vital capacity

[ˈvaɪtl kəˈpæsɪti][ˈvaitəl kəˈpæsiti]


  • 3 months of sports education intervention function improved especially vital capacity to improve significantly foundation for the body to produce increased metabolism of good effect .

    3个月的运动教育干预机能水平有所提高,尤其 肺活量改善显著,基础代谢增加,对机体产生良好的影响。

  • Body function : vital capacity of Suzhou young civil servants are higher than the national average .

    身体机能方面:苏州市年轻公务员在各个 年龄组的 肺活量都高于全国平均值。

  • Vital capacity is a nonspecific volitional and relatively insensitive method for the measurement of strength .


  • Means percentage of total preantral follicles . percentage of forced expiratory volume in first second to forced vital capacity

    (%)表示其占腔前滤泡总数量之百分率。第一秒用力呼气量占用力 肺活量百分率

  • Percent forced vital capacity was the outcome parameter with data analysis using a mixed-model repeated-measures ANOVA and paired t tests .

    用力 肺活量作为分析的参数使用混合的模型反复使用ANOVA和配对t检验进行统计学比较。

  • Analysis on the Current Situations of Vital Capacity of Mongolian Students in 2005

    2005年蒙古族学生 肺活量现状分析

  • Testing and Analyzing of the Vital Capacity of the Students Lungs in Colleges Physical Health Test The geography distributing rule of Chinese old men ′ s vital capacity based on factor analysis

    大学生体质健康测试中 肺活量的测试与分析基于因子分析的老年男性肺活量与地理因素

  • The researchers used forced expiratory volume in1 second ( FEV1 ) and forced vital capacity ( FVC ) as a percentage of predicted value ( FVCPP ) as indicators of lung function .

    研究者用用力第一秒呼气量(FEV1)和用力 肺活量(FVC)和其预期值的百分比(FVCPP)作为肺功能衡量指标。

  • Effects of helium-oxygen mixture on vital capacity and maximal expiration flow volume curve

    氦氧混合气对 肺活量和最大呼气流速-容积曲线的影响与评价

  • An investigation is made on 1653 college students aged 18 to 24 in good health about their Vital Capacity ( VC ) and the Breath-Holding Time ( BHT ) .

    对年龄在18~24岁间的1653名健康大学生的 肺活量和屏气时间进行了调查。

  • Analysis of Measuring Bacterial Number and Vital Capacity Before and After Wearing Mask

    戴口罩前后细菌培养和 肺活量检测结果分析

  • The geographical distribution of the normal reference value of forced vital capacity of middle-aged men The influence of carvedilol on Pd of young men in good health

    中年男性用力 肺活量正常参考值的地理分布规律卡维地洛对正常青年男性P波间期离散度的影响

  • Little seconds form minutes percentage of forced expiratory volume in first second to forced vital capacity

    一秒一秒构成一分,第一秒用力呼气量占用力 肺活量百分率

  • After the experiment in vital capacity group compared with control indexes increased significantly .

    实验后实验组在 肺活量指标上与对照组相比呈现显著性提高。

  • AIM : To compare the effect of helium-oxygen mixtures containing 80 % helium or 60 % helium on vital capacity ( VC ) and related index .

    目的:比较含80%氦和含60%氦的氦氧混合气体对 肺活量及其相关指标的影响。

  • The level of lung capacity and vital capacity of body mass index from high to low Nantong Nanjing Xuzhou .

    肺活量和 肺活量体重指数的水平从高到低依次是南通、南京、徐州。

  • The test of vital capacity should select the dynamic indexes reflecting the function of heart and lung ;


  • The total amount of air they could blow out after a deep breath was also measured ( Forced Vital Capacity FVC ) but there was little effect on this measure .

    最大 肺活量是指在深吸气之后呼出的最大气量,它与肺功能没有太大关系。

  • Flow controlled can be adjusted as per people 's vital capacity and labor intensity .

    流量控制器具有可调节性能,可根据人员 肺活量 大小、劳动强度自动调节。

  • Result The students morphological development indexes improved apparently but the vital capacity decreased .

    结果学生形态发育水平明显提高, 功能下降。

  • The level of Operational thinking and vital capacity can meet the requirement of selecting juvenile football players .

    操作思维能力和 呼吸机 符合少儿足球运动员选材标准的要求。

  • The geographical distribution of the normal reference value of forced vital capacity of presenile women

    老年前期女性用力 肺活量正常参考值的地理分布规律

  • All patients had a decrease of pulmonary function with an average of 52 % of normal vital capacity .

    所有患者均有不同程度的肺功能减退,最大 肺活量平均为正常值的52%。

  • Forced vital capacity increased 16.11 ± 1.79 % . The difference was very significant .

    用力呼气 肺活量平均提高16.11±1.79%,两组间有极显著差异;

  • Results Total lung capacity residual volume vital capacity diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide and PaO_2 were all decreased though the first second ratio breathing frequency and PCO_2 were increased .

    结果:肺总量、残气量、 肺活量、肺一氧化碳弥散量和PaO2显著的减少,而FEV1%/FVC、呼吸频率和PCO2却增加。

  • Overweight and obese primary school pupils of the lung capacity is higher than normal weight while the vital capacity index was significantly lower than the normal weight students .

    超重、肥胖小学生的肺活量高于正常体重小学生,而 肺活量指数明显低于正常体重小学生。

  • The geography distributing rule of Chinese old men ′ s vital capacity based on factor analysis

    基于因子分析的老年男性 肺活量与地理因素

  • The aim for the step test and measurement of vital capacity is to infer the function of cardiovascular system and the level of pulmonary ventilation function for the students .

    进行台阶试验与 肺活量测量是为了推断学生心血管系统机能状况、肺通气功能水平。