volume of business

[ˈvɑljum ʌv ˈbɪznɪs][ˈvɔlju:m ɔv ˈbiznis]


  • In the joint efforts of all staff we have a steady volume of business in the fierce market competition emerged as the industry in a rising star .

    在全体员工的共同努力下,我们的 业务 稳步,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,成为同行业中的一支后起之秀。

  • The growing volume of business with EU countries .

    与欧盟国家日益增长的 贸易

  • The sheer volume of business work mail etc

    大量 业务、工作、邮件等

  • We hope a more satisfactory volume of business can be realized .

    我们希望能够做成一笔较满意的 交易

  • Our volume of business is steadily increasing .

    我们的 业务 在平稳上升。

  • The volume of business has more than tripled in four years to about £ 2bn according to an estimate by consumer group Which ?

    根据消费者权益组织Which?的估计,此项 业务 规模在四年里增长了两倍多,至20亿英镑左右。

  • With the rapid development of telecom market and the rapid growth in the volume of business information it brings opportunities and challenges to network operators and network equipment manufacturers .

    随着电信市场的快速发展,数据 业务 呈现迅猛的增长,为网络运营商和设备商带来了新的机遇与挑战。

  • We are to allow you 5 % discount In order to encourage you to work up a large volume of business .

    为鼓励贵方逐步发展 大额 业务,我们给您九五折优惠。

  • Four in 10 said their volume of business had grown faster than normal over the past six months and 44 per cent that their earnings had risen faster .

    40%的 企业表示,在过去6个月内,它们的 业务 比平常增长更快,44%的 企业表示它们的利润增速加快。

  • Cost behavior theory in traditional management accounting assumes that there is inevitable linear relationship between the changes of cost and volume of business .

    传统管理会计中成本性态理论假设成本与 业务 之间的变化存在必然的线性关系。

  • And problem analysis process involving four key indicators of accounting failures made a detailed analysis ( impact of communication capabilities affecting the number of users affecting the volume of business economic loss ) .

    并在问题分析过程中对涉及故障核算的四个关键指标做出的详尽的解析(影响通信能力、影响用户数、影响 业务 、经济损失)。

  • The majority of companies report that they expect the volume of business to improve over the coming year revenues to grow and a rise in new orders .

    多数企业报告称,它们预计来年将出现 业务 上升、收入增长及新订单增加。

  • Study on the Influencing Factors of the Volume of Business from C2C Electronic Commerce

    C2C电子商务 交易 的影响因素研究

  • The taxes on the volume of business due in the country of the Licensee on such amounts will be at Licensee 's charge .

    在被许可人所在国对该款项 征收 营业税款由被许可人承担。

  • The restaurant has maIntaIned the same volume of busIness In spite of the recession .

    尽管经济萧条,这家餐厅依然维持住了原来的 生意

  • Especially in the large volume of business of the production season the system is still accurate statistic with large amount of data .

    尤其是在生产旺季 业务 大的时期,系统经受住了数据量大、实时性强的考验,数据统计准确,称重流程简单。

  • As the volume of business concluded by you last year is not big enough we won 't consider the question of agency .

    鉴于贵方去年 成交 数额不大,我方不会考虑代理的问题。

  • According to the study and the practice of enterprises it shows that 80 % of the volume of business of enterprises comes from 20 % of customers who often come to the business . This paper compares the behavior of mall shoppers in Xi'an and Hong Kong .

    根据研究, 企业80%的 营业额来自20%经常惠顾的消费者;本文通过问卷调查和量化分析,比较了西安和香港两地顾客在购物中心惠顾动机、惠顾行为和购买行为上的异同。

  • For a very long time our governmental civil service is implemented with the establishment management based on a certain proportion of the population and volume of business .

    长期以来,我国政府公务员实行根据一定的人口比例和 业务 配备的编制管理。

  • The traditional cost behavior model assumes that there is a linear function relationship in the changes between the cost and volume of business that is the change ratio of cost and volume of business is in proportion .

    传统的成本性态模型认为,成本与 业务 之间的变化存在线性函数关系,即成本费用的增减与业务量等比例变动。

  • The time will vary volume of business and he must be constantly aware of the variation .

    菜品 分量 生意变化而变化,服务生必须始终对变化了如指掌。

  • Studies on current cost behavior show that cost and volume of business is not in a completely linear relationship thus assumption of cost behavior in management accounting is put in challenge .

    随着当今对成本行为的研究发现, 企业成本与 业务 之间并不呈完全的线性关系,由此对管理会计中的成本习性假设提出了挑战。

  • The volume of business with European countries is growing rapidly .

    与欧洲国家之间的 贸易 正快速增长。

  • However many scholars at home and abroad through empirical study found that the existence of non-linear relationship between the changes of cost and volume of business which is phenomenon of stickiness .

    而国内外众多学者通过实证研究发现,成本与 业务 之间的变化存在着非线性关系,即出现了粘性现象。

  • Recent rapid economic development of Tianjin Port has brought great opportunities the throughput is rising which entered a period of rapid growth of the volume of business .

    近些年,经济的快速发展给天津港带来了巨大的机遇,吞吐量不断攀升,由此进入了 业务 快速增长的时期。

  • In particular the volume of business is the largest in Beijing Shanghai and Guangzhou .

    其中, 业务 尤其以北京、上海、广州三地最大。

  • The volume of business with Japan has increased .

    与日本 贸易 增加了。