

n.脏腑脏器内脏,内容内脏,腑脏( viscus的名词复数 )

  • Effects of selenium-enriched yeast on performance viscera index and hematological variables in rats

    富硒酵母对大鼠生产性能、 脏器指数以及血常规指标的影响

  • Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax .

    外伤性横膈破裂后,腹内 进到胸腔会造成和急性压力性气胸相似的症状。

  • In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position

    脏腑 辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位

  • The holism of TCM holds that the body is the integration of various viscera tissues and organs with separate physiological functions .

    整体观念认为,人体是具有不同生理功能的各种 脏腑组织和器官所组成的整体。

  • Non-logic coding was favourable to distinguish the hollow viscera and its wall .

    应用非逻辑编码方式,利于对中空性 脏器及管腔壁层组织结构的辨认;

  • To cause ( someone ) to judge prematurely and irrationally . First the physiological development of the adolescents is nothing more than the changes in their body viscera and sexual maturation .

    使产生先入之见使(某人)做出不成熟和非理性的判断青少年的生理发展不外是身体外形、 机能和性的成熟等 变化。

  • Occasionally the organism digests its way through the intestinal wall and invades other organs and the viscera .

    有些时候微生物会消融肠道壁去侵入其它器官、 内脏

  • The research result indicated that much experimental and clinical research were carried on around the effect of kidney on brain were short of the research on the effect of brain on the five viscera of tcm .

    研究显示目前所做的实验与临床研究多是围绕肾对脑的影响而展开,尚缺少脑对中医 五脏的影响的研究。

  • Objective To explore the effective anaesthesia method to avoid the dread cry and uneasiness which result in the increased eye pressure and the prolapsus of eye viscera before the operation to the children who suffer from eyeball perforation .

    目的探讨避免儿童眼球穿孔伤术前恐惧及哭闹不安,导致眼压增高和眼 内容脱出的麻醉方法。

  • Want to maintain an order the operation excises sicken viscera reach hospital of department of gynaecology .

    要想保命,手术切除患病 脏器,到妇科医院。

  • The peritoneum follows the surfaces of the pelvic viscera and walls ( Fig2 ) with differences between the sexes .

    覆盖于盆腔 层和壁层的腹膜(2)性别而存在差异。

  • If the viscera function disorder whole appears on the imbalance of Yin and Yang disease .

    如果 五脏功能失调,则整体上会出现“阴阳失调”的疾病状态。

  • When the scalpel is used for cutting a liver a spleen a kidney and other substantial organs blood vessels are not required to be blocked and damage to the functions of certain viscera is reduced .

    这种手术刀作肝、脾、肾等实质器官切割时,不需阻断血管,大大减少了某些 脏器功能的损害;

  • Eye is closely related with five viscera there 's thesis on it from many doctors in generations .


  • Clinical syndromes because of viscera function partial toxin is strong weak syndromes in the teeth oral mucosa and tongue positions have different degrees of it with .

    临床证候因 脏腑功能 失衡 偏,邪毒之强弱,证候发于牙齿,口腔黏膜及舌质部位亦有不同与轻重之殊。

  • Viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humans .

    屠宰过的动物 内脏和零碎,一般认为,人不能食用。

  • Relationships between vasculature and viscera can be demonstrated as well as vascular patency thrombus or calcification .

    同血管的开放度、血栓或钙化一样,脉管系统和 内脏之间的关系可以清楚显示出来。

  • The pathological changes in a certain area of the human body are often related to the condition of the viscera Qi blood Yin and Yang in the whole body .

    人体某一局部区域内的病理变化,往往与全身 脏腑、气血、阴阳的盛衰有关。

  • The acute-phase response to infection is associated with metabolic changes in dynamics of trace elements iron zinc copper and selenium in serum and viscera .

    感染的急性期反应伴随微量元素铁、、和硒在血清和 内脏中的动态变化。

  • Even the ugliest human exterior may contain the most beautiful viscera .

    即使是人的最丑的外表,也可能包藏着最美的 脏腑

  • Used for chest cutting of pig ox sheep etc. to clean viscera and split the carcass .

    用于猪、、等牲畜的开胸以便 操作 人员对胴体的 内脏及劈半之用。

  • Spirit governs the functional activities of viscera and tissues as well as the ciriculation of Qi and blood .

    神主宰着人体 脏腑组织的功能活动与气血的营运。

  • The acupuncture treatment of viscera angina .

    各种 内脏绞痛的针灸治疗。

  • Edible viscera of a butchered animal .

    可食用的屠宰过的动物 内脏

  • ( Scotland ) made of sheep 's or calf 's viscera minced with oatmeal and suet and onions and boiled in the animal 's stomach .

    (苏格兰)将羊或小牛的 内脏和燕麦、板油、洋葱一起切碎,放在动物胃里煮。

  • Venereal except damage reproductive organs outside still can cause of viscera and systemic disease such as gonorrhea and syphilis visceral damage can occur .

    性病除了损害生殖器官外,还会引起 内脏和全身的病变,例如淋病、梅毒都可能发生内脏损害。

  • They may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera .

    它们可能长得很大而压迫临近 脏器

  • Imbalance between yin and yang disorder of Qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians .

    阴阳失调,气血失常、经络和 脏腑功能紊乱等。

  • Blows the bamboo happy activity not only to be able to strengthen nervous system 's resourceful flexibility moreover can also increase the viscera as well as a part of muscle 's active mass .

    吹竹乐活动不仅能增强神经系统的机敏灵活性,而且也能增加 五脏六腑以及一部分肌肉的活动量。