vital force

[ˈvaɪtl fɔrs][ˈvaitəl fɔ:s]


  • It Shows that the personnel of compound type is the most vital force .

    强调了复合型人才是国际通用型人才中最 活跃最有 生机 力量

  • Information era has given education a new vital force and energy produced a profound effect meanwhile it has put forward a higher demand .

    信息时代给教育注入了新的 生机和活力,对教育产生了深刻的影响也提出了更高的要求。

  • Tourism : a vital force for world peace .

    1986年:旅游&世界和平的 重要 力量

  • National defense students are not only a new vital force in the new military revolution but an important component of the talent team .

    国防生学员担负着新军事变革 生力军的重任,是我 人才队伍的重要组成部分。

  • Encouragement Theory stresses that patent institution provides vital force for invention activity and invention investment which promote spreading of knowledge and the forming of information .

    激励论强调专利制度为发明活动和对发明的投资提供了 动力,并促进了传播知识和信息的市场的形成。

  • The thriving of the middle-small enterprises brought enormous vital force for our national economy .

    中小企业的崛起,为我国经济发展带来了无限 生机

  • It has brought new vital force and energy for class teaching due to the adoption of multimedia teaching means .

    多媒体教学手段的引入,给课堂教学带来了新的 生机和活力。

  • In the id of Zheng Wang as a25 year old blooming young girl she has her primitive self ; she has her basic desire impulse and vital force for subsistence .

    在王挣的本我里,她作为一个25岁的青春少女,她有着原始的自己,有着包含生存所需的基本欲望、冲动和 生命力

  • Development of commerce and business will inject vital force for the new city ; economy soaring will fill the new city with shining brightness .

    发展商贸,为新城注入 生机 活力;腾飞经济,让新城充满闪亮耀眼的光辉。

  • This work expresses as it were PRANA ( vital force ) embodied from the YOGA pose of a tree .

    如外表所示,这作品表达瑜珈中树形动作的普拉纳( 生命力)。

  • Youth is the pioneering group and the vital force for both the revolution and the construction .

    青年是革命和建设的先锋队和 生力军

  • Non-public forestry the vital component part of non-public economy shows very vigorous vital force and energy to guide the development of forestry in Wen ′ an county in the latest years .

    非公有制林业作为非公有制经济的重要组成部分,近年来在文安蓬勃发展,展现了极其旺盛的 生机和活力,已经成为一股引领文安县林业发展的 新生 力量

  • My life will bloom like a summer flower full of vital force .

    我的生活也将会和夏花一样,充满 生命力

  • Flower market act as the collecting and distributing center of flower product it brings fresh vital force and energy to construction and development and accelerates the generation and development of flower industrialization .

    花卉市场作为花卉产品的集散中心,给花卉业的建设和发展带来了新的 生机和活力,大大促进了花卉产业化的形成和发展。

  • Vital powers ; eating to maintain vital energy ; recognizing no mystic vital force .

    生命的力量;吃东西以维持生命的活力;认识到没有神秘的 生命 力量。它不会有 生命力

  • Currently private economy has gradually become a vital force for the accelerated growth of Chinese economy .

    现如今,我国民营经济逐渐成为我国经济高速发展的 生力军

  • In the era of knowledge economy the contribution of intellectual capital of organizations to the value creation is far more than that of physical capital and has become vital force to obtain competitive advantages and economic growth for all organizations .

    在知识经济时代,各个组织的价值创造中智力资本的贡献远远超过了物质资本,成为组织获取竞争优势和经济增长的 动力

  • Nowadays the financing guarantee of private loans in our country has become a vital force in financing guarantee systems .

    民间 借贷担保是我国融资担保体系的 重要 组成部分之一。

  • China higher education is coruscating new vital force and energy in the course of internationalization .

    中国高等教育正在国际化的进程中焕发出新的 生机与活力。

  • Production physical symptom of mode and its vitality change and sublimation revealed its fresh vital force .

    模式的生成、模式的体征及其生命力、模式的变化与升华显示出它鲜活的 生命力

  • If the children now in the first grade of elementary school receive ten or more years of schooling they will become a vital force for ushering in the21st century .

    现在小学一年级的娃娃,经过十几年的学校教育,将成为开创二十一世纪大业的 生力军

  • The reason why it keeps vital force chronically can be seeked from a lot of stone carving and inscriptions leaved behind in the history of Dujiang Weirs .

    都江堰能够长期保持 生机 活力的原因,可以从都江堰历史上留下的大量摩崖石刻及碑铭中去探寻。

  • In the world Logistics industry coruscate vital force and energy .

    在当今全球,物流产业焕发出 生机和活力。

  • One force counteracts another : vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance ; and muscular force can control the action of physical force .

    一个武力对抗另一: 重要 力量保持法律的化学物质暂时搁置;和肌肉力量也无法控制的行动,身体力量。