


  • So it 's now urgent to analyze and study the criminal features of the rogue and vice force and set down pertinent administrative countermeasures of strike and pre -

    分析、研究流氓 势力犯罪的特点,有针对性地制订相应打击、预防的治理对策,是当务之急

  • Vice - Minister Xu Guanhua Talks About Development of Small and Medium - Sized Science and Technology Enterprises

    科学技术部党组 书记、 部长徐冠华谈促进中小型科技企业大发展

  • They nominated him vice - director of the institute .

    他们任命他为研究所 所长。

  • The Role Characteristic and Power of Vice - chancellor of English University

    论英国大学 校长的角色、特征及权力

  • He is the vice - chairman of an Industrial group . The delegation was headed by a deputy mayor .

    他是工业集团公司的 董事长。代表团由一位副市长率领。

  • On the Collocation of Hezhe Vice Verbs - m - re with biren

    关于赫哲语 动词 -m、-re与biren的搭配关系

  • The de - vice was a monolithic integration of two uniaxial in-plane ( x - and y-axis ) gyroscopes and one uniaxial out-of-plane ( z-ax - is ) gyroscope and the three individual gyroscopes were all actuated by electrostatic force and detected by capacitors .

    该器件由两个结构完全相同的单轴水平 陀螺仪和一个单轴垂直陀螺仪组合而成,三只单轴陀螺仪均采用静电驱动、电容检测的结构形式。

  • Some analysts say the vice presidential candidate needs to take on the role of attack dog - to relentlessly go after the opponent from the other party .

    某些分析人士认为, 总统候选人需要像“猎犬”一样,无情地追击另外一个政党的反对派。

  • Nanjing Broadcasting Group is the first vice - province class city broadcasting group approved by the state administration of radio film and television and the only provincial capital city group in the reform of the national cultural system .

    南京广播电视集团是国家广播电视总局批准成立的第一家全国 省级城市广播电视集团和全国文化体制改革中唯一一家省会城市集团试点单位。

  • It is noted that there is no solitary wave : solution for these ultra-long waves nor constraints of horizontal divergence without the effect of heat source and vice ver - a.

    同时指出 .不考虑热源影响的有限振幅超长波不会产生孤立波解,对水平散度也 约束:但引入热源后,则能产生孤立波解,并且对水平 散度有一定约束。

  • The vice - chancellor power phenomenon of English university is very unique in the world .

    英国大学存在着世界上非常独特的 校长权力现象。

  • Using a computer-monitoring program Timothy Daniels vice president of operations for Accurate Biometrics can track whether Ms. Johnson and other employees are working - or slacking off .

    蒂莫西•丹尼尔斯(TimothyDaniels)是约翰逊所在公司AccurateBiometrics的运营 总裁,通过一款电脑监控软件他可以了解到约翰逊和其他员工是在工作还是在偷懒。

  • The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity . - O. Wilde

    狂热者的大 在于他的诚意。 &王尔德

  • On this wall hung large pictures of President Davis and Georgia 's own Little Alec Stephens Vice - President of the Confederacy .

    这面墙上挂着戴维斯总统和佐治亚州自己的“小亚历”、南部联盟 总统斯蒂芬斯的巨幅肖像。

  • The vice - product bis-quaternary ammonium compound remained in the product was measured by high performance liquid chromatography .

    产品中残留 产物双季铵化合物采用液相色谱法进行测定。

  • Probability and vice - probability

    概率与 概率

  • Seven of the nine indicted officials who include two Fifa vice - presidents were arrested in the raid .

    在9名受到指控的官员(包括两名国际足联 主席)中,有7名在突袭中被捕。

  • The Role Positioning of the Vice - director of the University Library in the Period of the Transformation

    转型期高校图书馆 馆长的角色定位

  • Eyewear was down 43 per cent in unit terms while 29 per cent fewer packs of tights were sold as women took better care of the tights they had already purchased according to Marla Thompson Catalina 's vice - president of national accounts .

    按销量计算,眼镜的销售减少了43%,紧身衣的销售减少了29%卡塔利娜的国民账户事务 总裁玛拉汤普森(MarlaThompson)表示,这是因为女性开始更加爱护自己已经购买回去的紧身衣穿戴。

  • Transformation of Vice - well Winch in Yongshan Coal Industry Company

    涌煤公司 副井绞车改造

  • To flee vice is the beginning of virtue and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom . - Horatius

    远离 罪恶是美德开始;摆脱愚蠢是智慧之初。 &贺拉斯

  • Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice - Chancellors of the European Universities

    欧洲大学校长 校长常设会议

  • Michael Jansen vice - President of mining at JP Morgan said rising copper prices have been accompanied by higher operating costs due to a shortage of speciality engineering services and a scarcity of mining professionals and technicians .

    jp摩根(jpmorgan) 负责矿业的 总裁迈克尔詹森(michaeljansen)表示,由于缺乏专业工程方面的服务,以及矿业专业人士和技术人员短缺,在铜价不断上涨的过程中,运营成本也有所上升。

  • Chen Zuofu vice - President of CCB said the bank considered Africa to be a significant growth market .

    建行 行长 陈佐夫表示,该行认为非洲是一个重要的增长型市场。

  • We certainly welcome Chinese students and Chinese scholars visiting abroad to come back and serve their country but if foreigners meet our requirements they are also welcome said Gao Jianshe executive vice - president and a member of the company 's Communist party committee .

    中航工业 经理兼党组成员高建设说:我们当然欢迎那些在海外的中国学生和中国学者回来为祖国服务,但如果有外籍人士符合我们的要求,我们也会表示欢迎。

  • The common practice to change from the pushing operation to towing or vice versa is both time - consuming and power - wasting and it is hard to operate as well .

    一般拖轮由顶推作业改为艉拖作业或 反之,不仅费时费工,而且操作不便。

  • Richard Feltes vice - president at brokers RJ O ' Brien in Chicago said : Quite frankly the world does not have a lot of corn to give to China right now even if they wanted it .

    芝加哥经纪商RJO'Brien的 总裁理查德菲尔特斯(RichardFeltes)表示:坦率地说,目前世界上没有太多玉米供应中国,即使想供应也做不到。

  • The Opening Speech of SUN Gong-ping Vice - secretary - general of the People 's Government of Gansu Province

    甘肃省人民政府 秘书长 孙公平的开幕式讲话