vital problem

[ˈvaɪtl ˈprɑbləm][ˈvaitəl ˈprɔbləm]

[法] 生死攸关的问题

  • Corporate property arrangement is the vital problem that the corporate governance structure tries to sort out .

    公司财权安排是公司治理结构所解决的 关键问题

  • Meanwhile brain drain is also a vital problem for the high-tech firms .

    同时,人才流失 问题也是高新技术企业 面临的另一个 急需 解决 问题

  • The relationship between central government and local government is a vital problem among the affairs of state and how to handle it directly relates to the unification of nation the stability of politics and the development of economy .

    中央与地方关系是国家生活中 至关重要 问题,如何处理中央与地方关系,直接关系到国家的统一、政治的稳定、经济的发展。

  • Thirdly the protection and limitation of the freedom of association is a vital problem .

    再次,结社自由的保障与限制构成了结社自由中的一个非常 重要 问题

  • Threads and synchronization primitives solve the vital problem of diversity of the threading API 's on different platforms .

    线程和同步 原语解决了线程API在不同平台上的区别导致的 问题

  • The state of ecology and environment of the west areas is a vital problem for Chinese ecological safety .

    西部地区的生态环境 状况对我国的生态安全 至关重要

  • It is a practical and vital problem to repair or self-repair the fractures .

    裂纹的早期修复,特别是自修复是一个现实而 重要 问题

  • In process of agricultural modernization industrialization and urbanization the growth of human capital investment of rural manpower is a vital problem concerned with the improvements of workforce 's quality life and employment and China 's national economy and social stability in a long-term .

    在农业现代化以及工业化和城市化的进程中,农村人力资本投资的增长是关系到劳动力素质提高,生活与就业条件改善,以及促进我国国民经济与社会长期稳定发展的 重大 课题

  • Science and life is a vital problem that have been overlooked or misinterpreted all along .

    科学与生命是一个长期被忽视或曲解的 重大 问题

  • This paper discusses the vital problem applying Causality Dia-gram to fault diagnosis of complex system .

    文章讨论了将因果图用于复杂系统故障诊断的 关键 问题

  • The analysis of profit and loss is a vital problem for business management decision .

    盈亏平衡分析是企业经营决策中的一个 重要 问题

  • Unripe technology and low degradation efficiency is the vital problem to deal with the refractory organic pollutant recently .

    认为目前对难降解有机污染物的生物处理 存在 关键 问题是技术不够成熟,降解效率还不高。

  • Death & life alike is a vital problem of human life .

    死亡和生存一样,都是人生的 重大 问题

  • Ecological crisis has been a vital problem on a global scale .

    生态危机已成为全球性关注的 重大 问题

  • Improving farmers ' income is a vital problem in agricultural and rural development .

    农民增收 困难 当前农业和农村发展中要 解决 首要 问题

  • This is a vital problem it is not a theoretical problem nor one that can be postponed-it demands action now because the catastrophe is obviously coming .

    这是一个 严重 问题,不是理论问题,也不能再推迟不解决–必须立刻行动,因为灾难显然已经到来。

  • With the rapid development of technology and social economy the deficiency of Resource has been the vital problem interfered in the improvement of social and life quality .

    在技术和经济加速发展的同时,资源环境 问题已经 成为阻碍社会发展和生活质量提高的因素。

  • Advanced mathematics teaching in Engineering course is a vital problem in the reformation of teaching .

    工科高等数学教学是教学改革中的一个 重要 问题

  • Our country is a developing one with very large population and more than half of people are peasants . The vital problem of Chinese agricultural and peasants is how to deal with our rural surplus labor .

    我国就是一个发展中的人口大国,农业、农民、农村问题是我国的 基本 问题,而农业和农民 问题最根本的又是农业剩余劳动力的转移问题。

  • How to change the unfavorable situation becomes the vital problem the enterprise faces .

    如何改变不利局面,成为公司需要面对的 首要 问题

  • How to access the battlefield information stealthily timely and accurately has been a vital problem .

    如何隐蔽、及时、准确地获取战场信息成为一个 至关重要 问题

  • Researched some vital problem in realization the application integration .

    研究了具体实现的若干 关键 问题

  • So how can we get high quality random sequence generator has become a very vital problem .

    因此如何能够得到高质量的随机序列发生器就成为了信息 安全 重点 研究 问题

  • A vital problem in information security and cryptography is to enable parties to communicate secretly and reliably in the presence of an adversary .

    信息安全和密码学中的一个 核心 问题就是保证通信的参与者能在一个有敌手存在的环境中进行秘密可靠的通信。

  • Stern vibration damping is a vital problem in ship design .

    尾部减振一直是船舶设计中的 关键 问题

  • Concurrency control is the vital problem in the research of distributed database .

    分布式并发控制是分布式数据库研究的一个 重要 方向

  • Environmental acidification is one of the vital problem in global change . Soil acidification is a major field of environmental acidification .

    环境酸化是全球变化中的一个 重要 内容,土壤酸化是环境酸化的一个重要方面。

  • With the rapid development of internet the security of internet has become a vital problem .

    随着计算机的联网,网络安全就成了一 问题

  • With the complication of the interference pattern how to suppress nonstationary wideband interference signal is the vital problem .

    随着干扰样式的复杂化,如何有效地抑制各种非平稳的宽带干扰成为 重要 研究 课题

  • The population is consistently a vital problem with a close relation to the social development of China .

    人口问题始终是和中国社会发展密切相关的 重要 问题