volume velocity

[ˈvɑljum vəˈlɑsɪti][ˈvɔlju:m viˈlɔsiti]


  • Piezoelectric elements were bonded on the plate as actuators and the input voltage of each actuator was determined by the velocity of its position and volume velocity of the plate was made zero through which the sound radiation from the plate could be controlled .

    在简支薄板表面粘贴压电片作为致动器,根据所处位置的速度确定输入控制电压,并使平板的 体积 速度为零,从而达到控制声辐射的目的。

  • The results show that good green compacts of cemented carbide could be made if the volume flow velocity is equal to 61cm3 / s when the die temperature and the injection temperature are at 300K and 420K respectively with lateral injecting gate which is proved by the experiments .

    分析表明:当采用侧面浇口、模温300K、注射温度420K、 体积 流速61cm3/s的注射参数进行注射可以得到良好的硬质合金I型拉伸试样预成形坯。

  • The shape of the first radiation mode corresponds to the volume velocity of the plate at the low frequency .

    在中低频时, 体积 速度与第一阶声辐射模态伴随系数近似成正比。

  • And the research in traffic flow is a key point of traffic planning . The characteristics of urban road traffic flow such as the mathematical model between traffic volume and traffic velocity is the popular research task in each country all the time .

    而在城市道路交通规划的研究中,道路交通流研究一直是重点,特别是城市道路交通流特性如 速度 流量之间的关系模型一直是各国研究的热门。

  • The ventilation validity of heat workshop can be measured by energy-utilizing coefficient effective air volume rate and velocity asymmetry coefficient of effective space .

    热源厂房通风的有效性可以采用能量利用系数来衡量,也可以采用有效 风量率和有效空间的 速度不均匀性系数来衡量。

  • Through observing variation of absolute pressure vapor volume fraction and velocity magnitude in flow field mechanism of ultrasonic cavitation and influence factors are investigated .

    通过观察流场内的绝对压力、汽 率以及 流体 速度的变化,分析了超声空化的发生机理和影响因素。

  • On the basis of general Hele-Shaw model the simulation of the effect of several important molding process parameters on sequential co-injection molding process was implemented by means of CAE technique which involves temperature prefilled polymer volume fraction and injection velocity .

    基于Hele-Shaw模型,采用CAE技术,模拟了顺序共注成型中几个重要工艺参数&温度、壳层预 填充 、注射 速度等对其成型过程的影响。

  • The larger the vein was the larger the flow volume and velocity were and the less the pressure to the duct wall and the shunt resistance of anastomosis site were when the pressure and flow volume of the lymphatic duct were constant .

    淋巴管压力、流量一定时,静脉管越大, 流量 流速越大,对管壁压强越小,吻合口分流阻力越小。

  • The commercial made catalyst reached the laboratory level . It can be used at a volume space velocity of 3.0 h - 1 as well as high space velocity such as 4.7 h - 1 .

    工业生产的催化剂达到了实验室的水平,不但可在 体积 空速3.0h-1下使用,而且也可以在4.7h-1空高速下使用。

  • From its quiet beginnings in North Carolina it meanders northward growing in volume and velocity until it reaches West Virginia .

    它平静地起源于北卡罗来那,蜿蜒北上, 流量 流速都不断增加,直到它进入西弗吉尼亚。

  • From the simulation we know the relationship between the viscosity and the velocity the movement viscosity and the emission volume the jet velocity density and the radius of the print head and et al .

    通过模拟,我们知道了粘度与速度的关系、运动粘度和喷出 的关系、喷口 速度和液体密度和喷头半径的关系、以及喷射角和液滴着落位置的关系。

  • The selection of two ventilation parameters namely traffic volume and vehicle velocity control should be determined according to theory and method of communication engineering which can meet the requirement of the standard and operation needs and investment saving .

    对于交通 和控制 车速这两个通风参数的选取,应采用交通工程的理论与方法来确定,从而达到既满足规范要求,又满足运营需要与节约工程投资的目的。

  • Acquisition Volume Velocity and Energy Distribution of Vibration Structure Based on Radiation Modes

    基于声辐射模态获取振动结构 体积 速度和能量分布

  • After analysis we learn that in the regenerator the phase angle between pressure and volume velocity is not proper which leads to bad effect of the engine .

