


  • This is a violation of my client 's civil rights .


  • There would be no violation of decency in their paying a visit the little party of three to the sights of the metropolis .

    他们这三人小组在首都参观访问期间,不会有什么 越轨 行为

  • The agency said these pricing discrepancies were brought to its attention by consumers and are in violation of its price law .

    发改委称,消费者对这些价格差异的情况进行了举报,同时指出这些 行为 违法了中国的价格法。

  • Well we have to further analysis this violation is an offense how it happen ?

    好吧,我们必须进一步分析,这是一个进攻 违反如何发生的?

  • The judge called the decision ' a flagrant violation of international law '

    法官称这一决定是“对国际法的公然 违背”。

  • Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states .

    孟加拉国不能容忍对不插手和不干涉别国内政原则的 破坏

  • The upper limit for Party violation in this strong interaction was quoted by tanner .

    潭纳给出了在这种强相互作用中 宇称 破坏的上限。

  • All acts in violation of the Constitution or the law must be investigated .

    一切 违反宪法和法律的行为,必须予以追究。

  • His possession of classified documents in his home was at the very least a violation of Navy security regulations .

    他把机密文件藏在家中,至少是 违反了海军安全条例。

  • This is in total violation of the law .

    可是这 公然 违背了法律。

  • I was shooting over his cover which is a violation of policy .

    他掩护时候我开枪了,这是和程序要求 的。

  • Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life .

    国际特赦组织反对死刑,称其 违背了生命权。

  • We will not tolerate a continuation of a violation of an understanding .

    我们决不可容忍继续 违反一项达成的谅解。

  • The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention

    该行为公然 违背了《维也纳公约》。

  • Father anderson this is a grave violation of the treaty .

    安德森神父,你严重 违反了条约。

  • A grave breach under the Geneva Conventions is a violation of the law of war .

    对日内瓦公约的严重 违反是对战争法的违背。

  • This is in violation of her civil rights .

    这是对公民权利的 侵犯

  • And a violation of divine law !


  • A violation of a constitutional infringes contractual rights and may give rise to an action for breach of contract .

    对公司章程的 违反是对合同权利的破坏,并可能引发违约诉讼。

  • And that white finding triggered this investigation and then also triggered this apparent violation .

    那个白色的发现引发了这个调查,然后也引发了这个明显的 违规

  • Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics .

    难民工作者说那种行为是对医德的 亵渎

  • The government has acted in violation of its agreement .

    政府的 行为 违反了它的协议。

  • This is recognized in the absence of HE the case of violation fines .

    这还是在没有认何 违规罚款的情况下。

  • In this case the county 's flagrant violation of the legitimate rights and interests of individuals .

    在这种情况下,县的公然 侵犯的合法权利和利益的个人。

  • Such acts not only substandard social ethics but also in violation of laws and regulations .

    这种行为不仅不合社会伦理,也 违反了法律法规。

  • Violation of these safety codes can result in user injury liability claims and penalties .


  • Isn 't this a violation of the seatbelt laws ?

    这不是 违反了系安全带的法律规定吗?

  • A university student in nairobi kenya was stopped for a traffic violation the other day .

    肯尼亚首都内罗毕一位大学生那天因 违章 驾车被拦住。

  • This attack constitutes a challenge to international peace and security and is a violation of the Armistice Agreement .

    这次袭击是对国际和平与安全的挑战, 违反了停战协定(ArmisticeAgreement)。

  • Attention whalers ! You are in violation .

    注意了捕鲸人你们 了。