


  • The wool worn by Inca kings was woven from the very soft fine hair of the wild vicuna that is still used today .

    印加国王穿的毛衣,就是用野 羊驼的非常柔软的绒毛织成的。现在, 人们仍在使用这种 驼毛

  • The results showed that genetic difference between alpaca and vicuna llama were comparatively more than genetic difference between alpaca and guanaco . The results made it possible that in the traditional taxonomy alpaca was breeding camel after domestic guanaco and provided molecular basis for the traditional taxonomy .

    结果表明,羊驼与 骆马和美洲驼存在的遗传差异相对比羊驼与原驼大,为传统分类学中的羊驼是原驼驯化以后的一种家养驼的提法提供了分子学依据。

  • A soft wool made from the fleece of the vicuna .

    羊驼的羊毛制成的柔软的 毛纺 纤维

  • But vicuna sells well enough to be carried in all139 Loro Piana stores around the world .

    所以呢, 洛罗·皮亚那在全世界的139家分店当中都有 骆马 产品。