


  • She talked about China in a positive way negating its vilification and distortion by colonial discourse .

    她从积极的意义 言说中国,解构殖民话语 霸权 它的歪曲和 丑化

  • There is vilification of people of various kinds even now .

    甚至现在也有 同人 诋毁

  • They pelted him with ridicule and vilification .

    他们用嘲笑和 丑化 他进行猛烈的 攻击

  • An attempt to destroy a reputation ; vilification or slander .

    诽谤,诋毁毁坏名誉的企图; 污蔑或诽谤。

  • The husband Wang Fei 28 soon began receiving death threats harassing calls at work and vilification on the Internet .

    丈夫名叫王菲,28岁。他开始受到死亡威胁,在工作中收到骚扰电话,在互联网上 遭到 谩骂

  • Despite online vilification and real-life harassment he is trying to sue internet sites for defamation .

    尽管网络 诬陷和现实中的骚扰, 男子 想尽 办法来起诉 相关网站的诽谤行为。

  • Corporate America and Wall Street have responded to the public vilification with indignation and surprise .

    美国企业界和华尔街对民众的 责难感到气愤和惊讶。

  • Kiichi Fujiwara professor of international politics at Tokyo University said Mr Abe remained committed to revisionist causes borne of his conviction that Japan had been singled out for vilification after the war .

    东京大学(TokyoUniversity)国际政治教授 藤原归一(KiichiFujiwara)表示,安倍出于他的信念,即日本在战后被专门挑出来作为谴责 对象,仍致力于修正主义事业。

  • The vilification of the Spanish government .

    对西班牙政府的 诽谤

  • Help for persons suffering discrimination harassment or vilification

    给予遭歧视、骚扰或 中伤的受害人的协助

  • The family said that they had been subjected to a vilification campaign by their neighbours .

    那一家人说他们一直受到了邻居的 诋毁