vibration spectrum

[vaɪˈbreʃən ˈspɛktrəm][vaɪˈbreɪʃən ˈspektrəm]


  • A lot of complex functions such as 1 / 3 octave analysis sound power tonality narrow band analysis vibration spectrum have been solved .

    解决噪声1/3倍频程、声功率、音调窄带谱, 振动 频谱等复杂功能的在线分析与处理。

  • Research on Improving the Performance of Random Vibration Spectrum Equalization Using Wavelet Analysis

    用小波分析提高随机 振动 频谱均衡性能的研究

  • In the optimized spatial molecular structures the vibration frequency and the coupling strength were calculated and the molecular vibration spectrum was obtained through the convolution calculation of the normal distribution function .

    在优化的立体结构中,计算奶香味分子的振动频率和耦合强度,通过正态分布函数卷积计算以后得到分子的 振动

  • Automatic Analysis and Recognition of Vibration Spectrum

    振动 噪声 的自动分析与识别

  • Quantum Chemistry Ab Initio Calculation of Vibration Spectrum of β - elemene

    β-榄香烯 振动 光谱的量子化学从头计算

  • Whereas it can only control vibration level and cannot control vibration spectrum as conventional electro dynamic .

    另外不足的是,它只能控制振动的量级,而不能像传统的电磁振动 一样实现 振动 频谱的可控。

  • The vibration spectrum of CaWO 4 crystal was analyzed theoretically by means of factor group method in this paper . It clearly points out the activated results of infrared absorption and Raman scattering spectrum .

    本文借助商群方法对CaWO4晶体的 振动 进行了理论分析,明确地指出了红外吸收光谱(IR)和喇曼散射光谱(R)的激活结果。

  • The vibration spectrum predicted was compared with the observed value to be in good agreement .

    预测目标产物的 振动 光谱,结果表明与实验值相符。

  • By sampling the vibration signals on the fixed platen of the pump cylinder and based on the vibration spectrum symptom a failure diagnosis system for worn piston in reciprocating pump is developed with artificial neural network .

    以在往复泵缸套压盖上采集的振动信号的 振动 功率 为主要征兆,建立了基于人工神经网络的往复泵活塞磨损故障诊断系统。

  • The natural vibration spectrum curve is measured and the critical velocity to induce trashrack bar galloping is calculated .

    给出了模型中栅条系统的实测自 和发生超驰振动时的临界流速。

  • The research indicated that cepstrum had notable advantage to distinguish the side frequency of the bearings vibration spectrum of paper machine press section as well as to remove the effects of the transfer function in measuring system .

    研究表明,倒频谱技术在识别滚动轴承 振动 频谱的边频、消除系统传递函数影响等方面具有显著的优越性。

  • Theoretical Analysis of the Vibration Spectrum of CaWO_4 Crystal

    CaWO4晶体 振动 的理论分析

  • Gaining exact and reliable vibration spectrum is the key when ammunition 's vehicle transportation is simulated with vibrator .

    利用振动台模拟弹药的车辆运输,关键是取得准确可靠的弹药运输 振动

  • Summarizing static torque-time history into random vibration spectrum of torque which is simulated by Monte-Carlo method a stochastic model is proposed for simulating the actual torque spectrum of universal joint .

    本文引入了Monte-Carlo方法,模拟 初轧机主传动系统的随机 振动扭矩,将其同轧制静扭矩叠加,构造了扭矩&时间历程的模拟模型;

  • By theoretical analysis for molecular vibration spectrum coating model and absorptance addition a coating material composed of binding agent dye and filler is developed .

    运用分子 振动 光谱、红外涂层模型和红外吸收系数迭加性等理论,对所选择的粘合剂、颜料和填料及其配制成的远红外涂料进行了详细的实验研究。

  • Study of Solvent Effect on Frequency Shift of Molecule Vibration Spectrum

    溶剂对分子 振动 光谱的频移影响的研究

  • Near infrared spectroscopy consists of frequency doubling and combination band of molecular vibration spectrum but frequency doubling and combination band of molecular vibration spectrum in NIR zone is weak band is complex and overlay .

    近红外光谱分析主要 利用分子的倍频与合 吸收,而分子在近红外区的倍频与合频吸收弱,谱带复杂,重叠多。

  • The corresponding vibration spectrum for faulty machines is addressed .

    介绍了故障机器的 振动 频谱

  • Author proposes integrated technology method including measurement and vibration spectrum analysis phase space analysis system identification and stability analysis of pressure control system and solves the problem about strong vibration of hot rolling mill .

    作者提出包括现场实测、 振动 分析与相空间分析、系统辨识、压下控制系统稳定性分析等的综合技术方法,解决了热连轧机的强烈振动问题。

  • In order to directly show response of structures to blasting seismic wave the paper adopt spectrum analyse module of ANSYS to reckon structural response through module expansion and fold combined with vibration spectrum .

    为了能比较直观地反应建筑物对爆破地震动的响应,文章引入了ANSYS里的谱分析和谐响应分析模块,通过模态扩展和 模态叠加并结合爆破 震动反应 来计算建筑物结构响应的大小和影响程度。

  • Firstly this paper make noise and vibration experiment carry out the sound power sound pressure level ( A ) and vibration of shell in three work conditions obtain the noise and vibration spectrum .

    本文首先对压缩机进行了噪声振动测试,分别对压缩机三种工况下进行声功率、声压级和壳体振动测试,获得噪声和 振动 频谱

  • Vibration spectrum of the title complex was also discussed .

    讨论了该配合物的 振动 光谱

  • Using laser Doppler Vibrometer tests the mode of stator surface vibration spectrum and then get the motor vibration mode and its resonant frequency .

    使用多普勒激光测振仪进行扫频实验,得到定子纵向 振动 速度 频谱,进而得到电机各振动模态的谐振频率。

  • The topics are as follows : First the sources and kinds of vibration in optical intersatellite communication are discussed and base on actual vibration spectrum measured on the communication satellites some rules are summarized .

    具体工作包括:首先,探讨了星间光通信中卫星平台振动的来源与种类,研究了国外几颗光通信卫星上实测的 振动 光谱,总结出 振动所遵循的几个规律。

  • According to blasting vibration spectrum curve from a field experiment ANSYS programme was used to analyze the dam dynamic response . The result can be used to evaluate the safety of the dam .

    根据现场试验获得的爆破 地震 速度 反应 曲线,选用ANSYS程序对大坝进行了动力计算,为大坝安全评价提供可靠依据;

  • Vibration spectrum and irradiation splitting of mixture in beryl channels

    绿柱石通道中配合物的 振动 光谱和辐照裂解

  • It is useful in the preventive maintenance and routine checking of rotating machines . The principle is based on the vibration spectrum generated by machines : a faulty machine would produce a different vibration spectrum from the normal one .

    它用于对旋转电机的预防性维护和例行检修,其原理基于机器产生的机械 振动 频谱,故障机器会产生不同于正常机器的振动频谱。

  • Finally the headwaters of harmonic current and its harms to power system are discussed the influences of harmonic currents to short-circuit verifying are analyzed some parameters are gained according to the analyse on vibration spectrum of the electrodynamic stress .

    最后,讨论了电力系统谐波的产生原因及其危害,分析了电力谐波对短路动稳定校验的影响,通过对含有谐波的短路电 动力 频谱分析,得到相应的 稳定校验参数。