visceral pericardium

[ˈvɪsərəl ˌpɛrɪˈkɑrdiəm][ˈvisərəl ˌperiˈkɑ:djəm]

[医] 心包脏层(心外膜)

  • The result shows that the intact big secretory granules ( 1 μ m ~ 4 μ m ) coated with membrane could be seen on the surface of the visceral pericardium .

    结果显示: 心包表面可见完整的大型膜包分泌颗粒(1μm~4μm);

  • Here the pericardial cavity has been opened to reveal a fibrinous pericarditis with strands of stringy pale fibrin between visceral and parietal pericardium .

    图示纤维素性心包炎,在心包 和壁 之间可见白色绒毛状的纤维素。