vitamin B12

[化] 维生素B12(的别名)

  • Third : anemia unbalanced nutrition intake made of iron folic acid vitamin B12 and other blood substances in itself insufficient intake ;

    第三:贫血营养摄入不均衡使得铁、叶酸、 维生素 B12等造血物质本身就摄入不足;

  • The blood is medically valuable and is used to detect bacteria for cancer research and diagnosing leukemia as well as vitamin B12 deficiency .

    马蹄蟹的血有极高的医学价值,可用于观察细菌、癌症研究和诊断白血病与 维生素 B12缺乏症。

  • Pernicious anemia in human is due to failure of absorption of vitamin B12 .

    人的恶性贫血是由于不能吸收 维生素 B12 结果

  • New findings show that neuropathy is more prevalent in'patients with Parkinson 's disease and point to a potential link with vitamin B12 deficiency and cumulative levodopa exposure .

    新的研究结果表明神经病变在帕金森病患者更加普遍的,并指出 维生素 B12缺乏与左旋多巴的累积暴露存在一个潜在的联系。

  • Intrinsic factor is a natural substance present in the stomach and is essential to the digestion of vitamin B12 ;

    内因子是一种存在于胃的天然物质,是 维生素 B12吸收所必不可少的;

  • The prevalence of Vitamin B12 deficiency is higher in vegans than in omnivores .

    纯素食者的 B12缺失发生率比不吃素的人高。

  • Evidence is mounting that levels of vitamin B12 may be connected to the risk of developing Alzheimer 's disease .

    越来越多的证据 维生素 B12水平可能与发生老岁首呆症的风险有关。

  • Certain species of seaweed have been reported to contain appreciable quantities of Vitamin B12 .

    曾有报道某些种海藻含有相当量的 维生素 B12

  • Vitamin B12 supplementation should be encouraged because of its substantial reduction during the rehabilitation period .

    由于康复期间 维生素B12严重减少, 推荐补充 维生素 B12

  • Oral administration of folic acid and vitamin B12 can lower plasma total homocysteine levels .

    口服叶酸和 维生素 B12可以降低血浆中总高半胱氨酸的水平。

  • Milk powder and formula food for infant and young children & Determination of vitamin B12 activity ( microbiological method )

    GB/T5413.14-1997婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素 B12活性测定(微生物法)

  • Objective To establish a HPLC method for the content determination of procaine hydrochloride in Gentamicin Procaine Vitamin B12 Granules .

    目的建立测定庆大霉素普鲁卡因 B12颗粒中盐酸普鲁卡因含量的方法。

  • In addition eggs are also rich in vitamins A E B6 B12 folic acid and zinc which are important nutrients in activation of the brain particularly folic acid and vitamin B12 .

    此外,鸡蛋中也有丰富的维生素A、E、B6、B12、叶酸和锌等活化脑力很重要的营养素,尤其是叶酸和 维生素 B12

  • Folate works with vitamin B12 to help form red blood cells .

    叶酸与 维他命 B12一起帮助 机体形成红细胞。

  • Vitamin B12 is destroyed by oxidizing and reducing agents by aldehydes ascorbic acid ferrous salts vanillin and acacia .

    维生素 B12可被氧化剂和还原剂、醛类抗坏血酸、二价铁盐、香草醛和阿拉伯树胶破坏。

  • I find it useful to periodically measure blood levels of zinc copper selenium vitamin C thiamine vitamin B6 vitamin B12 and25-hydroxyvitamin D in some patients .

    我发现在一些患者中定期检测血的锌、铜、硒、维生素C、维生素B1、维生素B6、 维生素 B12和25-羟维生素D水平很有用。

  • One thing that might interest them vegans is that non-alcoholic beer can be found vitamin B12 .

    你可能感兴趣的一件事是,不含酒精的啤酒中发现了 维生素 B12

  • Disorders produce vitamin B12 deficiency and extensive diarrhea ( since Bile salts in the large intestine interfere with water absorption ) .

    回肠的疾病 造成 维生素 B12缺乏症,并有剧烈腹泻(胆汁盐干扰了大肠吸收水过程的结果)。

  • When methionine intake is low homocysteine is recycled back to methionine in a process involving folic acid and vitamin B12 .

    而当甲硫氨酸摄入量较低时,同型半胱氨酸又通过一条包含叶酸和 维生素 B12的途径再循环生成甲硫氨酸。

  • Objective : To observe the alteration of mouse embryonic palatal ultrastructure after DEX and Vitamin B12 exposure .

    目的:观察地塞米松和 维生素 B12作用后腭胚突超微结构的变化。

  • The researchers also verify that at baseline the groups did not differ in their use of multivitamin supplements intakes of total folate vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 or cancer history .

    研究者还证实,两组在多种维生素的补充,摄入叶酸、维生素B6、 B12的总量,或患癌史方面的基线水平相同。

  • All818 participants also had normal serum vitamin B12 at baseline .

    总的818名参与者也有正常的血清 维生素 B12

  • Vitamin B12 is also called cobalamin because it contains the metal cobalt .

    维生素 B12也被称为维生素B12,因为它含有的金属钴。

  • Vitamin B12 is found in a variety of foods including dairy eggs fish and meat .

    科学发现 维他命 B12存在于多种食物,包括奶制品,蛋鱼肉类。

  • Common dietary sources of vitamin B12 include fish poultry and meat products .

    常见的 维生素 B12饮食来源包括鱼、家禽和肉制品。

  • Vegans consume no animal products and are susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency .

    素食者不吃任何动物性食物,易患 维生素 B12缺乏症。

  • Vitamin B12 is thought to influence nuclear structure by affecting folate metabolism .

    据认为 维生素 B12是通过干扰叶酸盐代谢来影响核的结构。

  • Vitamin B12 can also be found in milk and some fortified cereals .

    牛奶和一些强化谷物中也含有 维生素 B12