video picture

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˈpɪktʃɚ][ˈvidiəu ˈpiktʃə]


  • On the realization of the system IP multicast mode is adapted to make multi-client share the video picture ;

    程序设计中,采用了IP组播方式实现多客户端共享 视频

  • It realized such functions as the real-time displaying recording dynamic detect of the video picture of the monitor area and also the transmission of the alarming signal and so on .

    该系统利用VC++6.0实现对 视频采集卡的编程,从而获得监控区域的 视频 图像,实现了对监控区域的 视频 图像的实时显示、录像、动态检测和报警信号的传输等功能。

  • But the second class and x-rated organization video frequency picture deliver to then adopt the video frequency picture compression technique becoming the video frequency picture conversion the numerical signal deliver the system to carry on the picture transmission through a fiber-optic numeral .

    而二级、三级机构 视频 图像传输则采用视频图像压缩技术,将视频图像转换成数字信号通过光纤数字传输系统进行图像传送。

  • A data compressed method in the geometric parameter measurement of video picture

    视频 图象几何测量中的数据压缩方法

  • But if you could prove that he 's nuts : audiotape video picture whatever

    但如果你能证明他是个疯子,有录音带、 录像带、 照片之类的证据

  • Protection method is proposed which uses the syntax of video picture enhanced information field .

    在对 视频 图像增强信息域语法规则的分析基础上,提出了对 视频图像的头 信息保护的方法。

  • In any circumstance don 't shoot any video or picture of your intimate moment no matter who you are with .

    与任何人,在任何情况下都不拍 欢爱镜头

  • The video picture of computer was scanned to the display board of huge screen . Because of the speciality of LED material the method of signal control is digital . So the system is a typical application of signal processing of digital video .

    本系统将计算机 视频 图像扫描到大屏幕显示板上,LED器件特性决定了信号的控制是全数字式的,是数字视频信号处理系统的一个典型应用。

  • First we put CCD vidicon on fixed point gather the video picture of sign point on dynamic measured structure by picture gathering card .

    在固定点安置CCD摄像机,通过图像采集卡对处于动态被监测结构物上的标志点进行 视频 图像采集;

  • Digital Integrated Interface Software Design of Network of the Video Picture

    视频 图像数字网络集成接口软件设计

  • The paper gives the structure of the mobile video supervisory system under WLAN describes its theory and procedures of the modules of video picture capture and represent mobile transmission .

    介绍基于WLAN的移动视频监控系统,描述了 视频捕获、 视频再现、无线 视频传输等组成模块的原理和工作过程。

  • The aim of FV can be easily described as follows : Given a certain static picture or dynamic video picture of scene try to detect and recognize one or more persons in them on the basis of prearranged face database indicating relevant ID information .

    人脸识别概念可简单的描述为:给定某一场景的静态图片或动态 视频 图像,根据所存储的脸面数据库识别或确认一个或更多的人。

  • In this paper an address mapping method for multi-standard video is presented which maps video picture into the memory space of DDR SDRAM with a simple formula .

    提出了一种支持多标准视频的存储器地址映射方法,用一个简洁的公式把 视频 图像映射到DDRSDRAM的存储空间。

  • With the wide application of the stream media technology the stream media application in various fields put forward new request toward video codes . It requires not only transferring video by low code radio namely high compression but also acquiring well-qualified video picture .

    随着流媒体技术的广泛应用,很多领域的流媒体应用对视频编码提出了新的要求:既要以低码率传输视频图像,即高压缩比;又要能获得质量好的 视频 图像

  • High offering an explanation rate background video picture .

    高分辩率背景 视频 画面

  • The Video Format Translation for Video Conference Picture Codec

    会议 电视 图像编解码器中的视频格式转换

  • The twisted pair line is often used to transmit the video picture signal in monitoring system but the signals in the terminal of a receiver are often dropped .

    论述了监控系统 图象信号传输中同轴电缆、双绞线和光纤的特点和传输特性,并对其技术性能进行了分析。

  • Optimal decoding result could be obtained if the distortion can be precisely predicted in the encoder and thus the best encoding mode can be chosen to encode the original video picture under the rate-distortion ( R-D ) optimization framework .

    如果能够在编码时准确估计出失真度,从而在率失真( R-D)优化的条件下选取最优的编码模式,就可以保证最佳的解码效果。

  • Even if the video picture of the performance style and most are patchy in the creation of individual artists .

    即使有对于 影像 图片表现样式的研究,也大多是零星散落于个别艺术家的创作中。

  • The Design of Vehicle Flow Video Picture Detection System Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的 视频 图象车流量检测系统设计

  • In multimedia computer some techniques are used for video picture grab and display on VGA .

    本文分析了在多媒体计算机中,为了解决 视频 图像的获取和图像在VGA显示器上显示所采用的技术以及必须注意的一些问题。

  • The Research on the Information Transmission Technique for GPS Video Picture Scouting Shells

    双曲薄壳稳定性的分析GPS 视频 图像侦察弹信息传输技术研究

  • The main contributions of the thesis are : The model of video streams multiplexing is bettered and the model of the transmition of video picture mosaic on network is presented in the thesis .

    论文的主要贡献在于:改进了多路媒体流复用传输模型,并提出了多路 视频拼接传输模型;

  • When interception and processing the video image the multi-thread programming technology ensures the smooth demonstration of the video monitoring picture while processing the frame .

    在采集视频图像时,本系统采用多线程编程技术,在对帧 图像进行处理的同时实现 视频监控 画面的流畅显示。

  • Research on noise reduction and image intensification of mine underground video picture based on wavelet

    井下 视频 图像的小波消噪加强方法

  • Just then he saw the video picture which taped by Scofield and Lincoln through TV with all the colleagues .

    就是那时,他跟所有的同事们一起观看到了电视上播出来的,斯科菲尔德和林肯早先的 录像带。

  • Full screen moving video picture is the main goal that multimedia will achieve at the compressing technology taking MPEG as it 's kernel is the most hopeful ones .

    全屏幕活动 视频 图像是多媒体技术最终要达到的主要目标之一,以MPEG为核心的压缩技术是目前最有希望的一种。

  • A New Type of Satellite Double Video Picture Separator

    一种新型卫星双 画面 电视分离器

  • The Analysis of Movie & Video Picture Form

    影视 画面构成探析