video data terminal

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˈdetə ˈtɚmənəl][ˈvidiəu ˈdeitə ˈtə:minəl]


  • The function of the video server includes video signal acquisition with digital conversion video data transmission and communication with the PC video terminal .

    视频服务器的作用是获取视频信号并数字化,然后与PC图像 终端进行 视频 数据传输和通讯等。

  • This paper introduces the principle of the MPEG-4 video conference terminal machine and discusses how to collect encode compress transfer and control video data . Then offers a hardware and software implementation of the MPEG-4 video conference terminal .

    主要介绍基于VW2010的MPEG-4视频会议 终端机系统工作原理,论述该系统的 视频采集、编码压缩、传输和系统控制等方面的 设计,并提供系统的硬件软件设计参考。

  • A large number of data and video information which produced by data terminal and pronunciation information need to transmit in modern communication system .

    现代通信系统中,不仅仅需要传输语音信息,还需传输各种 数据 终端产生的大量数据信息以及 视频信息。

  • The system customized an efficient user communication protocol according to the features of video data communication . That made the data transmission reliable between monitoring terminal and control center .

    针对 视频 数据通信的特点,定制了高效的用户协议,实现了监控 终端和监控中心间可靠的数据传输。

  • Finally the compressed video data are transmitted to network terminal by taking the Nios II as core in the SOPC system . So it can realize the function of network video monitor .

    利用以NIOSii软核为核心的SOPC控制,将缓存中压缩好的 视频 数据通过网络传输到网络 终端,从而实现网络远程视频监控。