


  • Now I knew how Victor felt about me when I asked a question about something he thought obvious .

    现在我知道 维克托对我的感受了,当我问一些他觉得很明显的事情的问题时。

  • Are you a victor ?

    你是个 胜利者吗?

  • Victor : I know . I married into a family that 's very serious about education !


  • TONY : I think Victor Chapman and Mr. Tate are partners .

    托尼:我想 维克多?查普曼和泰特先生是同谋。

  • Please it 's victor . he 's married to a corpse .

    求求你了,是 维克特,他娶了个僵尸。

  • VICTOR : Believe me I know the value of this package .


  • How long have you and Victor been engaged ?

    你和 维克多订婚多久了?

  • Victor : A fool and his money are soon parted .

    一个 呆子和他 拥有的钱很快就会分开了。

  • He 's a victor indeed !

    的确,他是一个 胜利者

  • Instead I told myself only when I faced this unexpected obstacle head-on could I be the victor .

    相反,我对自己说,只有当我面对这个意想不到的障碍迎头我可以成为 胜利者

  • Victor became evasive and told us that he had nothing more to say .


  • PHILIP : Victor Chapman . He killed your uncle .

    菲利普: 维克多?查普曼。是他杀了你叔叔。

  • Later on Victor from flat 10 called .

    后来,10 公寓的 维克托打来电话。

  • The crowd surrounded the victor .

    人群挤在 胜利者周围。

  • Victor and Valerie are his parents .


  • This is all that 's left of victor .

    这是 victor留下的所有东西了。

  • It 's hard to tell who will emerge victor .

    不知 鹿死谁手

  • I thought you were in washington with Victor .

    不是 应该 维克托在华盛顿

  • VICTOR : If I get my hands on Tate I 'll kill him too !


  • Victor in a word got increasingly fed up

    总而言之, 维克多越来越厌倦了。

  • VICTOR : OK I 'm done . I can hand it over to you now .


  • Victor : Thank you . I 'll never forget your help and encouragement .


  • Victor Chapman ? The famous art dealer ? I can 't arrest him .


  • You have become the victor and hero to those people .

    你已成了你人民的 胜利英雄。

  • That is all I remember Victor said .

    “这就是我所有记得的了。” 维克托说。

  • Victor Henry took the President 's tone .


  • He was declared the victor in the 11th round

    在第11回合中,他被宣布 获胜

  • I think I said something stupid to victor and he is angry with me now .
