visual hearing

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈhɪrɪŋ][ˈviʒuəl ˈhiəriŋ]

[医] 唇读(耳聋者视唇动知为何语以代听)

  • It happens because visual and hearing senses are trying to share limited brain capacity they said .

    之所以会这样,是因为大脑中的 视觉细胞和 听觉细胞会争夺有限的大脑空间。

  • Modern Chinese double - syllable word courses attempt to transfer marker for the written form which influences the unanimity of learners ' visual reading and hearing .

    现代汉语的双音节词语连读变调以字调为书面标示形式,影响了学习者 视觉认读与 听觉接受的一致。

  • Studies have shown that most children with autism on visual presentation of the material than hearing the material presented a better response more easily .

    有研究表明,大部分孤独症儿童对 视觉呈现的材料比 听觉呈现的材料更容易有较好的反应。

  • A Comparative Study on Visual Cognition of Deaf and Hearing Children

    聋人和 听力正常人对复杂 图形信号辨认反应时和反应正确率的比较研究

  • Mainly discuss how to use cognitive construction the rules of visual sense and the sense of hearing to project manuscript dispose picture and sound .

    主要讨论在CAI如何利用认知结构、 视觉规律和 听觉规律来设计文本、处理图像和声音。

  • The characteristics of virtual reality technology is to create a virtual environment for user in the way of simulation . The user can have the feeling of immersion in the virtual environment through visual hearing touch and other perceived acts which gives people a real experience .

    虚拟现实技术的特点是以模拟方式为用户创造一种虚拟的环境,通过 、触等感知行为使用户产生一种沉浸于虚拟环境的感觉,从而给人一种真实的体验。

  • But all along the research of UI for information products especially software has been carried out around the visual channel and almost no one can pay attention to the problems of sound and hearing channel .

    但一直以来,对于信息产品,尤其是软件产品的用户界面的研究一直围绕着 视觉通道展开,而对于声音和 听觉通道的问题却几乎无人问津。

  • The literature shows that the visual cognition of Deaf people is different from the hearing .

    研究发现,聋人的 视觉认知过程和健 人有所不同。

  • The physiological characteristics of the blind students are mainly visual disorder hearing and feeling sensitiveness and lack of thinking in images .

    盲生的生理特点主要是 视觉障碍, 听觉、触觉灵敏,缺少形象思维。

  • Painting literature than literature image intuitive than painting strong expressiveness ; People enjoy painting mainly with vision appreciate literature is mainly by hearing and imagination . In this way can say painting is visual art literature is the art of imagination by hearing .

    绘画比文学形象 直观,文学比绘画表现力强;人们欣赏绘画主要用视觉,欣赏文学则主要借助于 听觉和想象。

  • Scientists demonstrated that when someone focuses their full attention on something they can become deaf to normally audible sounds . It happens because visual and hearing senses are trying to share limited brain capacity they said .

    科学家解释说,当人们集中精神做事时,会对外界一般的声音充耳不闻。之所以会这样,是因为大脑中的 视觉细胞和 听觉细胞会争夺有限的大脑空间。

  • Multimedia is a media that makes the information that it carries interchange with the visual hearing and tactual organs of human .

    多媒体是它所运载的信息能同时和人的 视觉器官、 听觉器官和触觉器官发生相互作用的媒体。

  • Diabetes is also a common risk factor for cataract and visual and hearing impairments .

    糖尿病也是常见的导致白内障及其他 损害的危险因子。

  • The Effect of Internal Visual Imagery External Visual Imagery and Kinesthetic Imagery on the Performance of Sport Exercise Comparing the visual imagery of both the deaf signers with the Chinese sign language ( CSL ) and hearing people .

    内部、外部视觉表象和动觉表象对运动成绩的影响通过视觉表象判断实验,对聋手语使用者和 听力 正常人两类被试 视觉表象生成的能力进行了比较。

  • A Research on Visual Cognition Development Followed by Early Hearing Handicap

    听力残障后 视觉认知功能研究

  • AIM : To evaluate the practical value of the developmental test of visual motor integration ( VMI ) for hearing impaired children and hopefully to provide a convenient and effective screening scale of intelligence .

    目的:了解 视觉运动整合能力发育测验(VMI)在 听力残障儿童中的应用价值,为基层提供一种简便有效的智能筛查工具。

  • For example those with visual impairments may be helped by replacing a visual readout with auditory output but this would in turn cause a problem for those with hearing impairments .

    例如,那些视觉障碍的患者可以通过听觉输出替代 目视读出来获得帮助,但是这反过来会导致有 听觉障碍的患者的问题。

  • The term disabled persons refers to those with visual hearing speech or physical disabilities mental retardation mental isorder multiple disabilities and / or other disabilities .

    残疾人包括 视力残疾、 听力残疾、言语残疾、肢体残疾、智力残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾和其他残疾的人。

  • Comparative Study on Visual Acuity of Students with and without Hearing Impairment

    听觉障碍学生与正常学生 视觉识别敏度的比较研究

  • Visual ( picture ) and hearing ( sound ) achieve balance .

    视觉(画面)与 听觉(声音)方面达到了平衡。

  • Fifth use boys ' visual advantage to making up their hearing deficiency .

    第五,引导男生利用 视觉 空间方面的优势弥补其 听觉方面的不足。

  • Most of these individuals are neither profoundly deaf nor legally blind but are both visual and hearing impaired to the extent that strategies for deafness or blindness alone won 't work .

    大部分患者并不是极度失聪,也不是法定失明,但是在聋和盲的策略无法单独起作用这个方面来看,他们既存在 视力障碍,又存在 听觉障碍。

  • Most of the space perception come from visual directly hearing smell and touch often play a subsidiary role so creating a good visual experience in the landscape design is very important .

    身临其境的空间感受中来自 视觉方面的感受最直接, 听觉、嗅觉、触觉往往起辅助作用,因此园林设计中创造良好的视觉体验是头等重要的。

  • Visual impaired children have sensitive hearing for example big hearing memory and good hearing attention .

    视觉障碍儿童的 听觉比较灵敏,其具体表现如听觉记忆强,听觉注意好等等。

  • In short painting is an art of space are static art is a visual art and poetry is an art of time is a dynamic art is the art of imagination by hearing .

    简而言之,画是空间的艺术,是静态的艺术,是 视觉的艺术,而诗是时间的艺术,是动态的艺术,是借助 听觉的想象的艺术。