visual yellow

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈjɛlo][ˈviʒuəl ˈjeləu]


  • Visual function in patients with yellow tinted intraocular lenses compared with vision in patients with non-tinted intraocular lenses

    黄色人工晶状体与无色人工晶状体植入患者的 功能比较

  • Results are as follows : There was significant Correlation between light trap number and visual measurement number at the 0.05 levels net trap number and yellow trap number were highly significant Correlation between light trap numbers at the 0.01 level .

    结果如下:上灯数量与 目测数量在0.05水平上相关显著。上灯数量与网捕数量、 黄板粘虫数量均在0.01水平上相关显著。

  • Comparison of the average critical twinkle visual frequency of red yellow and green light in normal people : Those were 33.02 36.68 40.45 P < 0.01 respectively .

    (40.45±0.67± 0.27±0.43±1.51),P<0.01犦。②正常人对红、 、绿光的平均闪烁 视频率比较:分别为33.02,P<0.01。

  • But human sight has the characteristic of yeellow spot so the curve showing the relationship between the visual acuity and the visual angle ( that I call the yellow spot curve ) is of a high sharpness .

    而人类视觉具有黄斑特性,其 敏度沿视角分布呈锐度很高的 黄斑曲线。

  • Visual interpretation of satellite image about paddy soil of yellow earth in West Plain of Sichuan Basin

    四川盆西平原 黄壤性水稻土卫片 目视解译研究

  • Visual models and its forming methods of submarine radiative sandbar and tide channal in the Yellow Sea have been introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了 黄海海底辐射沙洲与潮汐通道的 可视模型以及建模的方法。