visual indicator

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈɪndɪˌketɚ][ˈviʒuəl ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtə]


  • Offline files are marked with a visual indicator so they are easy to identify .

    脱机文件标有 可视 标志,很容易识别。

  • Sound and visual fire indicator

    声音和 目视火灾 显示器

  • This setting displays a visual indicator on the iPhone UI that there is network activity in progress .

    如此设置就可以在iPhoneUI上显示一个 可见 指示器,表示有网络活动正在进行。

  • Finally the mutual information between the visual energy information of the reference and distorted image is used as an indicator to predict the visual quality of the image .

    最后我们计算参考图像与失真图像 视觉能量信息之间的互信息,并以此作为图像质量的 客观 评价 指标

  • SGI and SGN type with a visual liquid lens by changing color indicator the moisture content to indicate refrigerants .

    SGI和SGN型 液镜带有一 指示器,通过改变颜色来指示制冷剂中的含水量。

  • The rapid change of the urban environment is I think the most visible and astonishing aspect of the transformation taking place in China It 's a visual indicator .

    我想,在中国最明显的、最令人惊讶的转变,这些建筑正是 看得见 指示

  • As you drag a new widget onto the canvas the editor provides a visual indicator a green area color and an outline view to help you place the widget where you want it .

    在将新的小部件拖到这个canvas上时,编辑器会提供一个 可视 指示器(一个绿色的区域颜色)以及一个outline视图以帮助将这个小部件放在理想的位置。

  • If the positive supply for the alarm horn is interrupted a visual alarm is triggered via the direction indicator lights and the interior lights .

    如果报警喇叭的正极电源被断开,则会通过方向 指示灯和车内灯触发 视觉报警。

  • Aim at current existent problems and defects in visual approach slope indicator a new Precision Approach Path instruction method has studied .

    针对现有 目视进近下滑坡度 指示系统存在的问题和缺陷,研究了一种新型精密进近航道指示方法。

  • Gets a visual style element that represents a page backward indicator of a pager control in the hot state .

    获取一个 视觉样式元素,该元素表示处于热状态的页导航控件页面向后 指示符

  • The visual clear artery indicator label and index range help determine the proper size cuff for each patient and ensure correct blood pressure measurement .

    形象清晰的动脉 指示标记和尺寸适用范围标识确保正确的血压测量。

  • The reason is found the change of visual depth indicator is a very slow process in the limited training time to make changes in visual depth indicator is very difficult . 3 .

    究其原因发现, 视觉深度 指标的变化是一个非常缓慢的过程,在有限的训练时间内要使视觉深度指标发生变化是十分困难的。

  • Under these visual conditions the crew may not be able to look out the window and use the horizon as a sort of backup aircraft altitude indicator .

    在这种 视觉条件下,飞行员也许无法看清窗外,利用地平线作为飞机高度的 参考

  • Again use the green visual indicator and the outline view to position the box .

    同样地,使用这个绿色的 可视 指示器以及outline视图来定位这个box。

  • The queue 's icon provides a visual indicator of the current administrative load on the broker which can help you schedule deployments .

    队列的图标提供一个 显示代理的当前管理负载的 指示器,它能帮助您调度部署。

  • Performance requirements and test methods for ILS glide path beacon visual approach slope indicator

    GB/T14282.1-1993仪表着陆系统(ILS)下滑信标性能要求和测试方法 目视进场下滑道 指示器

  • Using this style of code is a strong visual indicator that it 's an immutable class .

    这种代码风格的使用从 视觉上给出了一种强烈的 指示:该类是一个不可变类。

  • Quartz vein zone is audio visual indicator and estimated marking in macroscopic scale .

    石英脉带是宏观上 直观 评价标志。

  • A green-yellow-red visual status indicator can provide this high-level shorthand .

    一个绿-黄-红的 可视化的状态 指示器能够提供这种高级别的表示。

  • Communication between Visual Simulation System and Full Mission Marine Engine Room Simulator are established . The paper presents the way to drive the objects such as meters handles indicator lights and buttons in the virtual scene .

    建立与现有轮机模拟器之间通信,实现 虚拟机舱与船舶轮机 模拟器之间的互操作,详细阐述了虚拟场景中运动物体驱动的实现方法。

  • Computer Simulation of the P Type Radar Indicator with Long Persistence Based on Visual C + + and OpenGL

    基于 Visualc++和OpenGL的具有余辉效果的P型雷达 显示器仿真

  • The level of SOD is a visual indicator of aging and death .

    SOD在生物体内的水平高低意味着衰老与死亡的 直观 指标

  • Double-click the visual aids indicator on the status bar .

    双击状态栏中的 视觉帮助 指示符