    分析可知该发动机热声回热器中 速度波和 体积 流量 之间没有达到合适的相位角,导致了发动机性能较差。

  • The results indicated that the CPD system could keep forward blood flow of carotid artery however influenced the blood flow in volume and velocity at certain degrees .

    此新型颈动脉滤器虽然能保持颈动脉前向血流,但仍将对 血流产生一定影响。

  • We can obtain the characteristic parameters phase volume fraction and flow velocity of two-phase flow with the multi-electrode array conductance sensor and also calculate other characteristic parameters of two-phase flow through further study .

    它能进行两相流相 率和流体流动 速度的测量,并可经过进一步处理提取若干被测两相流体的特征参数。

  • Three key indexes for design on interchange safety are harmonious unity among interchange alignment signing with traffic volume traffic velocity and the satisfaction of drivers and passengers .

    实现立交线形指标与交通 流量、车辆行驶 速度及司乘人员自然舒适感受三者之间的协调统一,是立交安全性设计的3大评价指标。

  • The results showed that it was no significant difference in the blood flow volume velocity resistence index and pulsatility index between the left and the right normal superior thyroid arteries .

    结果表明,正常甲状腺左右侧上动脉之间血 流量流速及阻力指数等均无显著差异。

  • Its outstanding advantages are low flow resistance large general heat transfer coefficient for the use of larger heat exchange in same volume at lower velocity with lower pressure drop .

    其最突出的特点是风阻低、综合传热系数大,适用于低 风速、低风压降下,要求有大的同 体积散热容量。

  • Based on the effective pressure equilibrium principle two formulae to calculate the discharge volume and the velocity pressure power of air curtains are presented .

    本文以有效压力平衡原理为基础,对空气幕需 风量压功率与其它参数之间的关系进行了分析并给出了具体表达式。

  • Y the simulating test and study in laboratory the structure and performance of frothing generator were determined and the relative curves between the frothing volume and velocity of foaming net and supplying liquid volume and the concentration of frothing agent were obtained respectively .

    通过模拟实验研究确定了泡沫发生器的结构和性能及其除尘效率,得出了发泡 与发泡网 风速、供液量和泡沫液浓度的关系曲线;

  • Optimal process conditions are as follows : reaction temperature 65 ~ 70 ℃ reaction pressure 0 8 ~ 1 0 MPa volume space velocity 3 0 ~ 4 0 h - 1 and alcohol / gasoline volume ratio 7 ∶ 100 .

    最佳工艺条件为:反应温度65~70℃,反应压力08~10MPa, 体积 空速30~40h-1,醇油体积比7∶100。

  • Numerical Simulation of Cumulative Fluid Volume and Mean Flow Velocity of Jetting Dispensing

    喷射布胶胶液累积 体积及其平均 流速数值模拟

  • Volume velocity modulation system of digital control

    混沌控制方法 容积 调速的数字控制

  • Oxygen is indispensable for the photodestruction of H_2S . When the mol ratio of oxygen to H_2S was 42 ∶ 1 in the raw gas the degradation of H_2S reached 97 % with 28000 h ~ ( - 1 ) volume space velocity .

    氧对H2S的光催化氧化消除过程是不可缺少的,对含量为560mg/m3的H2S,当加入的氧气与原料气中H2S的分子比为42∶1, 空速28000h-1时,去除率达到97%。

  • The Al2O3 short fiber reinforced Al metal matrix composites was made by extrusion directly following infiltration . The effect of different fiber volume fraction and cooling velocity to mechanics property of composites is discussed .

    采用液态浸渗后直接挤压的方法制取了Al2O3/Al基复合材料,探讨了不同纤维 体积分数和冷却 速度对复合材料力学性能的影响。

  • The water volume fraction the velocity field on header section and the outlet flux were analyzed .

    分析联箱截面的液体 体积分数、 速度场及出口流量。

  • The influence of colonization on several crops under different operating pressure and spray volume and wind velocity of biocontrol strains were studied .

    研究了施药机具喷雾压力、药液 流量和工作 风速对几种生防微生物在不同作物叶片上定殖的影响。