video information

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈvidiəu ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]

[计] 视频信息

  • The CoVi CVQ-2500 and CVQ-3500 Multi-Stream cameras feature intelligent software technology that automates the process of monitoring and analyzing video information .

    和CVQ-3500多流型摄像机装有智能软件技术,该技术自动监测和分析 视频 信息过程。

  • New Method for Using Dynamic Key to Encrypt Video Information

    一种用动态密钥对 视频 信息进行加密的新方法

  • The maximum bitrate is the same as the source file when the quality level is set to90 ( default value ) in the Video information section .

    质量水平设置成默认值90时,最大输出 码率 同于源文件。

  • NGN is a kind of multimedia network supporting speech data and video information transmission .

    下一代网络是一个支持话音、数据和 视频的多媒体 网络

  • Since the service of the Internet based on IP is not suitable for the transmission of video information this paper analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of image transmission based on UDP .

    由于基于IP的网络中提供的服务并不适合多媒体 视频 信息的传输;

  • Hardware Design and Test for Video Information Leakage Preventing System Based on DVI

    DVI 视频 信息防泄漏硬件系统的设计与测试

  • Application of Digital Video Information Management System in Monitoring Network

    数字 视频 信息管理系统在高速公路监控联网中的应用

  • The video sequences of YUV format are often used in video information processing .

    视频 信息处理中常需用YUV格式的图像序列。

  • A new method for using dynamic key to encrypt video information is put forward based on the theory and characteristics of H.

    最后,对密钥生成、 密钥分配( 协定)、密钥 恢复等理论和关键技术,提出了新的问题和研究方向。

  • To better satisfy audience demand on browsing and retrieving soccer video a framework for event analysis in soccer video is proposed that fuses text knowledge and video information .

    为了更好地满足用户浏览和 检索视频的需要,提出一种融合文本的足球 视频事件分析框架。

  • In this paper a new method is proposed of digital image information processing based on the principles of finite automation for the great amount of data in video information processing .

    运用有限自动机理论,针对 多路 视频 信息处理量大的问题,提出了一种新的对数字图像信息加工处理方法。

  • The electronic device realizes synchronous recording and storing of video information and traveling status during traveling process before accidents .

    本实用新型实现了行车过程中的事故前 视频 信息与行驶状态 信息的同步记录与保存。

  • User strategy is an important issue in video information retrieval .

    摘要用户策略研究是 检索领域需要考虑的重要问题之一。

  • In the network layer there were text information audio information image information and video information etc.

    网络层中是互联网上通过的文本信息、音频信息以及图像与 视频 信息等。

  • The Research on the Information Publicity of New Cooperative Medicine Scheme The Design and Implementation of Portable Video Information Terminal Based on Embedded Linux

    新型农村合作医疗执行中的信息公开研究新型农村合作 医疗 信息系统设计与实现

  • With the development of multimedia technology and computer network technology more and more netizens are hoping to get and post video information on the Internet .

    希望通过互联网得到或发布 视频 信息的网民日益增多。多媒体技术和计算机网络技术的不断发展,为网络视频的传播提供了良好的平台。

  • Method of Anti-leakage of DVI Video Information Based on Spread Spectrum

    基于频谱扩展的DVI 视频 信号防泄漏方法

  • Study of Preventing Video Information Leakage for Computer Based on DMD Display Equipments ; Comparisons of blood cell analyzer and microcope on detecting eosinophils

    基于数字微镜显示器的计算机 信息泄漏系统研究血细胞分析仪与显微镜直接计数法测定嗜酸性粒细胞的比较

  • In addition to retrieving basic video information such as the thumbnail title and description parseVideoEntry () also extracts the feed URLs for the video 's comments responses and related videos .

    除了检索诸如缩略图、标题和描述这样的基本 视频 信息,parseVideoEntry()还提取针对视频评论、回复和相关视频的提要URL。

  • The Research and Implementation of Objectionable Internet Video Information Filtering System

    网络不良 视频 信息过滤系统的研究与实现

  • This controller has gain success in fiber-based audio and video information transmission system .

    该控制器已在光纤视/ 音频 信息传输系统中得到了成功应用。

  • Probabilistic Graphical Model and Its Application in Image and Video Information Processing

    概率图模型及其 图像 视频应用研究

  • Realize the whole system of video information query download playback catch figure .

    实现了整个系统内的 录像 资料查询、下载、回放、抓图。

  • The image & video information delivery system in intelligent buildings

    智能建筑中图像 视频处理 信息传递系统

  • A method to prevent leakage from computers video information by digital filtering is presented .

    本文针对计算机 视频 信息泄漏,提出了一种基于数字滤波的防护方法。

  • The Soft-TEMPEST of Computer Video Information Leakage Based on the Anti-aliasing Technique

    基于反走样技术的计算机 视频 信息泄漏的软防护

  • Analysis indexing and retrieval of video information is one of the difficult and hot spots in Multimedia Information Retrieval .

    视频 信息的分析、引和检索是多媒体信息检索研究领域的难点和热点问题之一。

  • The analog signal contains high-frequency video information which helps make up the picture .

    模拟信号包括有助于构成图像的高频 视频 信息

  • Captions in videos often play an important role in video information indexing and retrieval .

    视频中的标题文字通常在 视频 信息索引和检索中起到重要作用。

  • Container Alignment Based on Laser Measurement and Camera Calibration Probabilistic Graphical Model and Its Application in Image and Video Information Processing

    基于激光扫描测距和视频 图像处理的集卡定位方法概率图模型及其图像与 视频应用研究