




vt.& vi.(网球运动中)截击

  • In the moment of the volley he saluted and then fell down .


  • A man fired a volley of shots at them .

    一名男子向他们射出了一 子弹。

  • At our first volley the terrorists'machine gun was silenced .

    一排子弹射去,恐怖分子的机枪 喑哑了。

  • Volley and obstruct are good technique in ping-pong sport .


  • Do you thin I should join the volley ball team Mary ?

    玛丽,你认为我应该参加 排球队吗?

  • A volley of bullets ripped into the facing wall


  • It is a simple Volley Ball game between two players trying to hit the ball over the net .

    这是一款两个玩家互相将球打过网的简单的 排球游戏。

  • Great ! She returned the ball on the volley .

    太好了!她 截击了那个球。

  • The angry passenger direct a volley of curse at the driver .

    那愤怒的乘客对司机 发出一连串的咒骂。

  • He was hit by a volley of snowballs .

    他让一齐投来的 雪球给击中了。

  • I 'm afraid my proposal was met with a volley of criticisms .

    恐怕我的提议遇到了 一连串的批评。

  • I tried to volley it back to you .

    我尽力 截击 来反击你。

  • He returned the ball on the volley .


  • If the ball touches the court the volley is over .

    若球碰到球场就 无法 来回了。

  • Use : Instantly clears the cool downs of Aimed Shot Multishot Volley and Arcane Shot .

    使用:清除瞄准射击,多重射击, 乱射和奥术射击的冷却时间。

  • A game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net .

    一种在一个场地进行的游戏用一个长把的拍子去 一个羽毛球使它过网。

  • He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net

    一脚 漂亮 凌空 抽射,把球踢进了球门的远角。

  • He responded to my volley with a backhand ie in tennis . Backhand : The stroke used to return balls hit to the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a left-handed player .

    他反手一击把我 截击 空中球打了回来(网球中).反手:右手握拍的运动员从左面回击来球,左手握拍的运动员则相反。

  • McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set .

    在第二局中,麦克尼尔对 截击更加 成功

  • Her volley was quite impossible to return .

    她的 拦击简直无法回击。

  • If you can catch a tennis ball with your hand you can learn volley easily .

    假设您能用手接球,您就能轻易学会 截击

  • She hit a forehand volley into the net .

    她正手 截击 网。

  • He heard the thunder of the volley .

    他听见了 一阵 排枪 射击声。

  • And it gives you that forehand volley up the middle to poach on my returns .

    而且这使你可以在中线 正手 上网 我的回

  • Thrust was followed by counter-thrust ; I tried to volley it back to you .

    攻击紧跟着反攻击;我尽力 截击 来反击你。

  • Or it could be a tennis player chasing down a volley during the final game of a classic match .

    又或许,是经典网球赛事总决赛中一个 选手 飞身 截击 镜头

  • Three mounted officers rode into the field after the volley .

    枪炮 一起 开火后,3名军官骑着 马冲进战场。

  • It 's still not known how many died in the volleys of gunfire

    现在还不知道有多少人在 枪林弹雨中身亡。