vicious circle

[ˈvɪʃəs ˈsɚkəl][ˈviʃəs ˈsə:kl]


  • Here was as pretty a vicious circle as the world had ever seen .

    这儿出现了一个世界上从未出现过的 恶性循环

  • For the millions struggling with poverty a vicious circle ensues .

    对于仍在与贫困抗争的数百万人而言,这就 形成了一个 恶性循环

  • Those concepts of spoilage and vicious circle of ecological environment have been explained .

    对生态环境的破坏和 恶化等概念作了具体说明。

  • It is a vicious circle : the more cluttered the format the more advertising is crammed in it .

    它是一个 恶性循环:更多弄乱了格式,较多的广告在它被塞满。

  • That has meant a vicious circle with more competition and less innovation he adds .

    他补充道,由于竞争更激烈和创新更少,这 形成了一种 恶性循环

  • I did it do you . It 's a vicious circle .

    我再这样对你,这是一个 恶性循环

  • That 's a vicious circle we have made .

    这是我们制造的一个 恶性循环

  • At present regional poverty and ecological degradation form a vicious circle .

    目前,区域贫困和生态环境退化已形成了 恶性循环

  • And even if the vicious circle is limited the financial system will still be crippled by inadequate capital .

    此外,即使 恶性循环被遏制,资本金不足的金融机构仍然将是跛脚的。

  • There is a vicious circle going on & prosperity surplus depression .

    繁荣过剩萧条,一个 恶性循环正在进行。

  • And those of us who know better should be doing all we can to break that vicious circle .

    因此,我们这些更了解情况的局外人应该尽我们的所能去打破这个 恶性循环

  • We were chained to a vicious circle of violence .

    我们被牵制在暴力的 恶性循环 之中

  • The physical violence can lead to a vicious circle of conflict .

    暴力会导致冲突的 恶性循环

  • Our most pressing priority is to break the vicious circle of unsustainable debt financial turbulence and sub-optimal growth .

    最为紧迫的优先任务是打破不可持续的债务、金融动荡和次优增长的 恶性循环

  • Now Japan has offered us an opportunity to break our old vicious circle in the land problem .

    现在日本入侵,给我们一个机会去打破过去在土地问题上的 恶性循环

  • The eurozone is caught in a vicious circle .

    欧元区陷入了一个 恶性循环

  • The Home Secretary aims to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime

    内政大臣力图打破贫困和犯罪之间的 恶性循环

  • Many people get caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain .

    许多人为节食和体重增加的 恶性循环困扰

  • And less running success is the obvious result making the impatience worsen in a vicious circle .

    所以明显的结果是跑向了更少的成功,这又让没耐心出于一个 恶性循环中。

  • His increasingly visible chagrin sets up a vicious circle .

    他的明显的不满引起了一种 恶性循环

  • An industry with strong developing and manufacturing but weak marketing is bound to be trapped in a vicious circle .

    研发能力和制造能力强但营销能力弱的产业,往往会陷入 投入收益 的产业 恶性循环 之中

  • Corruption in turn will protect prostitution thus forming a vicious circle .

    反过来腐败又会保护卖淫嫖娼,就这样形成 恶性循环

  • The economy is trapped in a vicious circle where credit crunch and recession mutually reinforce each other .

    经济已陷入了一种信贷紧缩与衰退相互强化的 恶性循环

  • The process was a vicious circle .

    这是一种 恶性循环

  • These diseases reinforce a vicious circle of poverty and hopelessness by depressing production .

    这些疾病加之令人沮丧的生产更加使人们陷入到贫穷和无望这个 恶性循环中来。

  • And then you have a vicious circle of more unemployment and fewer taxpayer to share the burden .

    那便会产生失业率越高、分担此负担的纳税人越少的 恶性循环

  • That would increase interest costs further and so on in a vicious circle .

    这将进一步提高利息成本,如此 往复陷入 恶性循环

  • The more pesticides are used the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used . It 's a vicious circle .

    杀虫剂用得越多,昆虫的抗药力就变得越强,于是又要用更多的杀虫剂。这是一个 恶性循环