volume state

[ˈvɑljum stet][ˈvɔlju:m steit]


  • Objective To explore the effect of high-dose of furosemide on volume state and residual renal function .

    目的观察大剂量速尿对腹膜透析患者残余肾功能和 容量 状态的影响。

  • If the capture failed for any reason ( for example the system volume is full ) the state will be failed .

    如果捕获由于某种原因(比如系统 已满)而失败, 状态为failed。

  • Compared to the volume in fresh state the volume of organs following both fixation and dehydration had no significant change ( the rat testis ) increased by 5-7 % ( the rat epididymis ) or decreased by 3-5 % ( the rat eyeball or the rabbit testis ) .

    与新鲜 状态 体积相比,经固定并脱水后的器官体积或者无显著变化(大鼠睾丸),或者增加5-7%(大鼠附睾),或者减少3-5%(大鼠眼球和兔睾丸)。

  • Most of the existing blasting damage models are established by stretching damage criterion based on the tensile volumetric strain but the damage has occurred and accumulated under volume compression state . In addition this will lead to increase of permeability . 5 .

    大多数现有爆破损伤模型是基于张拉体积应变的拉仲损伤判断准则建立的,但是在 体积压缩 状态下损伤已经开始发生、积累,并且会导致渗透率的增大。

  • According to the refractive index ellipsoid of uniaxial crystal the relationship between diffraction efficiency of volume grating and polarization state of readout beam is theoretically analyzed .

    根据单轴晶体的折射率椭球,从理论上分析了光折 变体光栅的衍射效率与读出光偏振 的关系。

  • When we solute the Navier Stokes equations on unstructured triangular meshes the meshes which are near to the wall have high aspect ratio using the finite volume approximation'method the integration to steady state is difficult to achieve .

    在非结构网格上求解NS方程时,靠近物面的网格伸展比相当大,用有限 体积法进行显式求解时不易收敛并且对雷诺数有一定的限制。

  • The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by5.2 percent compared with the same period of last year .

    和去年同期相比, 国家第一季度的总收购 增长了5.2个百分点。

  • The main risk factors inducing hyperviscosity are hypertensive disease diabetes coronary artery disease hyperlipemia hematoma volume bleeding part diet state and dehydration drugs .

    引起ICH患者血粘度增高的主要因素有高血压病史、糖尿病史、冠心病史、高脂血症、出血 、出血部位、脱水药及入院后进食 情况

  • The treatment of gout in patients with heart failure is complicated by their fragile volume state and chronic renal failure oth of which prohibit the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) and corticosteroids .

    由于心力衰竭患者对 容量 状态敏感和经常伴有慢性肾功能不全,因而其痛风的治疗限制了非甾体类抗炎药和皮质类固醇激素的应用;

  • Are calibrated ; 3 . In allusion to the deficiency of traditional travel demand forecasting models it puts forward a serial of new models and arithmetic to the new-style Mode Split Forecasting models as well as the Volume Delay Function in the state of over-congestion in the road ;

    针对已有交通需求预测模型的不足,提出新型的交通方式划分预测模型,以及道路过度拥挤 状态 流量阻抗函数等一系列模型和算法;

  • Simulated volume compression and the equation of state for MgO are in good agreement with experimental values at 300 K. Therefore the equation of state for MgO is further simulated at higher temperatures and higher pressure .

    温度300K时模拟的MgO 体积压缩率和实验值基本一致,且模拟的 状态方程和实验值也吻合得很好,并进一步模拟了更高压强更高温度下MgO的状态方程。

  • Volume on the current state of the paper shows whether deleted allow recovery from the CD ;

    显示当前 上的文件 状态是否为删除,允许从CD中恢复文件;

  • Based on control volume model often used for steady state simulation and crank-connecting rod model a torque generation model for a two-stroke diesel engine was established .

    在常用于 稳态仿真的 容积法模型基础上,结合曲柄连杆机构的动力学模型,建立了二冲程柴油机的扭矩预测模型。

  • An Equation of Specific Volume for Water and Steam in Saturated State

    饱和 状态水和水蒸汽的 比容方程

  • The cause of anemia was explored from the three aspects : the increase in plasma volume the motile iron deficiency state and erythrocyte hemolysis .

    综合前人的研究成果,从血浆 容量的增加、运动型缺铁 状态和红细胞溶血三个方面论述了运动型运动性贫血的机理。

  • So for the reversible process the work done is the integral under the pressure volume state function the function of state .

    对可逆过程,做的功,是压强 体积 函数曲线下,的积分面积。

  • The states and the natures of the a system in physical chemistry its temperature pressure and volume and soon on are called state function .

    在物理化学中研究物系的变化过程时,物系的状态及状态的性质随着物系的条件,如温度、压力、 体积等的 变化 称为 状态变量。

  • The steady and dynamic states ' transmission of heat differential equation were dispersed by Finite Volume Method and the dynamic state 's temperature field of galvanic arm was got by making numerical calculation on the discrete equation .

    利用控制 容积法对非稳态和稳态传热方程进行离散,并进行了数值模拟,得到了一定条件下电偶臂非 稳态温度分布。

  • The author suggests that the remaining volume is calculated by Alel 's state equation of remaining volume and explosion equation of power and optimal decoupling coefficient is derived by heat-insulated equation .

    作者建议用阿贝尔余 状态方程和炸药爆炸反应方程式来计算余容,并根据绝热方程式推导出最佳不偶合系数。

  • Volume change of mass accretion state and haemorrhagia amount during the operation were analyzed .

    观察动脉灌注化疗栓塞前后肿块的 大小变化、术中肿块粘连 状况及出血量的多少。

  • You know how pressure changes with temperature at constant volume if you know the equation of state .

    如果你知道 状态方程,知道在 体积恒定的时压强如何随着温度变化。

  • The change of left atrial pressure volume loop in the state of ischemia

    左房压力- 容量环在急性心肌缺血 的变化

  • A clamp-down traffic method is proposed to control the volume of QoS link state advertisement ( LSA ) .

    提出了应用流量钳制方法,来控制网络内QoS路由的连接 状态信息(LSA)发布

  • On the basis of the free volume theory the equation of state for liquids is discussed .

    由自由 体积理论研究了液体 状态方程。

  • Evaluation of Stroke Volume Variation in Monitoring Volume State in Gastrointestinal Patients during Induction

    每搏输出量变异度对胃肠外科患者围术期 容量 状态的评价

  • According to the equal speed sampling principle we obtain the calculating formula for the sampling volume in standard state .

    根据等速采样原理,探讨在标准 状态下,采样 体积的计算公式。

  • The volume of metastases state of the primary disease kps extracranial metastases recursive partitioning analysis ( RPA ) class adjuvant whole brain radiation therapy ( WBRT ) were the most importance factors associated with the effect of stereotactic radiotherapy .

    原发灶 状况、脑转移瘤的 体积、立体定向放疗前后是否加全脑放疗、一般 状况评分、回归分割分析(RPA)分级、是否存在颅外转移等是影响脑转移瘤治疗效果的主要因素。