view of efficiency

[vju ʌv ɪˈfɪʃənsi][vju: ɔv iˈfiʃənsi]

[经] 效率观点

  • From the point of view of efficiency the optimum prevention level for one community and government regulation is that the marginal prevention cost is equal to the marginal anticipated accident cost .


  • Fourthly from the view of institutional efficiency it states the investment conditions of native banks and banks and analyzes the relations between Securities Market and modern industries then concludes the evaluation to financing function resource allocation function and efficiency realization of Securities Market .

    再次,本文分析了证券市场与近代产业之间的关系以及 钱庄、银行的证券投资行为,以此对近代中国证券市场的融资、资源配置功能的发挥以及外在效率的实现进行客观的评价。

  • The firms are really the governance structures of labor relations in the view of contractual governance efficiency .

    从契约的治理 效率来看,企业就是一种劳动关系的治理结构。

  • Air-source heat pump water heater is a desirable device in the view of energy utilization efficiency .

    提出并构建了一种测试空气源热泵热水器不同季节运行 性能的实验装置。

  • In view of the low efficiency of solar photovoltaic system short service life of the lead-acid battery and other issues designed a solar controller using microcontroller MC9S08QG8 .

    针对目前太阳能发电系统 效率低、铅酸蓄电池使用寿命短等问题,利用微控制器MC9S08QG8设计一种太阳能控制器。

  • From the point view of efficiency the current compensation price which is lower than the fair market price causes the loss of the farmers ' land benefit and the waste of levied land for commonweal construction .

    效率 视角 分析,现行征地补偿价格低于基于市场机制形成的公平价格,既是造成农民土地权益流失的原因,又是公益建设征地浪费的根源。

  • This paper dose researches on address allocation schemes in WSN in view of energy efficiency and proposes an improved scheme of address allocation in layered WSN .

    本文从节约传感器 能耗降低网络内数据量的 角度 出发,分析研究了WSN中地址分配方案的相关技术,针对传统分层地址分配方案提出一种改进方案。

  • 〕 Started out from the relations between fixed number of staffs quota management and artificial cost control and its effect this paper clarifies the scientific view of efficiency management for artificial cost and deeply discusses its methods operational ability and related matching measures . 〔

    从定员定额管理与人工成本控制相互关系及其影响效应研究出发,阐明了 效率管理对人工成本进行有效控制的科学 观点,同时就其方法的可操作性以及相关的配套措施进行了深入的论述。

  • It is hampered by the miscomprehension on the view of efficiency .

    由于在 效率 上存在的误区,当代中国的行政法制发展受到阻滞。

  • During the period of constructing gross well-to-do society in China people have formed a view of efficiency first and justice compatible and the principle that has its particular reason and historic background ;

    在我国建设总体小康时期,逐步形成 效率优先,兼顾公平的 效率公平 及其原则是有其特殊原因和特定历史背景的;

  • This paper advances the rational relations between governments and local commercial banks in the view of discussing efficiency that local governments share local commercial banks .

    本文从考察地方政府参与地方商业银行的 有效 出发,提出并阐述了政府与地方商业银行的理性关系问题。

  • To prolong the lifetime of cognitive radio sensor network the dissertation proposes a creative cross-layer scheme in terms of energy efficiency and fairness based on a new factor residual energy ratio ( RER ) from the view of energy efficiency of data transmissions .

    为了延长认知无线传感器网络的生存周期, 网络数据传输中的能量 效率问题为切入点,创新性的提出了一种基于剩余能量比率的兼顾能量效率和传输公平的跨层策略。

  • Through an analysis of the definition of efficiency by the mainstream western economists this paper points out that their view of efficiency leads them directly to value judgment .

    从分析西方主流经济学家对效率范畴的界定及对影响经济效率因素的剖析出发,文章指出西方主流经济学家对效率范畴的 态度和直接向人们推销特定的价值观: 效率第一主义。

  • In the view of the low efficiency of the domestic rotor balancing machine and the high cost of the oversea rotor balancing machine an automatic balancing machine is designed and achieved while synthetically taking into account the efficiency and the cost .

    鉴于国内转子动平衡机的低 效率和国外动平衡机的高成本,综合考虑了效率和成本,设计并实现了一套全自动动平衡机。

  • Dinting Detection Institution from the View of Efficiency and Impartiality

    效率与公平 视域下的卧底侦查制度规制

  • A-reasonable range of vane angle is presented on the basis of experiment data in optimal loading condition and the range is modified in view of cutting efficiency .

    根据最佳装煤条件下的试验数据,提出了合理旋叶升角的范围;并从截煤 效率 考虑,对此范围进行了修正。

  • But speaking in the view of efficiency the efficiency of labor force is lowest ;

    但是从 效率来说,劳动力的效率却是最低的,而FDI的效率则大幅领先于国内投资与劳动力。

  • In view of the efficiency of the energy utilization and energy-saving a potential way is to use the heat pump with thermal energy storage .

    提高能源利用 效率和节能的 角度,基于热能贮存的热泵技术是缓解这一矛盾的可行途径。

  • The financial engineering is not only the technique concept and is also the new view of financial efficiency . It provide the principle the method and the whole set of tools and work out the current financial problem in a creative way .

    金融工程已不仅是一个技术性的概念,更是一种全新的金融 效率 和改革 理念,它提供了一整套的原理、方法和工具,着重对现有金融问题进行创造性的解决。

  • From the view of higher efficiency of system this research discusses the management compression and progressive transmission of spatial data and experiments on them ;

    从提高系统 效率 角度 考虑,本文首先重点对空间数据的管理、压缩和渐进传输进行了研究和实验:进而基于微软。

  • When we evaluate college English teaching we pursue not the efficiency but the efficacy of college English teaching by replacing the view of teaching efficiency evaluation with the view of teaching efficacy evaluation .

    对大学英语教学进行评价的目的,并非在于评价教学效率的 高低,应当用教学效能评价观代替教学 效率评价 ,要提高大学英语教学效能。

  • First from the view of noise and efficiency various boost circuits are analyzed concluded that the combination structure of charge pump and low dropout regulator is the best method to obtain a low ripple and high quantity voltage .

    文章首先从噪声和 效率这两个 角度 分析各种升压电路结构,分析结果表明电荷泵加上线性稳压电路的组合结构是获得低纹波高输出电压的最好方法。

  • Therefore it is the economy foundation of the implementation of the view of justice and efficiency during the period of constructing entire well-to-do society that people must consolidate and develop public ownership economy .

    为此,必须毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济,这是落实全面建设小康社会时期的公平 效率 的经济基础;

  • Besides from the view of the efficiency of drug release the higher content of the drug loading the more the drug residues in the nano-tubes relatively .

    同时,从药物最终的释放 效率 来看,载药量越高,纳米管中的药物残留也相对越多。

  • People 's view of equity and efficiency is a fundamental issue affecting economy ruled by law and legal management of modern enterprises .

    而影响法制经济,影响企业法制管理理念的一个根本问题是人们 公平 效率 认识

  • In the view of Marxism efficiency and equity is not invariable but it is in the process of changing and developing .

    马克思 主义 效率与公平不是一成不变的,而是不断地发展进化的。

  • Therefore in view of economical efficiency reliability and implementation etc theoretical research on the hydroelastic problems of VLFS would be of importance .

    所以, 经济 、可靠性和易实现性等方面 出发,进行各种理论研究就显得尤为重要。