visible speech

[ˈvɪzəbəl spitʃ][ˈvizəbl spi:tʃ]


  • So the aim of this research is to develop a kind of mutual visible language restoration training software by bimodal automatic speech .

    本课题研究的目的是利用 语音的双模态特性开发一种人机交互式的 可视化汉语语言康复训练软件。

  • Cohesion is the visible cohesive devices such as reference substitution ellipsis conjunction and lexical cohesion in the surface structure of a discourse whereas coherence is the deep cohesion which establishes coherent relationships through context such as speech act relevance and schema .

    衔接是 可见的连接手段,包括指称,替代,省略,连词,以及词汇衔接。连贯是通过 言语行为、关联、图式等与语篇建立连接关系的深层衔接。

  • Conclusion : Drug injection therapy can improve the motor function of illness with encephalopathy which has the visible effect to improve the disturbance of the intelligence speech and ever the behavior disorder .

    结论:穴位注射对提高脑病患儿运动功能,改善其智力、 语言、行为异常等障碍均有 明显的效果。