vicarious liability

[vaɪˈkɛriəs ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti][vaɪˈkeəri:əs ˌlaiəˈbiliti]


  • Apparent mode so as to arrive at the franchisor vicarious liability of the constituent elements .

    从而得出在表见 代理模式下特许人 承担 替代 责任的构成要件。

  • Firstly this discourse defines the concept of vicarious liability of employers ;

    本文首先对雇主 替代 责任的概念进行了界定,并与 法人 侵权 责任作了 比较

  • On vicarious liability of employers in dispatching labor Establishing the Responsibility of Employers in Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    劳动派遣关系中的雇主 替代 责任研究反职场性骚扰中雇主责任的确立

  • When the real injury party cannot be determined the residents without injurious action should not assume the vicarious liability . In this circumstance the victim will not be able to get compensations from the law of torts .

    当真正的加害人无法确定时,未实施致害行为的业主不应当承担 替代 责任,在这种情况下,受害人无法从侵权法上得到救济。

  • And in this part the author introduces the scope of tort liability of athletes and how to apply vicarious liability .

    本章分析了运动员侵权责任的范围以及 雇主 责任的适用。

  • In this paper the employers ' vicarious liability system to comb and discusses the responsibility system theory basis essence characteristics constitutive requirements and assume put forward to replace the employers of liability fixation of employment is in difficulty .

    本文对雇主 替代 责任制度进行梳理,论述了该责任制度的理论基础、本质、特征、构成要件及承担,提出在对雇主进行替代责任归责时雇佣关系之人是难点所在。

  • Part two : describing the substituted responsibility of employer vicarious liability .

    第二部分,对 雇主替代责任的 责任 原则作了论述。

  • The case law surrounding the franchise relationship identification how to identify the franchisee should bear vicarious liability and vicarious liability should be the focus of how to take three controversial discussions .

    本案围绕特许经营法律关系的认定、如何认定特许人应承担 替代 责任及替代责任应如何承担三个争议焦点展开讨论。

  • Research on the Allocation System of Employer 's Vicarious Liability in the Labor Force Dispatch of Our Country

    我国劳动力派遣中的雇主 替代 责任分担制度研究

  • So-called employers ' vicarious liability which means that in employer-employee relationship employers in implementing the process of employed affairs caused damage to third parties and shall bear the responsibility for compensation .

    所谓雇主 替代 责任,就是指在雇佣关系中,雇主对其雇员在执行受雇事务的过程中致第三人损害而应承担的赔偿责任。

  • Similarly the formation of infringer liability will be also cleared which includes direct liability and vicarious liability of no third party intervention and supplementary liability of third party intervention .

    同样,也应该明确不作为侵权承担的责任形态,即,无第三人介入的直接责任和 替代 责任以及有第三人介入的补充责任。

  • At the same time coordinate the handling of conflict of laws and a special type of employment relationship and this type of infringement cases apply to employer vicarious liability legislation .

    同时,对于存在法律冲突的相关法律进行协调,并对特殊雇佣关系类型以及此类型侵权案件中如何适用雇主 替代 责任进行立法。

  • According to the different status of manufacturers and customers our present law implements the principle of strict liability fault liability presumptive wrongs and vicarious liability respectively .

    我国现行 有关产品 责任的法律根据生产者和销售者的不同地位,分别实行严格责任和过错责任、过错推定责任原则,以及 两者 之间 替代 责任 原则

  • Employer vicarious liability system has been embodying the most fundamental just and modern impartial society civil law protection weak thought has been occupying important position in modern tort law responsibility system .

    雇主 替代 责任制度体现了社会最基本的公平正义及现代民法保护弱者的思想,在现代侵权法责任体系中占据着重要的地位。

  • As an important form of vicarious liability employer responsibility occupies an important position in tort law .

    雇主责任作为一种重要的 替代 责任形式,在侵权法中占有重要地位。

  • It includes the help infringement and the vicarious liability .

    间接侵权又可以分为帮助侵权和 替代 责任

  • Our country tort responsibility follows the system of vicarious liability to the employer though stipulating that to some extent still has quite a few problem but causes actual judicial practice to be hit by accurate assurance difficult to .

    我国侵权责任法对雇主 替代 责任制度虽有所规定,但尚存在不少问题,致使司法实践中难以准确把握。

  • And the fourth chapter analyses the basic of liability of employers in maritime tort law points out that as a vicarious liability it is not a liability based on the principle of self-liability and there are two principles of liability applied therein .

    第四章对海上侵权雇主责任及其归责原则进行了分析,指出了海上侵权 雇主 责任作为一种特殊的海上侵权责任,其归责具有双重性。

  • The main content of the test is as follows : Part one : summarizing the system of employer vicarious liability .

    正文的主要内容如下:第一部分,对雇主 替代 责任作了概述。

  • Therefore when the person under guardian has brought damages to others because the nature of responsibility of guardian provided by substantive laws is vicarious liability so his litigious status should be the litigant .

    然而,在被监护人的致人损害的情形下,因实体法所规定的监护责任的性质为 责任,所以,监护人的诉讼地位应为当事人。

  • Some scholars think it is a personal responsibility but others think it is a kind of vicarious liability having nothing to do with guardianship obligations .

    另外,关于监护人的 责任 性质,我有些学者认为这是个人责任,但有些学者认为属于 替代 责任的一种,与监护人是否违反了监护义务没有关系。

  • The Vicarious liability system is an important legal system closely relating to the subjects of the market economy namely employers and employees .

    雇主 责任制度是与市场经济的主体&雇主和雇员密切相关的一项重要法律制度。

  • A lot of countries have stipulate employer vicarious liability system .

    英美法系和 大陆 法系 主要国家都规定了雇主 替代 责任制度。

  • The existence of employment relationship is the fundamental and forth-condition of vicarious Liability .

    雇佣关系的存在是转 责任生成的前提和基础。

  • The foundation for the construction of employers ' vicarious liability system

    论雇主 替代 责任制度的建构基础

  • Vicarious Liability in the Canadian Law of Torts

    加拿大侵权法中的 责任

  • The fourth part is identified franchisor vicarious liability should bear their responsibilities after the modalities .

    第四部分是在认定了特许人应当承担 替代 责任后其责任方式问题。

  • Employers ' vicarious liability is a very important system of tort liability which refers to that employer has to take the vicarious liability because of the employee 's duty behavior doing harm to the third person .

    雇主 替代 责任 制度是一项重要的侵权责任制度,是指雇主应当对雇员因执行职务所为侵权行为而给第三人带来的损害负替代责任。

  • Theory foundations and applying rules of construction element of employer 's vicarious liability

    论雇主 责任构成要件的理论基础与适用规则