voluntary confession

[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri kənˈfɛʃən][ˈvɔləntəri kənˈfeʃən]

[法] 自动认罪

  • Chapter II is the establishment and evolution of the voluntary confession rule .

    第三章为 自白 任意性规则的 价值分析。

  • Good ! Here this war criminal Sun Fo has made a voluntary confession and a frank and truthful one too although he has not been arrested or caned .

    好了,孙科这一名战争罪犯,没有被捕,也没有被打,即自动 招供,而且忠实无误。

  • By the technical reform of displace of proof burden the problem of extorting a confession by torture can be changed into the problem of the voluntary and admission of the confession out of court .

    经过这种证明责任倒置的技术性改革,侦查人员是否采取刑讯逼供的问题就可以转化成为庭外 供述笔录是否具有 自愿性和可采性的 程序问题。

  • On the System of Special Voluntary Confession in Official Crimes

    论职务犯罪中的特别 自首制度

  • In the interrogation although the personal freedom of criminal suspects would be restrained their free dispersal would not been prevented ; the will freedom of criminal suspects protection is the principle for voluntary confession .

    在讯问中犯罪嫌疑人时,虽然其人身自由会受到约束,并不能阻止其自由离场;犯罪嫌疑人意志自由就是保障 供述 自愿性原则。

  • A Study on the Voluntary Confession Rule

    自白 任意性规则研究

  • A voluntary statement confession w_1351

    自动提出的 口供 自白w_1358

  • Related supporting measures are needed so that the voluntary confession rule can play a important role in the judicial practice .

    自白 任意性规则要想在司法实践中发挥比较 理想的效果,还必须要有相关配套措施的辅助。

  • On the Reconstruction of the Rule of Voluntary Confession

    论我 自白 任意性规则的再构建

  • On Procedural Safeguards Mechanism of Voluntary Confession : From the Perspective of Comparative Law

    自白 任意性的程序保障机制研究&从比较法的视角考察

  • Commentary on Free and Voluntary Rule of Confession


  • On the Exercising of Right to Defence after Voluntary Confession


  • Given its voluntary confession in court as appropriate sentences .

    鉴于其当庭 自愿 认罪,酌情予以从轻处罚。

  • From the perspective of comparative law the paper aims at exploring the voluntary confession rule systematically so that can help the reform of criminal procedure system in China .

    本文从比较法的视角,对 自白任意性规则进行了系统和深入的研究,以期对我国刑事诉讼制度的改革和完善有所裨益。

  • The privilege against self-incrimination and encourage voluntary confession : ' it does not compel self incrimination in the law at the same time and should encourage voluntary confession .

    不得强迫自证其罪与鼓励 自愿 供述:法律规定不得强迫自证其罪的同时,应当鼓励自愿供述。

  • Li Bai 's poems are often and widely quoted . a voluntary statement confession w_1305

    李白的诗篇脍炙人口。 自动提出的 口供 自白w_1317