vintage wine

[ˈvɪntɪdʒ waɪn][ˈvɪntɪdʒ wain]


  • PARIS ( Reuters ) - Three young Romanian conmen used fake barcode stickers to buy hundreds of bottles of vintage wine at rock-bottom prices in Parisian supermarkets police said on Tuesday .

    巴黎:在巴黎的几家超市,三个罗马尼亚骗子使用假条形码以最低的价格买了几百瓶 葡萄酒,警方于周二说道。

  • The method of anthocyanin HPLC fingerprints is feasible for distinguishing the age ( vintage ) of red wine .

    花青素HPLC指纹图谱可以区分不同 酒龄 葡萄酒,是区分鉴定 葡萄酒 酒龄可行的方法。

  • A genuine vintage wine

    真正的 佳酿 品牌 葡萄酒

  • Another high performer is the vintage wine fund .

    另一个表现优异者是 佳酿基金( vintage winefund)。

  • No matter how big a bucket is if there is no aged vintage wine in it it 's worthless .

    再大的酒桶,如果它里面没有装上 陈年 葡萄酒,也是没有价值的呢。

  • Invariably medium to full bodied and with minimum variation between vintage years the wine is often loaded with black currant raspberry and other red berry flavors .

    往往中等至浓郁,并与最低之间的差异 老式年, 葡萄酒往往是装有黑穗醋栗,树莓和其他红色浆果的风味。

  • Vintage year of vintage The year in which a wine was made .

    年份、 年份 生产 葡萄酒的那一年。

  • The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for old clothes .

    Vintage这个词是从 葡萄酒 酿酒的术语中借用过来的(原本意思是“陈年的”),在这里是对“旧”衣服的一个委婉的说法,更具 古典气质。

  • Bozhou is regarded as a wine vintage center of China with Gujing Tribute Wine as the most famous brand ; it has a first-class medical materials market and is a famous cattle-breeding center .

    是以古井 贡酒为龙头的中国 白酒大基地,以全国最大中药材市场为标志的中国药材第一市,还是文明遐迩的中国黄牛金三角。

  • Sichuan is famous for its long history of vintage and its long standing of wine culture .

    四川有悠久的 酿酒历史, 文化源远流长。

  • Accompanied by the skyline of Seoul city guests imbibe modern tapas top quality oysters gourmet cheese platters farmed caviar and vintage wine selection .

    临空而坐,来点前卫的塔帕斯小吃,尝尝顶级的龙虾,饕餮美妙的各式奶酪、鲜纯鱼子酱,别忘了还有各种 年份 红酒任由品茗。

  • Right now the front-of-mind vintage is of course the much-lauded 2010 that is currently being sold en primeur or as wine futures offering the customer the opportunity to invest in a particular wine before it is bottled .

    眼下最先能想到的 年份当然是颇受称赞的2010年份。这个年份的 葡萄酒正以期 形式销售,为顾客提供了一个在装瓶前投资特定葡萄酒的机会。

  • When I suggest a toast of vintage wine in my memory to you I am the first to get drunk .

    当我捧起记忆中的 美酒请你喝时,却先醉了自己。

  • The effects of wine variety vintage yeast pectase SO2 and clarificant on resveratrol content in dry-red wine were studied .

    研究了葡萄品种、 年份、酿酒酵母、果胶酶、SO2、澄清剂等对干红 葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的影响。

  • My two previous visits had been in 2002 and 2008 and on the second I had been deeply depressed by the fact that while the rest of the world was making better wine with every vintage the quality of the Chinese wine seemed to have stagnated .

    我前两次造访中国分别是在2002年和2008年,而第二次访问曾令我倍感沮丧,当世界其它地方每一 都能酿制出优质 葡萄酒时,中国的 葡萄酒 品质却似乎已停滞不前。

  • They compared the wine 's C-14 to C-14 in atmospheric samples from the same years . And found a direct match & C-14 levels could give away the vintage year for each wine .

    他们将酒中的碳十四含量与生产年份大气样品中的含量进行比较,发现两者有着直接联系&碳十四含量完全可以透露每瓶 年份

  • The past ten years resembles a glass of vintage wine crystal-clear in its looks but mellow in its bouquet .

    十年,是一杯 佳酿,看似清,飘出的却是阵阵醇香。

  • Do you have Red Burgundy 1978 ? Vintage : The year in which the grapes were picked and the wine made .

    你们有1978年份的勃艮地红酒吗? 酿制 年份摘取葡萄以及 酿制 葡萄酒的当年。

  • So if someone is talking about the vintage of a wine they mean the year it was produced .

    因此,如果有人提到 葡萄生产 年份时,他们指的就是 葡萄酒的出产年份。

  • What Vintage ie year is this wine ?

    这种 是哪一年 酿造的?