


  • Business is part of its DNA in much the same way that la dolce vita is part of Italy 's.

    就像 享乐生活精神存在于意大利的 传统中一样,商业也是美国的遗传基因组成部分。

  • Objective To compare the color character of VITA shade guide and the custom shade guide with metal substrate .

    目的比较 VITA 色板和带金属底 定制 色板的颜色特性。

  • Therefore the points of action in a person 's vita also tell about physical and psychological possibilities of expression of an individual .

    因此,一个人动作的 意向同样告知了一个人从身体上和心理上表达的潜力。

  • You can get more information about solar water heaters and other projects from EnterpriseWorks / VITA . This group works internationally to fight poverty .

    你可以从 EnterpriseWorks/VITA获得更多关于太阳能热水器和其他项目的资料,该组织在全球致力于消除贫困。

  • It still bore its original meaning in theology : Newman 's Apologia pro Vita Sua was not an apology at all but a vigorous rebuttal of Charles Kingsley 's charges .

    在神学中该词仍保留原来的意义:纽曼的《为吾生辩》(Apologiapro VitaSua)根本就不是什么道歉,而是对查尔士·金斯菜的指控所作的强硬辩驳。

  • He saw Vita as the companion of a lifetime .

    他把 维塔看作终生伴侣。

  • The book was illustrated with pictures of Vita Sackville-West dressed as Orlando .

    该书刊登了 维塔.萨克维尔.韦斯特的照片,穿着打扮成奥兰多。

  • Sony Computer Entertainment ( not to be confused with the former Sony Online Entertainment ) launched its PlayStation 4 console and hand-held PS Vita in January with 70 publishers committed to working on games for China .

    今年1月,索尼电脑娱乐公司(请不要和前索尼在线娱乐公司混淆)携手70家致力于为中国玩家开发游戏的出版商,推出了PlayStation4游戏机和手持PS Vita

  • In this new worship of vita activa film plays a central role .

    在这种对行动的生活的新型 崇拜中,电影扮演了一个关键角色。

  • The deal which values All Market the parent company of Vita Coco at about $ 665 million is an important milestone for the coconut water market .

    根据这一价格推算, VitaCoco的母公司AllMarket的估值约为6.65亿美元。这笔交易对椰汁市场来说是一个重要的里程碑。

  • Vita : How could you think we have something to hide ?

    你怎么会以为我们有 不可告人的秘密呢?

  • The lucky guy driving luxurious car with pretty gals beside he 's really La dalce vita .


  • Vita was stolidly and uncompromisingly british .


  • The networking giant will work with iRobot on the AVA 500 telepresence robot which looks much like the vita .

    思科公司将与 iRobot公司合作开发一款名叫Ava500的远程呈现机器人。

  • Vita and Rosamund went with Harold as far as bologna .


  • In this sense one can say that the documentation of time & based art erases the difference between vita activa and vita contemplative .

    从这个意义上人们可以说对时间为基础的艺术的文献记录 抹杀了行动的生活与沉思的生活的差别。

  • In his letters to Vita he rarely referred to political events .

    他给 维塔的信中很少提及政治事件。

  • He once confessed to Vita that he really hated parties .

    他有一天向 维塔承认他真的讨厌社交性聚会。

  • Since then Vita Coco has established a sophisticated supply chain throughout the tropics allowing it to efficiently harvest process and package coconuts .

    此后, VitaCoco在广大的热带地区建立了先进的供应链,因此能够高效地采摘、加工椰子并包装产品。

  • Vita 's reaction to Italy was exactly what mine had been .


  • No one had told me that Vita had turned into a beauty .

    没人告诉我 维塔已出落成一个美人。

  • Or pairing books with personality types : Apologia Pro Vita Sua for a budding Donald Trump and Crime and Punishment for a budding Conrad Black .

    或者把书和性格类型配对:比如《生命之歌》给正在崭露头角的唐纳德·特朗普,《罪与罚》给刚出道的 康拉德·布莱克

  • Then you 'll sing vita bella

    你会接着唱: 人生 美丽

  • I had to scold Vita severely for being so thoughtless .

    我不得不严厉地责骂 维塔丝毫不为他人着想。

  • As the wedding day drew near Vita felt no qualms .

    随着婚期 愈来愈近, 维塔感到无忧无虑。

  • Harold soon abandoned any expectation that Vita would take an interest .

    哈罗德很快就不再指望 维塔会感兴趣了。

  • We are confident health-minded Chinese consumers will quickly embrace and remain loyal to the Vita Coco brand .

    我们相信,注重健康的中国消费者会迅速接纳并长期忠诚于 VitaCoco品牌。

  • Chief model for the character was writer Vita Sackville-West with whom Woolf had a lesbian relationship .

    具有该特点的主要模特是作家 维塔.萨克维尔.韦斯特,她与伍尔夫有同性恋关系。

  • He took heaps of photographs of vita .

    他拍了许多 维塔的照片。

  • Vita and Harold first met in the summer of1910 .
