


  • The title of this exhibition : The Lore of a Laureate : A Tribute to Charles Kao Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate is appropriate and inspiring .

    这次展览取名为“桂冠学人 故园中大前 校长 诺贝尔奖得主高锟教授成就展”是恰如其分,鼓舞人心的。

  • Professor Lawrence J.Lau was installed as the sixth Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong .

    刘遵义教授就任香港中文大学第六 校长

  • DUO the vice-chancellor of Hong Kong University of science and technology says : the Educational philosophy of First-class universities in the West is people oriented ; they also formulate and carry out detailed and perfect rules of the game .

    正如香港科技大学 校长 孔宪铎指出,西方一流大学的办学理念是坚持以人为本,制定并执行详尽而完善的游戏规则。他还认为世界一流大学最 成功 原因 招聘最好的人并让他们 开心

  • Director of Engineering at Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Harlow UK . Vice-chancellor Chinese University of Hong Kong .

    英国哈罗德标准电信实验室主任研究工程师,香港中文大学 校长

  • force ( 6 ) A number of them forced their Way into the office of the Vice-Chancellor .

    force(6)他们中的一些人强行闯入 校长的办公室。

  • At least 1 staff at Cambridge University are earning below the living wage unions claim around 20 times less than the annual package of the vice-chancellor .

    英国工会称,剑桥大学至少1000名职工薪水低于基本生活工资,是大学 校长年收入的 1/20

  • The Strategic Concept of Hunan University to Win the Vice-chancellor 's Cup of University Games

    湖南高校夺取大运会 校长杯的战略构想

  • The Vice-Chancellor of the university is currently trying to persuade successful former students to support their poverty-stricken Alma mater .

    大学 校长正在尽力说服事业有成的校友支援他们十分贫困的母校。

  • We look at that as a foundational skill in the same way we13 math and English as a foundational skill said Lorie Roth assistant vice-chancellor for academic programmes in the CSU system .

    教育家认为这些马虎的研究方法很令人不安。“我们将网络搜索看作一项基本技能,就像我们认为数学和英语是基本技能一样。” 劳瑞•罗斯,州立大学 校长的助手这样说。

  • I first came to know Professor Kao when he joined Chinese University as the Vice-Chancellor in1987 .

    我第一次认识高教授是在1987年他到中大当 校长的时候。

  • The Vice-Chancellor for instance is no longer a Head of College but is a full-time administrative appointment .

    例如 院长,不再是学院的首脑 人物,而只是指定为长时间的行政管理人员。

  • Harvard University Vice-Chancellor said is the pursuit of truth is committed to illuminate the beauty of human nature .

    哈佛大学 校长说,是追求真理,是致力于照亮人性之美。

  • Denise Kirkpatrick the Open University 's pro vice-chancellor for learning and teaching said at the launch : We can open up free access to educational resources as well as a window for our potential students .

    开放大学负责教学的 执行 校长丹尼斯•柯克帕特里克(Denise Kirkpatrick)在推出这些 讲座时表示:我们在免费开放教学资源的同时,也向潜在的学生打开了一扇窗。

  • Fees are the most wonderful thing says Terence Kealey Buckinghams vice-chancellor .

    白金汉大学的 校长 特伦斯基利表示:学费是最美妙的东西。

  • Professor Kai-ming Cheng ( SBS JP ) is Chair Professor of Education and Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Hong Kong .

    程介明,香港大学教育学院讲座教授、 校长资深顾问;

  • Tony Nuttall is Vice-Chancellor and also a professor of English at sussex .

    托尼那托尔是萨塞克斯大学的 校长,而且是该 的英语教授。

  • Officiating at the opening ceremony were Professor Ng Ching-fai President and Vice-Chancellor and Professor Fan Fumin of TU.

    其国际意义等。开幕礼今早举行,由 校长 吴清辉教授和清华 大学教育研究所樊富民教授主礼。

  • I would like to thank you Sir Alec Broers Vice-Chancellor for the invitation which Brings me to the famous Cambridge University .

    我感谢布罗斯 校长的邀请,使我有机会来到久负盛名的剑桥大学访问

  • I echo Vice-Chancellor Tsui 's view . Indeed HKU is for Hong Kong attracting talents and educating people to promote Hong Kong 's prosperity .

    非常 同意校长的观点,香港大学为香港 做出 贡献,吸引优秀人才,教育民众,促进香港的繁荣。

  • Malcolm Gillies the university 's vice-chancellor told The Sunday Times that the decision would have an immense impact on London Met and its partners warning that the students affected would include those already enrolled .

    伦敦都会大学 校长Malcolm Gillies告诉《星期日泰晤士报》,这个决定对伦敦都会 大学及其合作方造成了巨大影响,并说这也将影响到目前在册就读的学生。

  • The university 's vice-chancellor Lazarus Hangula said Mr Nujoma 's decision was a cause of jubilation for staff and students alike .

    纳米比亚大学 校长拉扎斯- 汉古拉说,努乔马先生所作的决定对全校学生和教职工来说是“令人欢欣鼓舞的”。

  • But Prof Michael Farthing vice-chancellor of Sussex University and chairman of the 1994 Group which represents many small research institutions said the figures show that many excellent students will be denied places at their first choice universities .

    但是,萨塞克斯大学 校长、1994集团主席 迈克尔法辛教授称,数据表明许多杰出的学生将无法进入自己最理想的大学。1994集团代表了许多小型研究机构。

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor University of Hong Kong

    香港大学 首席校长

  • And just now he once again stressed that HKU is a university built for China and the world . I echo Vice-Chancellor Tsui 's view .

    刚才, 徐立之 校长再次强调,香港大学是一所「专为中国和世界而设」的大学,我回应徐校长的观点。