vowel system

[ˈvaʊəl ˈsɪstəm][ˈvaʊəl ˈsistəm]


  • Based on the phoneme theory this paper analyzes the segmental phonemes in Luoyang dialect and RP from three aspects : vowel system consonant system and syllable structure in order to improve the teaching of English pronunciation in Luoyang area .

    本文以音位理论为依据,对洛阳方言与RP从 元音 系统、辅音系统、音节结构三方面进行音段音位的对比分析,以促进洛阳方言区的英语语音教学。

  • Some Characteristics of the Vowel System for Chinese Character Pronunciation in the Korean Language

    韩国汉字音 韵母 系统的几个特征关于 锡伯 口语 单元 系统

  • Uyghur vowels operate horizontally as a dual-level structure in the vowel system .

    元音 系统内,维语的元音具有双层面相对独立运作的特点;

  • By dividing consonant and vowel of Chinese syllable we establish a speech distinction system of Chinese pronouncing accuracy using the continuous Gaussian mixture HMM.

    细化声 韵母,对反映普通话发音准确度的声韵过渡段建立连续高斯混合密度HMM的普通话发音标准度评价 系统

  • Transparecy of RTR and Neuter Vowels in Vowel Harmony System

    舌根后缩 元音和谐 系统中性元音的可透性

  • The second chapter give a detailed description on the initial vowel and tone system and summarized five typical phonetic features of Xichang speech .

    第二部分对西昌话的声、 、调 系统进行了详细地描述,并总结出五点西昌话的典型语音特征。

  • The research on vowel system evolution and its computation is both part of a larger research effort into understanding the nature of intelligence and the important issue in mathematical linguistics and artificial societies research areas .

    系统 演化计算研究是人类智能演化问题的重要分支,是数理语言学和人工社会等研究领域的重要问题。

  • The Chinese vowel formants which represent vocal character of patients with repaired cleft palate had been measured by computerized speech signal processing system .

    从声学角度出发应用计算机语音分析 技术测试反映腭裂术后患者声道形态特征的 元音共振峰。

  • The Latest Developments of the RP Vowel System

    英国 英语标准 发音 元音 系统的最新演变

  • After that this paper discusses both the visible and invisible rule that have impact on the construction of interlanguage vowel system as well as the relationship between them .

    进而讨论了影响中介 语音 系统建构的显规则和隐规则以及二者之间的关系。

  • The vowel system of Dari differs from that of Farsi and Dari also has additional consonants .

    达里语的 元音 系统和波斯语不同,且达里语有附加的辅音。

  • Firstly the article analyses the long and short vowel system of Zhuang language and Yue dialect with the phonology and phonetics method .

    本文先对壮粤语的长短 元音 系统进行了音系学和语音学的分析。

  • On the Vowel System Shift from Manchu to Sibe : a Structural Perspective

    满语和锡伯语 元音 系统结构的历时比较

  • In the development of the vowel system of the second foreign language the interferences of the mother tongue is far more than that of the first foreign language .

    第二外语 元音 系统发展的过程中,母语迁移的影响更大。

  • 3 Retroflex final shape after high-frequency use the main vowel will gradually change over a long period of adjustment instead the complex more retroflex final summary the gradual reduction in the number of rhyme categories system gradually simplified .

    儿化韵形成之后,在高频率的使用中,主要 元音会渐渐变化,经过长期的调整归并,儿化韵由繁趋简,数目逐渐减少,韵类 系统逐渐简化。

  • We will verify the diffusion of Fuzhou dialect in Puxian dialect by three aspects that is the diffusion of the consonant system the diffusion of vowel system and the diffusion of phonology of Fuzhou dialect .

    文章试图从莆仙话的声母系统、 韵母 系统及其音韵结构三个方面,具体揭示福州话在莆仙话内部的扩散。

  • The new Hangzhou dialect obviously differs from the old the difference between the new and the old Hangzhou dialect mainly reflects in the compound vowel system .

    新杭州话已明显不同于老杭州话。新老杭州话的差异集中地体现在 韵母 系统