


  • As politics teachers in colleges we ve sensed the importance and urgency of victimization prevent education of college students .

    作为高校“两课”教师,我们意识到了大学生 被害预防教育的重要性和紧迫性。

  • External control is a predictor of victimization of social verbal and property bullying ;

    外部控制对 社会性 欺负、言语欺负和财产欺负有预测作用;

  • African Crime Victimization and Criminal Justice Administration Survey

    非洲犯罪、 受害和刑事司法调查

  • Black children have the highest rate of handgun homicide victimization seven times higher than that for white children .

    而在手枪暴力的 死难者中,黑人儿童比白人儿童高7倍。

  • Objectives : To explore the effects of classroom environment on the relation between childrens victimization and peer acceptance and academic achievement .

    目的:探讨班级环境因素对儿童 受害和学习成绩、同伴接受之间关系的影响。

  • And peer victimization is the experience that a child is the target of peer 's aggressive behavior including physical verbal property hurt or destroying relationships .

    欺负 力量 相对 较强的一方对 相对 较弱的一方所实施的攻击,而 欺负则是 个体遭受同伴的身体、言语、财物以及人际关系方面攻击的经历。

  • Classroom Environment Effects on the Relationship between Children Victimization and Peer Acceptance and Academic Achievement

    班级环境对儿童 受害和同伴接受、学习成绩关系的影响

  • The victimization prevention is one of the effective measures to protect people preventing criminal injury .

    被害预防是一种以被害人 潜在被害人为 视角的犯罪预防。

  • Peer acceptance moderated the relation of loneliness to victimization .

    同伴接纳对孤独感与 欺负之间的关系有显著的调节作用。

  • It is perhaps the thought form of victimization more than any other that leads to beliefs in powerlessness .

    可能 牺牲的思想形态大于其他任何导致你相信自己无能为力的思想形态。

  • Rewrite every memory of your own victimization as a hero 's adventure .

    将每一段“ 受害者”的记忆重写成一部英雄冒险吧。

  • There must be no victimization of workers or shop stewards .

    对工人或店员都不该加以 迫害

  • Psychically renewed we could then return aboveground and put up with another couple of days of victimization .

    我们可以重新开始,它返回地面和宽容几天的 牺牲

  • Children 's role in the bullying / victimization was associated with their attitudes towards bullying .

    儿童在欺负/ 欺负关系中的角色与其对待欺负问题的态度有联系。

  • He claimed that there had been systematic victimization of black people by the police .

    他宣称警察曾经有组织地 迫害过黑人。

  • The strikers agreed to return to work provided there will be no victimization of their leader .

    罢工工人同意复工,条件是不得 惩处他们的领导人。

  • The first level of energy is defined by feelings of apathy and thoughts of victimization .

    第一级能量是根据冷漠的感情和 牺牲 他人的思想而定义的;

  • The Relationship Between Perceptions of Control and Victimization of Adolescents

    中学生 欺负状况与心理控制感的关系

  • Other worrisome results show a correlation between heavy drinking among women and their rate of sexual victimization and domestic violence .

    其他令人担忧的研究结果显示,女性酗酒与遭到性 侵害和家庭暴力有着相互关联。

  • Victimization of property bullying is positively correlated with average external control .

    财产 欺负与外部控制有正相关。

  • On The Reasons Of Criminal Victims'Second Victimization ;

    因此,刑事被害人的 被害性具有重要的研究意义。

  • Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint .

    各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行 迫害 行为

  • The probabilities of crime or victimization are higher with some situations than with others

    在有些情况下,犯罪或 受害的几率要相对更高。

  • Verbal victimization is positively correlated with factors of unknown control of sociality external control of sociality in life ;

    言语 欺负与社交外控、生活外控、外部控制有正相关;

  • The Relationship between Stability of Victimization Status and Social Competence in Middle Childhood

    童年中期儿童 欺负地位稳定性与社会能力的关系