

    斯氏狸殖吸虫 卵黄细胞 发育的透射电镜研究

  • Acridine mutagen ICR-170 induced developmental suppression of ovary and vitelline gland in female Schistosoma japonicum

    吖啶诱变剂ICR-170对日本血吸虫雌虫卵巢、 卵黄腺发育的抑制作用

  • One is blood lymph that offers some useful materials for the oocyte to synthesize vitelline material directly through follicle cell gaps ;

    包括 部分物质 来源:一部分是由血淋巴通过滤泡细胞间隙向卵母细胞提供合成 卵黄物质;

  • Methods 125 cases of umbilical diseases in children were reviewed . These were 2 umbilical bleeding 9 omphalitis 13 umbilical granuloma 85 anomalies of vitelline duct and urachus 14 umbilical hernia and 2 omphalocele .

    方法复习125例脐部疾病,包括脐出血2例,脐炎9例,脐肉芽肿13例, 卵黄管与脐尿管异常85例,脐疝14例;脐膨出2例。

  • Follicle cells secrete vitelline envelope ( VE ) surrounding the yolk ;

    8 阶段,滤泡细胞分泌 卵黄膜包围卵黄物质;

  • Objective To study the effects of male worm extraction on the proliferation and metabolic activity of cultured vitelline cells from Schistosoma japonicum .

    目的观察日本血吸虫雄虫抽提 卵黄培养细胞 超微 结构的影响。

  • The positive reaction for tyrosine tryptophan and histidine was found in the subcuticular muscles ovary testes vitelline cells and the intestinal epithelium .

    虫体的肌纤维、卵巢和睾丸中的生殖细胞核、 卵黄细胞和肠管上皮细胞对显示酪氨酸、色氨酸和组氨酸的偶联重氮反应呈现阳性。

  • Objective To analyze the relationship between genotype and phenotype of vitelline macular dystrophia ( VMD2 ) gene in a family with Best disease and to provide the theoretical basis for gene diagnosis of Best disease .

    目的观察Best病家系 卵黄样黄斑营养不良基因(VMD2)基因型与表现型之间的相互关系,为建立Best病基因诊断方法提供理论依据。

  • The discussion correlates the development in the vitelline cell with the effects in treatment .

    文中对以 卵黄细胞发育 评价 药物治疗效果进行了讨论。

  • Effect of Specific High Immunized Vitelline Fluid to Chickens E.tenella

    特异性高免 卵黄液对鸡E.tenella作用的研究

  • When the oocyte development attains the period of vitellogenic oocyte the vitelline envelope appears between the plasmalemma and the basement lamina the thickness of the vitelline envelope is about 35 μ m.

    当卵母细胞进入卵黄发生时期,在质膜和基膜之间出现一层 卵黄膜,其厚度约为35μm。

  • Oocyte in the coelom does not have follicle membrane and vitelline membrane is formed and developed by the oocyte itself .

    体腔中卵母细胞无滤泡膜, 卵黄膜的形成与发育靠卵母细胞本身;

  • Results In the test group the numbers of mature vitelline cells were more than that in the control group ; the cytoplasm and nucleus of mature vitelline cells were homogeneous stain .

    结果实验组成熟 卵黄细胞 出现 机率较对照组高,核和胞质染色均匀;

  • The cultured vitelline cells from adult Schistosoma japonica were observed ultrastructurally .

    从超微结构水平研究日本血吸虫 卵黄细胞培养的动态。

  • The eggs of all the groups from 1 to 7 weeks PC were collected and the MG were detected rapidly in the vitelline membrane of eggs by PCR .

    收集 后1~7周内所产的蛋,用PCR方法检测鸡蛋 卵黄膜中的MG。

  • Analysis of the gene mutation of vitelline macular dystrophy in a family with Best disease

    Best 病家 卵黄 黄斑营养不良基因突变分析

  • The mature vitelline cells also degenerate ; some vitelline droplets have fused .

    成熟 卵黄细胞的卵黄小滴融合,脂质小滴数量增多、体积增大;

  • Tenella effects of specific high immunized vitelline antibody on E.

    特异性高免 卵黄抗体对E.tenella的作用。

  • Immature vitelline cells have relatively little cytoplasm many free ribosomes .

    吸虫 卵黄细胞 发育 过程比较相似。

  • Chickens Escherichia colibacillosis ( E.coli ) was one of the common pathogen bacterium of chicks . It can bring such as embryo death omphalitis blood poisoning salpingitis synovitis granuloma vitelline peritonitis ophthalmia and so on .

    鸡大肠杆菌病是鸡最常见和对养鸡业危害最严重的传染病之一,可引起胚胎死亡、脐炎、败血症、输卵管炎和滑膜炎、肉芽肿、 卵黄性腹膜炎和眼炎等一系列病症。

  • Main detected the egg 's moisture salt content viscosimet and vitelline oiliness vitelline exponential vitelline coloring matter grade and so on .

    主要检测了用腌制液浸泡法生产咸蛋时,蛋内的水分、食盐含量、黏度,以及 蛋黄含油量、蛋黄指数、蛋黄色素等级等。

  • Selection of optimal concentration of male worm extraction on the cultured vitelline cells from Schistosoma japonicum

    雄虫抽提物对日本血吸虫 卵黄培养细胞最适浓度的筛选

  • Vitelline peritonitis 46 ( 76 % );


  • The sperm contacts with vitelline membrane by its radial arms of the nucleus and undergoes acrosome reaction immediately .

    精子以其核 突起 附着膜上,并迅速发生顶体反应。

  • In the cryostat section the antigens also appeared at the fourth week they were localized on vitelline membrane and egg shell . It is isolecithal egg which consists of four parts : the vitelline membrane the plasma membrane the plasma and the nucleus .

    冰冻切片的抗原也在第四周开始出现,定位在 卵黄膜及卵壳上。太平洋牡蛎卵子为均黄卵,由卵黄膜、质膜、卵质与卵核4部分组成。

  • Normally when the antibody titer was over 28.5 and the infected duck was inoculated by intramuscular injection during 24 hours the immunity effect of the vitelline antibody was most feasible .

    卵黄抗体的中和效价应达28.5以上,并且在感染DVH24h 以内对雏鸭进行肌肉注射,免疫效果为最适宜。